Felt in the touch of your hands
Felt in the flavor of yours lips
Like a nightmare I don't want to wake from
There is no hurry, she says
Deception in ears like a melody
Thruth through your eyes is spoken
Painful words of a bitter lie
Don't hold my hand like that
My desire for your caresses grows
But this isn't what I wanted
You take me somewhere I can't go
Held tight and firmly pulled
Ahold to let go and suffer then
Why waiting? The time is right
Uncertainty of what they call desire
A lie is what this is, and that's all you are
Never told promises of happiness and pleasure
All reduced to ashes, what we chose to be
All reduced to waste, what we chased to live
I'd go anywhere with you, but I can't go there
I'd do anything for you, but I can't do this
Of all things you ask is my life you can't have
For to lose myself or kill my will I won't
Stabbing my own heart rather than hurting you
But now for you death though certain is random and opportune
A minute, a second gone cut by the swing of life
How easy it is to lose what to build took a life
There is no love but this confusion now
But ti all comes down to this moment
This sweet taste of a living lie in my lips
Taste the soft temptation that turns bitter
Don't you even touch my hand
Never told promises of a now broken will
Last chapters of a life reduced to pleasant lies
Lay in my now lonely grasp
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