This topic really doesn't belong here, I know that there is really no forum for this kind of thing, but this is for help, not a showcase.
Maybe the in production forum? Maybe in that a subforum for team like v4?
It sounds pretty interesting
i would like to join Project Progress. is there anything i must do to join?
I will join if I get more details.
Lol, I just realized this topic wasn't made by Oo.SOLAR.oO. This totally changes my viewpoint on this project. At first I was thinking "What is this Clan Oo crap Solar is doing?" But now I think it's a cool idea
thats... nice? this sounds like a great idea, i am also starting something similar, except its not for map-making. it is for game-creating. more details to follow, if you are interested, post here or email/aim
I will join too: what do I have to do?
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 2 2007, 12:05 am by AfterLifeLochie.
So what kind of maps do you want to create? I'm making a huge capture-the-flag map, & I have a design-document -- so I have reasons for every object on the map, & that the abstract design is done, but it will take a long time to complete it myself.
So do you have certain projects to work on, or can you just start working on others abstract designs?
hmmmm, i'll join too, i'm just practicing terraing right now... so i dont have any maps in progress yet.
timetable? historic battles?
yea, the minigames gets boring after a short time because you learn the optimal solutions for victory, & all that matters after this is discovered is luck & speed of kicking...
I PM you...
Lol, I just realized this topic wasn't made by Oo.SOLAR.oO. This totally changes my viewpoint on this project. At first I was thinking "What is this Clan Oo crap Solar is doing?" But now I think it's a cool idea
O crap, I thought this was the solarball creator/sniper solar. If it was I wouldn't think this delusional.
It's not a bad idea, I'd just want someone smarter and more experienced at the head of it. I have a hard to taking orders from people i know I'm better than.