Sup gamers,
So ya basically what the title says.
Started about 2 weeks ago after not editing for idk, 1-3 months
Program seems totally fine until trying to save a map. When you click save, frozen, have to end task.
The weird part is, it glitched the 1st time about 2 weeks ago, then I just tried again and I was actually able to save a map, but just that once. Now ever since it's freezing everytime.
Also interestingly, in my recent file activity the maps that are trying to save actually show up, so I'm able to open SCMDraft thru those specific maps, but it doesn't open the map itself of course, cause it never saved.
Gives error: Could not load a map via command line (my maps folder path), then some other stuff, in the SCMDraft chatlog box.
Tried reinstalling SCM several times. Could 1 or more maps in my maps folder somehow be corrupted or something?
Super weird, never changed my maps folder location or SCMDraft stuff. Just out of the blue a couple weeks ago, as mentioned. And yes everything else about the program seems just fine.
Thanks for any ideas,
Hey guys,
So I semi fixed it, it seems. Still very glitchy but I am able to save now, so far. I had to reset profile settings to default again. Now it crashes periodically, and often, but at least I can save.
An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Historically, this issue has happened when the backup database becomes too large. If this is the cause, you can fix it by cleaning up your backups under "Advanced > Open Backup Database", or going into your install location and deleting backupDB.scmdDB if you want to wipe it out entirely.
Ah ok thanks Roy. By overload do you mean if I might have too many maps?
I'll try that backup stuff out sometime then, thanks
An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Too many backups could be too many maps backed up, or it could be too many backups of one or a few maps. Backups create full copies of the map, so large maps (e.g., ones with large wav files in them) will quickly increase the database.
At some point (around 2GB), the backup database makes ScmDraft so unstable that attempting to add a new backup will cause the application to crash. It tries to create a new backup when saving the map, so this could be why it crashes when you save.