just love these guys. Valve has this magical way of putting so much character into them.
My favorite so far still remains the Engy, though.
Aren't the trailers a bit late? lmao sandwich.
It's late all right. But that is just beyond hilarious.
They made them all late, but they're fun to watch nonetheless. I love them all!
Cocky little fellow isn't he. They did do a good job giving him a unique personality

. I laughed at the paart that he ate the Heavy's sandwich

. I love all of the "Meet the (insert class here).'s"
Valve picks the set of personality traits that best suit each type of character. But they all have one thing in common: They're completely off their rockers! The Soldier is a delusional war monger, the Heavy is a ludicrous numskull, the Engy is a good-natured genius completely in his own little world, the Demo is riddled with personal issues making his personality like the weapons he uses, and the Scout is Mr. I-can-take-on-the-whole-fucking-world lil' guy.
Black Irish Cyclops... My Fav.
I like the soldier...totally illogical..."and that's why they call it A ZOO!"
but god...this personality type fits a scout so well.
Scouts, followed by Snipers, followed by Spies, are win.
Just got the Orange Box today. D:
*goes off to inform brother that Scout's "Meet The" is out*
Gah. I can't play TF2 reliably 'cause I'm stuck on a wireless network. I'm just stuck with playing Portal and the HL2 episodes d:

STF mod creator, admin, staff
I love the "Meet The" videos. Fantastically animated and expressive. Exploding with wit and personality. I do hope they manage to finish all the classes. It really makes you appreciate the direction they took TF2 in.
Anyone see
Ignis Solus? It's a well-done machinima set in TF2. The title is latin for "Burn Alone."

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
The Scout is one helluva fragile, still bloody annoying bastard! *Proud to be a Scout player*
Black Irish Cyclops... My Fav.
He's Scottish. The demoman is my favourite video, I'd know.