Full Map Info:
Triple Race Turning this mode on allows players to use all races to build the best spawn possible. In triple race you cant crossbuild. In triple race you can get all the race abillities to each race. Advanced, Intensive and Fun battles. Offers the highest level of strategy.
Turning this mode off than players can only use a single race that they have picked or got. In Team (2s or 3s) single Race you can crossbuild more about that later. single race offers simple but good strategy games. This mode is the most played mode
Heroes Random Spawns 1 of 8 options option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4 option 5 option 6 option 7 option 8
Engine bay (1 A Stuckov 1 Jim R 1 Samir Duran) (3 Jim R) (3 Jim R) (1 A Stuckov 1 Jim R 1 Sarah K) (1 A Stuckov 1 Jim R 1 Sarah K) (2 Jim R 1 Samir Duran) (2 Jim R 1 Samir Duran) (1 Jim R 1 Sarah K 1 Samir Duran)
Bunker (3 Jim R vultures) (3 Jim R vultures) (2 Alan Schezar goliath) (2 Alan Schezar goliath) (2 Alan Schezar goliath) (2 Alan Schezar goliath) (2 Edmund dukes tank) (2 Edmund dukes tank)
Turret (1 Norad) (1 Hyperion) (1 Norad) (1 Hyperion) (1 Norad) (1 Hyperion) (1 Norad) (1 Hyperion)
Evolution chamber (1 Torrasque) (1 Torrasque) (1 Torrasque) (4 Devo lings 2 Hunter killer) (4 Devo lings 2 Hunter killer) (4 Devo lings 2 Hunter killer) (5 Hunter killer) (5 Hunter killer)
Spore (1 kukulza g 1 kukulza m) (2 kukulza muta) (1 kukulza g 1 kukulza m) (2 kukulza muta) (1 kukulza g 1 kukulza m) (2 kukulza muta) (1 kukulza g 1 kukulza m) (2 kukulza muta) if 3 spores you get 1 xtra kukulza muta in spawn always.
Forge (2 Fenix zea) (1 Fenix zea 1 Fenix goon) (2 zerarul dt) (1 Tassadar archon) (2 Fenix zea) (1 Fenix zea 1 Fenix goon) (2 zerarul dt) (1 Tassadar archon)
Canon (1 Danimoth arbiter) (1 granthedor carrier) (1 Danimoth arbiter) (1 granthedor carrier) (1 Danimoth arbiter) (1 granthedor carrier) (1 Danimoth arbiter) (1 granthedor carrier)
The first two of All hero buildings is price reduced. The first hero building is price reduced by 10%, the second hero building is price reduced by 5%. All hero buildings have 1% loss when refunding those
Abillities Description 1 of 3 levels level 1 level 2 level 3 Hints
Marine ability Gives a dropship that sends out sends out 1 marine than 1 gui montag(hero bat) sends out 2 marines than 2 gui montags(hero bat) sends out 1 Jim Raynor(marine) than 1 Alexei Stuckov(ghost) The marine ability level 1+2 is best vs zerg, level 3 is best vs terran but also good vs toss
paratroopers with 5 seconds interval than 1 medic than 1 ghost than cycle starts over again than 2 medics than 2 ghost than cycle starts over again than 1 Samir Duran( ghost) than 1 Sarah K(ghost) than cycle starts over again In team play with more than 1 terran only 1 should do the ability cause it stays alive
Wraith ability Gives a disrupting hero vessel called It does Evasion (every 4 sec) to all allies within radius of 16 It does Confusion (every 20 seconds) + Evasion. Confusion It does Dispelling (every 10 seconds) + Confusion + Evasion. Dispelling removes All Level 1 is good against all races. Level 2 is best against toss and terran (cause zerg devourers have long range). Level 3 is best against toss but can be ok vs zerg(if swarm) abit weak vs terran.
Magellan it does various effects from magellan (turns units invinsible for short periods of time) makes enemys move away from their targets (radius 12) Dark Swarm + Disruption Fields for Allies + Foes + Dispels Cloaking field for wraiths (radius 6) In team play with more than 1 terran only 1 should do the ability cause it stays alive
Zergling ability Gives a Bloody Nydus Worm It kills all nearby It spawns a 30% Health Bloody Nydus Worm. It spawns a 60% Health Bloody Nydus Worm. It spawns a 100% Health Bloody Nydus Worm. This ability best vs protoss ground mass, zerg melee units and terran firebats + medics. Weakness vs Reavers, Tank, (if no swarm Hydra, Guard, Marines, Ghost, Gols and Bcs)
ground units and leaves a trail of blood It Heals up to 30% every 8 seconds It Heals up to 60% every 8 seconds It Heals up to 100% every 8 seconds In team play with more than 1 zerg it can survive good at max level (sometimes survies two spawns, 250hp 100%) but doin the ability all players sometimes best. It depends on Race setup.
