How was the eud sanc 2 made has bugged me for a long time now. I have an idea about how it was made, and recreated a few time locked maps myself using HAT. It was python based stuff and hardly releasable, so I decided to make this. It's only alpha (and will be for a long time now) and probably full of bugs that I didn't even consider testing.
The user interface is simple:

You load settings (that contain a session data, everything you set can be saved in that), and a map. Then everything becomes editable and you can mess with settings, add sounds (original from EUD Sanctuary 2, from your own map, or any sound file from your computer). You can also tweak your map and add touch revive, sanctuary colors or leaderboard.
You can leave those unchecked if you have these things in your map already (like if your map handles kill sounds, leave gunshot unchecked).
To use barrier, you must perform units recalculation. This is done automatically by the library, and you can adjust the values additionally.

Hyper triggers are stripped, you can replace map name, map description and set initial mission objectives, all in one place (korean friendly).

There are numerous limitations for using this tool:
- STR if f**ked up and you can only have like 5kb of your own string data (should be enough for no very talkative maps)
- UPRP is f**ked up (this is a work on progress). Using triggers like "Create units with properties" will lead to either broken units or worse.
- LOC is f**ked up (you can only use like 200 locations instead of full 255)
- You will probably need to use additional compressor to deflate the final map file (work in progress as well)
- Time lock triggers crash after map expires? (A feature)
- If you used EUD Editor to alter any aspect of the map, you should expect undefined behavior (by this tool and even sc)
- EPD Editor is fine though. EMP is parasite, so you can even mod it further with it
- Touch revive is ore based, any map that utilizes ore will break it
- Background music cannot be turned off?
- Hyper triggers break the EUD part. Before using the tool, remove all hyper triggers
- Slot 7 must be a computer slot (has the EUD stuff). Slot 8 doesn't get abilities (work in progress)
- Condition "Elapsed time is at least 3 seconds" will be added to all your triggers, so if there is a trigger with 16 conditions, expect a crash
This tool is highly experimental, and you should always have a backup of your map before using it. If you find a bug, please report it here.
Source files are located here.
Post has been edited 25 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2019, 10:05 am by T-warp.