How do you detect that a player has unallied or unally victoryied someone? [/F'ed Spelling]
I used deaths of "Foes", defined by a player's alliances list. Non-allied victory players are defined by players that don't have allied victory and/or are not mutual allies in their alliances list.
I only thought that your map had the Anit Zerg Mineral Hack. I didn't realize that you had pretty much everything, besides the EUD Map Hack triggers...
You even have the same idea to make the Phantom gain more ore/gas each time instead of just giving the Phantom ore/gas every trigger cycle.
Well, if you say that it could bug up, I will just forget about using it. It really doesn't give a player that much of an unfair advantage to playing a Phantom Game. If it were to give some unfair advantage, besides just fast unally and unvision, which really is not a big deal, then I would place it in, even though there is a tiny chance that it could bug up. Thanks anyways though. If you have any other ideas PM me.
You see, I pretty much hate hackers altogether, so I figure if they have autounally, they will have a stats hack, among others as well. I just use this as a quick and easy way to boot hackers from the game quickly.
You see, I pretty much hate hackers altogether, so I figure if they have autounally, they will have a stats hack, among others as well. I just use this as a quick and easy way to boot hackers from the game quickly.
Yeah I might use them now. It its another method of finding a hacker then yes, it is worth the small chance that it can bug. Plus most people don't even know how to turn it off, so if there a noob hacker, they will loose, when someone, which is usual in Phantom, unallies someone who is hacking.
You really should. Honestly most hackers that could potentially ruin games in public phantom games will have auto-unally turned on, which means the second anyone unallies them, they unally them in response, and then you can have the map crash them. and the hackers dn't even have to know that that's what you're doing.
You really should. Honestly most hackers that could potentially ruin games in public phantom games will have auto-unally turned on, which means the second anyone unallies them, they unally them in response, and then you can have the map crash them. and the hackers dn't even have to know that that's what you're doing.
Its not really that much of an advantage.
No it's not really an advantage but it's an easy way to catch and remove hackers before they can screw up the game, a way that will remain intact regardless of memory locations and new versions (as long as hackers/hack makers remain relatively unaware of the method). We have people unallying hackers to see if they auto-unvis (to test hack) already and it's pretty reliable in pub phantom games. So catching them this way makes sense and banning them helps the games. If they are doing this they have other hacks as well, ones that are an advantage. btw im pretty sure someone else already said this exact thing...
Quote from name:Pr0ntobye
You really should. Honestly most hackers that could potentially ruin games in public phantom games will have auto-unally turned on, which means the second anyone unallies them, they unally them in response, and then you can have the map crash them. and the hackers dn't even have to know that that's what you're doing.
Its not really that much of an advantage.
You completely missed the point.
No it's not really an advantage but it's an easy way to catch and remove hackers before they can screw up the game, a way that will remain intact regardless of memory locations and new versions (as long as hackers/hack makers remain relatively unaware of the method). We have people unallying hackers to see if they auto-unvis (to test hack) already and it's pretty reliable in pub phantom games. So catching them this way makes sense and banning them helps the games. If they are doing this they have other hacks as well, ones that are an advantage. btw im pretty sure someone else already said this exact thing...
Yeah it was Vi3t-X but he mentioned a flaw in his triggers that could mess it up. Yes it is another method of catching a hacker but I'm really not too concerned about it, for now at least. I have bigger things on my plate, and this could simply be added in at a later point. Even if they have other hacks that could potentially ruin the game, the main ones that could effect anything are already
Quote from name:Pr0ntobye
You really should. Honestly most hackers that could potentially ruin games in public phantom games will have auto-unally turned on, which means the second anyone unallies them, they unally them in response, and then you can have the map crash them. and the hackers dn't even have to know that that's what you're doing.
Its not really that much of an advantage.
You completely missed the point.
I wonder who actually took the time to figure out each and everyone of these triggers and there address.
Hmm, I wonder why you don't think that I spent the time looking for these addresses and there values... <_< Anyways, I didn't create these, look for them, or for that matter, do anything but copy and paste these from another map. I think it was one of the Oblivian Hack creators, ~Zynestor who must have spent the time searching for these. Sort of ironic but who cares, we have them right.
BrontoByte, ur taking or giving credit to someone who doesn't deserve it.
I MADE THESE TRIGGERS... All you have to do is read map description and see that i made them...
they are used in AHer map series, EG map series, and IntrA map series...
Zynastor didn't make shit.
u don't even know how they fucking work so just stfu wow
sorry for being so mad but... i was the one who made these triggers... and these triggers are outdated. I got new ones where the hackers will drop without even having to toggle map.
my new ones drop other hacks like zerg mineral hack etc
don't spread my triggers please...
They have to inject data into the memory, and I know that using hacks will often mess up EUDs intended for non-hacking SC games, so it must change something in there. But it seems to me that depending on the hack different data may be injected.. Although he may have simply detected to see if data was in the wrong place, rather than detect the new data.
Actually Falkoner the EUD's do not detect "map hack" or any type of "file" that was injected. All it does it detect the Fow, or Fog Of War. It detects when it is removed or set in different states.
brontobyte... please don't post about stuff you are clueless about
that's not how these triggers detect maphacks
the triggers detects text like Maphack: FULL / Maphack: LITE / Maphack: OFF, and then drops the person who sees those messages..
my new antihack triggers work slightly different tho
and btw.. i made that phantom map, BGH map, antihack fastest map
read the description and u'll see... "Antihack Made by iCafe.Moto"
and i gave my new antihack triggers to beBoy to use on his new Cat N' Mice maps
Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 26 2008, 6:13 pm by Clokr_.
There's no need to flame anyone. And avoid double posting.
I believe me meant that Zynastor found the offsets, not the actual triggers themselves.
Quote from name:Dark_Marine
Zynestor who must have spent the time searching for these.
Zynastor is really a nice fella, he keeps harmful hacks from being spread, like this one he made that crashes SC if you click his game in the game list. (It was too many characters long, but if you you typed it out and entered a ton of spaces till you couldnt, it let you right in)
He's shown me that hack, it was really quite amusing.