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The Old Games
Jul 17 2008, 9:57 am
By: Wormer
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Jul 17 2008, 9:57 am Wormer Post #1

Hey guys! Do you remember the times when dinosaurs where walking down the earth?.. :><: Agrh!..

And seriously, I want to discuss really old games here. People knew how to make good games back in time! Do you remember them? What old games do you know? What is the oldest game you can remember? What is your favourite one? Here I am listing my favourite games, most of them are masterpieces of their time others are just fun! What games from the list do you know/remember/heard of? Please post!

Another World
Star Control 2 (starcon)
Electro Man (ebody)
King's Bounty 1, 2 (kb)
The Lost Vikings (vikings)
Serf City (Settlers?)
Dune 1, 2
Golden Axe
Bumpys Arcade Fantasy (bumpy)
Metal Mutant
Prince of Persia 1, 2 (prince)
The Incredible Machines 1 (tim)
Civilization 1
Alley Cat
Prehistoric 1, 2 (pre)
Dangerous Dave (some parts)
Tom and Jerry
Lion King
Scorched Earth (scorch)

and many many others I cant remeber right now!..

Also more recent ones:
Command and Conquer 1
UFO (from the first to the last)
Total Annihilation
Theme Hospital

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2008, 10:02 am by Wormer.


Jul 17 2008, 12:19 pm Centreri Post #2

Relatively ancient and inactive

I'm not into old old games, but the ones that I liked were Doom 1 (my first video game, I think :P), and those that I still like like Worms or Heroes III.


Jul 17 2008, 1:36 pm Zycorax Post #3

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Most of the games you've listed is too old for me to remember. The oldest game I got is probably Whiplash, which I still play :P I also got one of those 12-in-1 Game Boy gamepacks from the early nineties, which includes Super Mario Land, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue, Battle City and Penguin Land among others.

Jul 17 2008, 2:42 pm Echo Post #4

Anyone remember's microman? I think that was one of my earliest games ever. I guess I only had the demo since whenever the boss came I just died, or I just sucked.
Anyone remembers this? Or am I too old skool.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2008, 3:26 pm by EcHo.


Jul 17 2008, 3:14 pm Fisty Post #5

Quote from Centreri
I'm not into old old games, but the ones that I liked were Doom 1


Jul 17 2008, 3:38 pm Falkoner Post #6

Dig Dug, Keen I, II, III, and IV, Alleycats, Duke Nukem(I had an old one), Lemmings, Golden Axe, and Snake.


Jul 17 2008, 4:51 pm RIVE Post #7

Just Here For The Pie

Contra... duh!


Jul 17 2008, 8:00 pm Corbo Post #8


I remember golden axe.
Was pure pwn :P

fuck you all

Jul 17 2008, 8:22 pm Hug A Zergling Post #9

:P i didnt really grow up in the era of old games, but still love em. Best games ever were:
Wolf 3D
Duke Nukem
Rescue Rover
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter 2

and thats all I can remember right now :P


Jul 17 2008, 8:46 pm poiuy_qwert Post #10

PyMS and ProTRG developer

Ah yeah those were the days. Here is a good site for old games:

Jul 17 2008, 8:54 pm Hug A Zergling Post #11

:D i just downloaded Mortal Kombat 2 from it! But Doom's not for download :(


Jul 17 2008, 10:25 pm Fisty Post #12

Quote from Hug A Zergling
:D i just downloaded Mortal Kombat 2 from it! But Doom's not for download :(
When you manage to get Doom, and want even more epic maps than anything in existance, download
...Then ask for some of my maps :P


Jul 17 2008, 10:26 pm Symmetry Post #13

Dungeon Master

Lemmings and scorched Earth <3

Those were the only two I remembered from that list.

Ohh, I remember a fairly old game ('93). God of Thunder. Fucking awesome puzzle game.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jul 17 2008, 11:23 pm Vi3t-X Post #14

Quote from Echo
Anyone remember's microman? I think that was one of my earliest games ever. I guess I only had the demo since whenever the boss came I just died, or I just sucked. Anyone remembers this? Or am I too old skool.
I played microman when I was only 3. Best game ever (that is... before I discovered StarCraft like a year later...)