Mutalisk ability Gives an Overlord Infestor (yggdrasil). It transforms all It spawns a 30% Health Overlord Infestor transforming units into It spawns a 60% Health Overlord Infestor transforming units into It spawns a 100% Health Overlord Infestor transforming units into This ability works good with air mass defending it. It also detects. Its best vs no air dmg ground units like mass tank spawn or mass reaver spawn or ultra, zergling. Weakness all air dmg
ground units under it into infested units every 2,5 seconds Inf. Kerrigans, Inf. Terrans, Inf Durans. It Heals 30% every 8 sec Inf. Kerrigans, Inf. Terrans, Inf Durans. It Heals 60% every 8 sec Inf. Kerrigans, Inf. Terrans, Inf Durans. It Heals 100% every 8 sec In team play with more than 1 zerg it can easly survive two rounds at max level (1000hp 100%) so doin it only 1 player is the best option in most of the cases. unless you against strong anti air spawn
Zealot ability Gives Healing Warbringers (Hero Reavers). They Heal Spawns 2 Healing Warbringers Spawns 4 Healing Warbringers Spawns 6 Healing Warbringers This ability very strong vs mass units like marines hydras, but is also strong vs other units like melee zealots, zergling, bats and medics. It does high dmg good vs heroes and bloody nydus worm.
their shields every 4 seconds Weaknesses goon, tank, ghost with lockdwn, Inf. Kerrigans and all air especialy guard and bcs. In team play all players should get em cause they spawn every time
Scout ability Gives Healing Mojos (Hero Scouts). They Heal Spawns 1 Healing Mojos Spawns 2 Healing Mojos Spawns 3 Healing Mojos This abillity works best vs weak anti air and combos good Dweb from corsairs. Weakness Hydra mass, marine and gols combo, corsairs, devourer and bc mass. Magellan removing dweb does make em weaker too.
their shields every 2 seconds In Team play its good for all players to get em cause they spawn every time.
Ability mode works together with random hero mode. If hero and ability mode is off you get refunded when making the ability units. If hero and ability mode is on you can get ability units when you have 5 gas(income level)
Temple Reinforcements
This makes each team spawn 30 hero units when their temple defense dies
Spec mode
This option turns specs done by players on or off. All Specs cost 6000 vespene gas. Nukes at top or bottom your base upgrades the vespene gas income
Terran spec called Deathtrap does sets ally units invisible and enemies 1% health for a period of 30 seconds. it also creates 4 sieged edmund dukes at enemy temple and moves all tank + some bc and goliats to enemy temple too just to do a small amount of damage on temple. This spec is good as counter or as first hitter at countdown seconds timing 1 min and under. Timing on this is best creating it at 1 min mark countdown seconds.
Zerg spec called Infestation it does transform all enemy ground into infested units (inf.kerrigan, Inf.Duran, Inf.Terrans). It also kills most of all air units but not all. It does very strong and fast damage on temple a good first hitter spec. abit weak as counter but can still be strong. Timing on this spec is best creating it at 18 countdown seconds.
Protoss spec called Mindcontrol. It does mindcontrol half of all enemy units, the left over units is instant killed. This spec offers medium strong and fast damage on temple and offers medium strong counters. Best timing on creating this spec is 23 countdown sec
While gaming doin good counters will always be the best choice spec wise. But since the vespene gas amount is not continues shown on leaderboard its hard to always do perfect counters, making first hitters good too especialy if only need to do small amount of damage on temple.
Spec speed mode normal or fast
If spec mode is on either normal or fast speed spec income is choosen.
Normal spec makes the income alot slower and upgrading the speed with nukes rarely good. only at very even games upgrading spec speed with nukes can be good 1 level above enemy is enough. This mode can be good to choose in 3v3 games so players cant do that many specs, making the game abit weird with all those spec.
