Staredit Network > Forums > Portal News > Topic: Attachments
Sep 4 2007, 9:03 am
By: Forsaken Archer  

Sep 4 2007, 9:03 am Forsaken Archer Post #1

You can now add attachments to your posts. All attachments are sent to you to be downloaded, so images won't pop up... mostly because I dunno what exactly I should do yet:

Attachments in messages? Not yet.
Deleting attachments? Hopefully soon. (If you delete an attachment from a post that you already submitted, it does not delete the attachment, only your instance of the attachment).


Sep 4 2007, 2:00 pm purple100 Post #2

Ah, the joys of programming.

It's a step in the right direction. Now we can send maps without having to host them on another site.


Sep 4 2007, 6:36 pm Xx.Doom.xX Post #3

Hooray! :}


Sep 4 2007, 8:44 pm ATG Post #4

yipi! :mudkip:


Sep 5 2007, 1:59 am Nintendo_Confed Post #5

YAY for attchments!!!


Sep 8 2007, 1:14 pm spinesheath Post #6

make it like on Blizzforums, that you can view a list of all the attachments you uploaded so far. That way you can remove old attachments without having to search for the thread you attached it to.


Sep 8 2007, 4:53 pm Forsaken Archer Post #7

It will be like that in "your settings" eventually... with a detailed list and including any other people linking to your attachment (which you can do by [ attach=x ]


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[05:24 pm]
Vrael -- CUT IT OUT
[05:24 pm]
[05:01 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: actually I am mad after all, looks like you're gonna have to follow through
didn't I by posting the note?
[04:59 pm]
Ultraviolet -- actually I am mad after all, looks like you're gonna have to follow through
[04:59 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :lol:
[04:46 pm]
NudeRaider -- damn, and here I was prepared and got chatgpt to rephrase it a bunch of times for more people to join the bandwagon. :D
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- lol it's fine, I was just being sassy :P
[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- maybe my browser window didnt update or something funky
[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- lol sry UV, I must not have read that? I couldve sworn I was the next person to say something after CAFG but clearly based on timestamps I was 4 hours later
[03:18 pm]
Vrael -- :teach:
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