Jul 17 2008, 11:41 pm Cnl.Fatso Post #15

First video game I ever played: Mega Man 3 at 2 years old or so.

Favourite game of the '90s, no exception, is TIE Fighter. Second goes to Mega Man X. Favourite of the '80s (though I did not live in that decade) is Contra.


Jul 18 2008, 1:07 am BAGLES Post #16

Old games that I liked?
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate II
Fallout 2
(Yes, that's right, they're all RPG's)
I liked Contra too, and the other one's (That is, the sequels to it). Though, I must admit, I never did play the original Doom, it kinda makes me feel bad about myself. Oh, also, I forgot to mention Tiberium Sun, which was probably my favorite RTS of all time until I realized no one actually plays it online -.-


Jul 18 2008, 1:32 am Hitok1r1 Post #17

Super Mario RPG.
Enough said.


Jul 18 2008, 12:34 pm Wormer Post #18

You know, old games really mean much to me. For me it is a nostalgia. I've played lots of different games when was a boy. I had an unique chance. My mother was a teacher of informatics at school and many of those old games I've played there when I was about 5-6 years old. It was between 1992-1993 I think. There were many games at school... you know, pupils bring different games. Few people had PCs at home at that time and the school was the place where all games were gathered. I remember little about that times, but computer games of that time engraved inside my head forever. I dont remember their names, but when I see the picture I say: I've definetly seen this game somewhere!

The most memorizable games are (from most to least): Another World (this is definetly a masterpice of it's time, the first game using vector graphics; I've passed it through from the beginning to the end at least 3 times in my life), Starcontrol II (also a masterpice, it's even hard to compare with the first game, because they are so different), Electro Man, The Lost Vikings, King's Bounty (the grandgrandfather of Heroes), Settlers (aka SerfCity), Prince of persia (especially the first two parts)... have you, have you played these games???

Quote from Echo
Anyone remember's microman? I think that was one of my earliest games ever. I guess I only had the demo since whenever the boss came I just died, or I just sucked.
Anyone remembers this? Or am I too old skool.
Yes, this is the type of an old game of that time! You're not too old school) Unfortunately I've not ever seen the game you're talking about.

Quote from Falkoner
Dig Dug, Keen I, II, III, and IV, Alleycats, Duke Nukem(I had an old one), Lemmings, Golden Axe, and Snake.
I know almost all games you've listed. They all are good but not the ones that stir, mabe just Alleycats and Golden Axe.

Quote from RIVE
Contra... duh!

Hmmm, something very very familiar! Cant remember quite well...

Quote from poiuy_qwert
Ah yeah those were the days. Here is a good site for old games:
Exactly! Thanks for the link! There are more:

Quote from name:Killer_Kow
Lemmings and scorched Earth <3

Those were the only two I remembered from that list.

Ohh, I remember a fairly old game ('93). God of Thunder. Fucking awesome puzzle game.
Ah, yes! Those two are good! You say God of Thunder?.. hmmm the name says nothing to me :(

Quote from BAGLES
Old games that I liked?
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate II
Fallout 2
(Yes, that's right, they're all RPG's)
I liked Contra too, and the other one's (That is, the sequels to it). Though, I must admit, I never did play the original Doom, it kinda makes me feel bad about myself. Oh, also, I forgot to mention Tiberium Sun, which was probably my favorite RTS of all time until I realized no one actually plays it online -.-
These are good too, but a bit more recent. Fallout without a question is a masterpiece.


Jul 18 2008, 1:30 pm Symmetry Post #19

Dungeon Master

Quote from Wormer
Quote from name:Killer_Kow
Ohh, I remember a fairly old game ('93). God of Thunder. Fucking awesome puzzle game.
You say God of Thunder?.. hmmm the name says nothing to me :(

You sir, are in luck! It's freeware. It can be downloaded here!

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jul 18 2008, 2:45 pm Doodle77 Post #20

Blob Factory :D


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