Real or fake? Hope its real, I'll buy one of those babies maxed out w/ vista premium so fast if it turns out to be legit.
this too shall pass
Cheap, but the OS sounds horrible in terms of security.
You can get them w/ no os, ubuntu, xp, vista, or leopard.
this too shall pass

STF mod creator, admin, staff
Dear Praetor:
Links always help for the lazy. Like me.
Summary of Psystar incident:
Company comes out of nowhere claiming to sell $400 desktops capable of running Mac OS X, and they'll even install it for $160, although you could do it yourself. The computer is called OpenMac. Several days later, they change the name to OpenComputer, which they claim had nothing to do with Apple but was a choice they made themselves. Soon people notice that they can't order computers because Psystar has no credit card processor. Somebody decides to check out the address, which leads to a house in Miama. Later that day, the address changes to a warehouse that has never heard of Psystar. People begin to suspect Psystar is fraud. A day or two ago, the owner of the company released a statement. He said the reason they couldn't accept any orders was because their credit card processor had dumped them after they were suddenly flooded with a large number of requests, suspecting of working for a fraudulent company. He said they had gotten a new one, so they will be taking orders again. I don't remember if they explained the changing address incident.
This whole time, Apple has taken no legal action against them and made no comments on it. This has all happened in about a weeks time.
The address incident was sorted, apparently they had a typo on the address and they have now moved to a $6 million dollar warehouse/office, which they are renting or leasing. They have put up a sign, and people from Engadget and other sources have seen staff go in and out.
this too shall pass