explain why free refund and the option to change composition is wrong?
Because it changes the character from a laid-back strategy game to a hectic game of who can (re-)build the fastest.
I dont think he was annoying at all, it made me happy seeing how he likes my work and gives me Credit for it. For whom would that be annoying?
Caps are widely regarded as the online equivalent of shouting. So you can use it to put emphasis on something, but being yelled at for several long sentences in row is just annoying and unnecessary. Has nothing to do with the content of what's being said.
the gameplay is not that hectic, as i mentioned above no one can change a full spawn within the timer cycle, refund used in small amounts like a full game of me playing full power ends with a refund amount around 60-80 buildings for a full game, no players change a full spawn in the end, we all know that would be impossible to do and if you tryid you would lose units on spawn, changing small amounts is used end game, changing 4 or 5 buildings per spawns is possible. the game is not like 300 apm hectic but you need be focused on alot of stuff and thats where the speed matters. this gameplay doesnt not allow relaxed games. you can agree on opponent refund not allowed or just not use it. i played several games where enemy not using it yet playing or giving me a good challenge. refunding buildings like 5-15% power dependant where in game its used. its surely possible to play me ds map relaxed, but its opposite also possible to play it very competative, with intensive games. Theres many players who dont use refund yet still likes my map, cause its good in many other ways, and when 2 players not using refund meet than its laidback game for em both. I think youre misunderstanding how the mechanic work or something i dont know, cause its not 300 apm game, but you need think fast on what you wanna spawn and act fast apm between 60 and 80 for fast play is more than enough, laidback plaeyrs have 20 to 30apm, but with 70apm you also need look several spots on map which dont add apm yet still takes time to look at map to get an overview etc.
You know counterstrike proffesionels dont have much apm but they have skills in reactiing and aiming the pointer very fast and precise, the skills my ds is abit of both speed in aiming on map getting a fast view but also having an medium fast apm. a pro game can feel hectic but theres nothing wrong in that, making a ladder between better and weaker or more laidback players is surely ok. i often play it laidback cause im way ahead so i dont need using much speed.
I dont think he used caps to shout out loud negative, i think he used caps to point out that he likes map alot, i dont see how you can feel annoyed from that, and its me he compliments with caps text, its not like he talking bad of map in cap letters, hes caps letters is meant in a good way. shouting out a compliment how can that be annoying? i feel like you have some premeasured openion, but im not sure, i dont even know if you played the map, last time i asked you said you had not tryid it. and if you would try you would need to learn the map to review it anyway. If caps is interpredet as shouting on the net, than theres still difference on positive shouting= cheering on a team/person, or shouting as demostrating or arguing against something, the last option is ofcourse annoying, but the first option is positive and surely not annoying neither for the person whos beeing cheered on, or for someone else unless they have an issue with the team or person beeing cheered on. i just find it weird how you think a compliment on my map, said with caps or no caps is annoying to you,
a professinel scbw melee player on fighting spirit can win playing a laidback game vs a low level player with ease, same you can say on my map.
heres a replay to evaluate, im having a nub on team kinda we end up winning i on and off go here and write while play, is clear i play it super laidback and have nub on team yet i win vs two mediate players
Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Dec 15 2022, 11:50 pm by GGmano.
A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl
Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy
The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added