Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: How To Make A.I. Reaver's & Carrier's Build Scarab's
How To Make A.I. Reaver's & Carrier's Build Scarab's
Jun 20 2022, 10:42 am
By: Volumes  

Jun 20 2022, 10:42 am Volumes Post #1

Looking to have the A.I. capable of doing this on it's own in UMS. Thanks!


Jun 20 2022, 10:46 am Volumes Post #2

I guess the interceptor's part got cut off but I'm looking for Reaver's to build scarab's and Carrier's to build interceptor's on their own in UMS


Jun 20 2022, 2:01 pm GGmano Post #3


its in a trigger action function add unit to hanger or modify unit hanger, you have to have scarabs and or interceptor awaliable(they must not be disabled) for the function to work, and they have to be free of cost or computer has to have the income to buy the scarabs interceptor.

Yes you can make both reavers and carriers rebuild scrarabs and interceptors,, if you dont wanna do it in trigger the computer actually rebuilds em automatic when beeing attacked, if they have the ressources to buy em and the scarabs and interceptors not disabled

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

Jun 21 2022, 4:04 am Volumes Post #4

Thanks a bunch for the response! It seems to be working now but for some reason my carrier is only launching between 1-2 interceptor's at a time even with 10 built. It also has a long enough timer between patrol commands so that other units can attack just fine such as Dragoon's.


Jun 21 2022, 4:53 am GGmano Post #5


Quote from Volumes
Thanks a bunch for the response! It seems to be working now but for some reason my carrier is only launching between 1-2 interceptor's at a time even with 10 built. It also has a long enough timer between patrol commands so that other units can attack just fine such as Dragoon's.

Is hard to say what the issue from that info

A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl

Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy

The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added

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