Stranger: I know what you’ve done. I know who you are, I know that you think what you’ve done is an act of fate, that heaven and earth and all the heavenly bodies aligned for you to be in that room at that particular time with those particular conditions but make no mistake, this is not an act of fate, there is no one there for you, there will be no one there for you and so it ends for you, right here, right now, this is how you die because, yes, you were wrong but you were wrong in time, in the wrong place and in the wrong conditions.
- Silence follows in the dark of the night –January 5th, 2020 (Day Morning)
- Vibration –
- Vibration intensifies –
- Francisco Tárrega’s Gran Vals plays -Voice on the phone: We’ve found another body. You might want to hurry up and see this…
Out the window one could see the green of the trees starting to show up, oddly, in the beginning of winter. It was as if earth was getting warmer and the blazing summer coming sooner this year. Sadly, the window belonged to a room where something terrible had happened. Unimaginable to almost every human, this scene was sadistic, the body like a puzzle one had to try his skills at solving, though placed in an orderly fashion, as if one would teach an anatomy class with this scene, one could easily identify all body parts and pick them up for display. Almost a work of an artist, though a very sick one.
There was a clue this time, or several, as this was Corboland’s top detective in there. Chopped up to pieces with only his hands and eyes missing. There was bound to be something in his desk back at the 27th precinct.
Oddly, the room was empty, empty clean, it was another motel room for sure, but this one had no bed, no furniture, no equipment, nothing but four walls, as if earth had sucked everything but the detective’s body. Only the window’s glass remained and, on the floor, the body of a very dead
FaRTy1billion placed precisely in the middle.
===============================FaRTy1billion is now dead.
It is now Day Morning.
Players may now plot and decide who to put in jail for the afternoon.
Players remaining: 7.
fuck you all