Fast spec makes the income alot faster and upgrading the nukes is often good. If your temple has taken alot of damage and your out of booms or you having really weak spawn nukes will be bad. This mode is good in 1v1 and 2v2 games
Income speed mode normal or fast
Income speed Normal makes the game alot slower, it also means that any building you make has bigger value for your spawn push. The spawn only changes little by little from spawn to spawn. This mode is rarely played but some likes it.
Income speed fast makes the game alot faster, it also means that you can change you spawn type alot from spawn to spawn. The income time is limited to 37 minuts from game begins so it has both tactic/timings on when to start gas and when to stop gassing. This is the most played income speed mode. Theres a full gas mineral bonus when you fully gassed without delay.
Income speed per sec lvl 0 (0gas buildings) lvl 1 lvl 2 lvl 3 lvl 4 lvl 5 lvl 6 lvl 7
normal 8 9 10 12 15 20 27 37
fast 16 18 20 24 30 40 54 74
Delays on gassing
normal 0 seconds delay 7,5 seconds delay 15 seconds delay 30 seconds delay 45 seconds delay 60 seconds delay 90 seconds delay
fast 0 seconds delay 15 seconds delay 30 seconds delay 60 seconds delay 90 seconds delay 120 seconds delay 180 seconds delay
The income speed and the delays are made after long times testing the speed. The small jumbs on first two gasses makes it weak to gas at start but also really short delay, the larger jumbs on higher gas makes it weak to stay behind on gas. It makes Timing more crucial.
Bonus Income
Theres a middle bonus when your having ai forces above the mid point on battle field. It gives a bonus to your income when you not delayed. The bonus is determined by your number of lvl income (gas buildings) it pays out from this factor code 1+1 x your lvl income. For excample you on lvl 3 income than you get 1+1x3=4 minerals per second, if you on lvl 6 income you get 1+1x6=7 minerals per sec in bonus
Theres a bonus on the booms amount your team haves too. this bonus is really small. It pays out bonus from this factor your team has 3 booms pays out 1/25 minerals per sec, your team has 2 booms pays out 2/25 minerals per sec, your team has 1 boom pays out 3/25 minerals per sec, your team has 0 booms pays out 4/25 minerals per sec. So that bonus is very small but it helps making a come back if you get pushed early and need make a boom.
Refunding buildings
Any normal building can be refunded with 100% payback. Any Hero building can be refunded with 1%loss. Refunding buildings can be good using early battles, if you need to switch the units you spawn or make a fast gas after your spawn you can do this with ease. Carefull with refunding at countdown timer 0 sec than it might bug and you wont get refunded. Refunding buildings mostly only used at start of game.
at lvl 2 income you get an invest400 powerup. If you move the powerup to temple in your base with 400 minerals you will invest 400 minerals and after 3 minuts is passed youll get back 700 minerals in return of your investment. Its abit like half a gas building with no delay on income
at lvl 3 income (if you more than 1 player in your team and triple race is off) you get a crossbuild option powerup. using this is not always good. If you buy it, it will reduce your income amount by 6-8% so it affects your income its not free, that said it can be really strong too. it offers your team the oppotunity to combo different races units (some combos is really strong playing triple race will teach you such combos).
For excample zerg toss combo vs two terrans can be really strong making swarm with strong toss ground units is really good. Or if terran zerg comboing devourers with terrans fast attacking units like marines while it also combos guards and bcs slow but long range thats really strong too.
at lvl 4 income you get an invest700 powerup. If you move the powerup to temple with 700 minerals you will invest 700 minerals and after 5 minuts is passed youll get back 1400 in return of your investment. Its abit like a gas building without delay on your income
at lvl 5 income you get an instant spawn powerup. If you move the powerup to temple with 350 minerals you will spawn instant. It can be really good tactical move to make either to help killing enemy temple defense or to save silo if beeing pushed. This powerup is often really good to use unless your enemy have been gassing full strait away (depending on how many buildings you have its cheap to spawn instant for 350 minerals.
at lvl 6 income you get a lotto ticket powerup. If you move it to temple with 300 minerals you have 50% chance of winning 700 minerals. No other lotto pays back this good. Mostly its good to use cause you loose less than you have chance of winning.
All powerups offers tactical stuff while given players other stuff to do while gassing and building. It makes the game play intresting. Thats all the map info i can give you on ds classic, the unit balance you must learn by playing
all this info was made in excel hence its not so well placed here hard to read but the info is there
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 16 2020, 12:24 pm by GGmano.
A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl
Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy
The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added