8456 is better than the lousy WASD controls.
Controller unless forced to use stupid keyboard, then arrow keys.
8456 FTL, what's moving the mouse... [unless you're a lefty, then it's A-OK]
I hear ESDF is better [more keys to play with] but I'm so used to WASD that my hand automatically goes to it [even when i'm planning to type.]
Let me show you how to hump without making love.
I use arrow keys for doom, wasd for everything else.
My doom controls are:
z = strafe left
x = strafe right
lctrl = fire
alt = strafe (never used)
arrow keys = forward/backward/left/right.
Thank god for auto targeting.
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
A = forward
S = back
D = left
F = right
also I use mouse to look around
it's great when you get used to it; your fingers will be comfortable
Relatively ancient and inactive
ESDF for the win. Trying to convert from WASD, succeeding.
8456 FTL, what's moving the mouse... [unless you're a lefty, then it's A-OK]
8456 FTW. I'm both lefty AND righty. 8456 is a lot more comfortable than WASD and ESDF.
By the way, on the first page I gave a full list of lefty controls.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 18 2008, 12:04 am by KrAzY.
I have always loved using WASD. I used to use the arrow keys, but I realized that when you use your right hand on the mouse and your left hand on the arrow keys, you are leaving the whole left side of your keyboard uncovered. I have always used the spacebar to jump, and my left thumb is always on the spacebar, so that works out perfectly. I will use my pinky to crawl, which is holding down the left shift button. Professionals in the game I was playing always said the arrow keys were so much better, but I honestly cannot get used to it. There are no buttons around the arrow keys, and that's probably why I find it uncomfortable.
This was a huge debate on this on Epic forums a while ago.. people really got into it
They said the arrow keys were better? I'm still loving my YGHJ (my friend says I'm weird), and I also get to press right alt with my thumb (useful for sprinting, and I can hit the spacebar with my pinky if I ever need to do both). I have a new keyboard now, which is nice and sexy to use.
They said the arrow keys were better? I'm still loving my YGHJ (my friend says I'm weird), and I also get to press right alt with my thumb (useful for sprinting, and I can hit the spacebar with my pinky if I ever need to do both). I have a new keyboard now, which is nice and sexy to use.
That's one hell of an idea.
Typically, though, in wasd, I use q, e, r, x, c, lctrl, lshift, space. It seems that yghj would use t, u, i, b, c, space, ralt. Same keys, different location. Not to mention, in wasd, the alternative keys you hit are significantly larger than anywhere else. I use tab a lot, as well as caps occasionally.
Also, it doesn't work on split keyboards.
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
They said the arrow keys were better? I'm still loving my YGHJ (my friend says I'm weird), and I also get to press right alt with my thumb (useful for sprinting, and I can hit the spacebar with my pinky if I ever need to do both). I have a new keyboard now, which is nice and sexy to use.
That's one hell of an idea.
Typically, though, in wasd, I use q, e, r, x, c, lctrl, lshift, space. It seems that yghj would use t, u, i, b, c, space, ralt. Same keys, different location. Not to mention, in wasd, the alternative keys you hit are significantly larger than anywhere else. I use tab a lot, as well as caps occasionally.
Also, it doesn't work on split keyboards.
With YGHJ, I can pretty comfortably use r, t, u, i, o (maybe), s, d, f, k, l, x, c, v, b, n, m, comma, space, ralt. It just depends on how many keys I need. Also, caps is pretty annoying if you ever have to type anything.