Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Legends of Magiek RPG
Legends of Magiek RPG
Jul 16 2020, 2:16 am
By: Draelren  

Jul 16 2020, 2:16 am Draelren Post #1


Legends of Magiek

[color=#CE091D]// [b]INFORMATION
  • Tileset: Jungle
  • Genre: RPG
  • Player(s): 1-6
  • Dimensions: 256 x 256
  • Size: 5,227 KB

Quote from PLOT
You wake up in a town, only knowing you have a great drive to do the bidding of the mages guild which has woken you. You start out slowly, building your experiences up to recover the strength of your mind and body, both of which are damaged almost beyond recovery. As you make your way through the world of Magiek, you learn not everything is as it seems...

Quote from PLOT
I learned death counters while building this map, so some things are tracked with unit moves, and unit counts, and some are death counters. I plan to move everything over to death counters eventually, but it's a slow progress since I already devoted 3 months of dev time to this, and fiance is wanting me to be done for now. This is my first map I've completed from start to finish, hope you all like it.

Quote from TO DO
// TO DO
[*]Add 2 or more additional spells per class

Quote from UPDATES
  • 07/27/2020
    Added in EUD support
    Name change to the Protoss Gateway
    Fixed a spelling error in quest dialog
    Disabled archon warp so icon isn’t available for High Templar hero
    Laid groundwork for new quest system
    Revised terrain by Flemy added!
    Fixed a bug where the boss fight warning would display, even if the Cave Troll was dead
    Moved Cave Troll and other units so you can’t preemptively start the boss fight.
    Fixed an issue with spawn camping
    Balance changes to Psi Storm, added +10 upgrade levels to up60, then set energy cost to 75
    Reenabled Hallucination, set for 200 energy
    Gave High Templar hero an attack, 25 damage, +3 per up
    Added ‘Attack’ button for HT hero
    Altered the buttons on the barracks to reflect their purpose
    Disabled upgrade requirements to eliminate need for loose buildings
    Removed the need for supply depots to create units from barracks
    Removed science facility building for 2nd class ability creation
    Condensed all upgrades into a single weapon/armor upgrade from barracks
    Removed old mana system from game
    Removed reward for killing allied heroes
    Made Mages at the outpost vulnerable to attack by boss
    Removed location that destroyed a building if lifted
    Made the Supreme Mage hallucinations at 187 be vulnerable
    Added a new teleport location at the wasteland outpost
    Changed game to center you on skill point allocation, and THEN your hero
    Added energy being set to 100% when you heal, by potion or spring water
    Disabled ability to damage allies with splash from firebat, and psi storm
    Changed reward for killing units to better reflect their difficulty in game
  • 07/16/2020
    Patched a bug where a malicious player could cause lag by messing with the mana system.
    Moved mana system, leveling system, health system, respawn system, and all other hero tracking to death counters.
  • 07/15/2020
    Thread created.


Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Jul 27 2020, 8:19 pm by Draelren.

Jul 16 2020, 9:18 am Oh_Man Post #2

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

This was pretty awesome, I played up until the troll caves, the new settlement, until taking a break.

Reminds me of Death Knights 3. Loved the variety of quests and monsters, and finding new towns and new quests. Levelling system is simple and satisfying. I found playing solo as Hydralisk I was able to methodically make my way through everything, so I worry that with six players it will be too easy, but maybe you accounted for that?

I found the music too repetitive so I turned it off. For an RPG of this length there needs to be more variety in the song, and maybe different songs as you get to different areas.

Also I think having only one spell is too simplistic for this RPG. I'm guessing everyone shares the teleport back to town and the heal spell, so that leaves only one unique spell per character.

I also wish you would activate the trigger that mutes unit sounds, but maybe that's just my own preference.

The boss battle was pretty challenging and killed me, so I kited him up to the water ponds and I was able to finish him off there. I enjoyed the prompt warning you of an upcoming boss battle (building suspense) and his roar ability pulling you in range of his melee attack.

I look forward to playing this at the next LAN with a full crew. Well done.

P.S. Remember: love is fleeting, but Starcraft is forever. :lol:

Jul 16 2020, 2:19 pm Draelren Post #3

Quote from Oh_Man
I worry that with six players it will be too easy, but maybe you accounted for that?

Yes! Some bosses scale for players, and I plan to add more variety as the party grows in size also, I already am working on version 1.1 patch with converting more over to death counters, and adding a bit more complexity (while also keeping it simpler in the coding)

Quote from Oh_Man
I found the music too repetitive so I turned it off. For an RPG of this length there needs to be more variety in the song, and maybe different songs as you get to different areas.

I had originally planned on 3 pieces of music being in the game, one up until the 2nd town, and then one specifically spliced into boss fights as well. But the fact that I can't stop a wav file from playing and start a different one turned me off to it. How do other maps time this better? Do I need to split that one song into say 10 second segments or something? Sorry, still new to this, first full map I've done! haha

Quote from Oh_Man
Also I think having only one spell is too simplistic for this RPG.

Fully agreed! Currently in the works on making 2 more per class, and may bring the total way up higher also, fiance was getting a bit annoyed at the 3 month dev time already, so I wanted to release it rather than put it on the back burner while I develop more ideas, and push a release down the line with the added abilities.

Quote from Oh_Man
I look forward to playing this at the next LAN with a full crew. Well done.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it at least! The website ( will also have the most stable release always available to download at the top as well. I haven't added all content or lore to the site at all, it'll be a slow progression to get it all up... there is a LOT of content and storyline, and I'm still flushing out the concepts for acts 2 and 3. (5 total currently in my head)

Jul 16 2020, 2:55 pm Oh_Man Post #4

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Good stuff.

You can split sound files into smaller sections with Audacity, then time them with DCs. You can even clone all the split sections and add fade outs to each of them, then activate a fade out and fade in to the next track when music changes, DJ-style.

Jul 16 2020, 3:38 pm Draelren Post #5

Post updated with new version.

7/16/2020 @ 11:40 AM
Version 1.1a.177

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 16 2020, 6:41 pm by Draelren.

Jul 21 2020, 5:36 pm Oh_Man Post #6

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

I just completed it. Didn't see that plot development coming... :P

Solid boss battle with the shield keeping him immune forcing you to switch targets, but it felt a little static especially for a "Supreme Mage". Shouldn't he be throwing more spells at you?

There was a typo as well when you enter the caves for the first time which beguns the "final battle sequence" however you describe it. When all the Goliaths are being destroyed. It said "cable" when it should say "able". This was a great battle sequence which built hype for the upcoming confrontation with the warlock, I must say.

Looking forward to the finished product. :thumbup:

Jul 22 2020, 8:21 am MidNighTime Post #7



Jul 27 2020, 12:29 am Butch Post #8


simple but fun map. Understandable as its your first. Can recommend playing this if u wanna do a fun little grind for an hour or so. Looking forward to an update or maybe a new map to expand on what you have here.


Jul 27 2020, 9:04 am Draelren Post #9

Quote from Butch
simple but fun map. Understandable as its your first. Can recommend playing this if u wanna do a fun little grind for an hour or so. Looking forward to an update or maybe a new map to expand on what you have here.

Update requested, and just for you I made it! jk, been working on it for days.

But it's up! Lots of changes! Hope everyone likes the new streamlined gameplay.

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