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When One Domino Falls (RELEASED)
May 23 2019, 12:01 pm
By: IlyaSnopchenko
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Jul 9 2022, 1:59 pm Zincoshine Post #61

Quote from IlyaSnopchenko
So let's consider this a little anniversary.
I'll take a shot of cretan raki to celebrate. I need to finish up this bottle asap anyway.


Jul 9 2022, 4:06 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #62

The Curious

Yeah, me and Pete already talked about it today. Time does fly.
Few more screenies (more or less recent).

They say a really big bunch of rabbits may kick a lion's ass if they gang up on it.

Dominion, you're S.O.L.

Damn straight, things are gonna roll downhill real fast now...

Reimagining some of the usual abilities.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Jul 9 2022, 8:45 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #63

The Curious

New test fresh off the press courtesy of C@HEK

Trial and error... mostly error.

Jul 10 2022, 6:39 am Zincoshine Post #64

If you look at the last image from a distance, it kind of looks like thanos giving the middle finger. Lol.


Jul 10 2022, 7:21 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #65

The Curious

I never thought it could be interpreted that way, lol.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Jul 17 2022, 8:21 pm stalwart ghostess Post #66

Quote from Zincoshine
If you look at the last image from a distance, it kind of looks like thanos giving the middle finger. Lol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nailed it

This campaign is so promising, I can't wait for it to the published!

~~~ Si vis pacem, para bellum ~~~

Jul 18 2022, 12:06 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #67

The Curious

Quote from Zincoshine
If you look at the last image from a distance, it kind of looks like thanos giving the middle finger. Lol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nailed it

This campaign is so promising, I can't wait for it to the published!
Just 3 maps to go. That and some portraits and voice stuff.
I've also been making changes to some existing maps as I'm inventing new stuff. For instance, I added a whole different phase to the first created map of the campaign, 3-2. It took very little time and effort though.
I also need to bring to the audience's attention that the sequel to the original story has already been started to be published by Peter. It will be encompassing the events of Brood War, give or take.
After I finish the present campaign, I hope to work on the sequel, too. It will require a separate modfile, though, because the unit/hero cast will be changing (not necessarily expanding in some areas...) and as it stands, I really cannot accommodate any more changes - I've edited pretty much every non-melee unit at this point. Zerg Marker is the last holdout but there's already a candidate to replace it. :D

Few more recent screenies.

When you tell a girl that "she's a vision", not often would you mean it literally.

Ultralisk, you're high on LSD, you're seeing things. Like firebats.

The debug feature of showing orders of a currently selected units is the source of endless fun when you watch the AI's units (it is made switchable, on/off). And yes this is a Zerg Drone carrying a Protoss vespene orb from an Assimilator and into a Command Center. This is, like, group xenophilia.
(And yes, this is the same monster Sargas Tribe player of mission 3-8).

Trial and error... mostly error.

Aug 15 2022, 8:11 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #68

The Curious

Today, we've decided to make public our very own discord server dedicated to When One Domino Falls -- both the story and the campaign. And the possible sequels too (which, for the written incarnation, have already been started by Pete). So come on in and join if you are interested in the project.

Speaking of progress, I'm working on mission 3-5 now, testing terrain blends in earnest for the first time to create more detailed and unusual (as far as my projects go, anyway) ambience. That's slowing my work down a little, though, as I'm unfamiliar with this layer of mapmaking. Big thanks to Sayoka for supplying some good terrain blends and saving me so much irritation trying to pick the right tiles.

...There will be stealth action again.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Aug 15 2022, 11:12 am Andrea Rosa Post #69

Just a glitch in the Matrix

Be careful man, terrain blending can cause addiction LOL

Everything's looking great so far, what is the estimated release date for this campaign?

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Aug 15 2022, 12:25 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #70

The Curious

Quote from Andrea Rosa
Be careful man, terrain blending can cause addiction LOL

Everything's looking great so far, what is the estimated release date for this campaign?
Wish I knew the answer! But I guess something at least will be released soon while I continue to tinker.
And yes, terrain blends are a frustrating (yet somehow addictive) pastime, though I won't go heavy on those as they'd take up too much time to properly implement - and I probably would skip going back to the already completed maps to implement them.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2022, 12:31 pm by IlyaSnopchenko.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 2 2022, 5:20 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #71

The Curious

The campaign teaser containing Arc 1 (6 missions and 2 cutscenes) is now released.
More information in the readme file found in the folder.
Reminding you to join the Discord server if you're interested:

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 4 2022, 7:35 am itq2012 Post #72

Hello, I did this remaster mode yesterday, and it was a pretty good mode, a satisfying one. However, it was regrettable that the number of missions was short. But I'm still looking forward to when the next part will come out. Always cheer up.


Sep 5 2022, 4:39 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #73

The Curious

Thanks. Actually much more is done but I've been a little stalled with further work.
No point in hiding (much) so here's the breakdown for what is done and what is not:
Tech - complete (but need to add a few custom graphics).
Arc 1 - complete.
Arc 2 - complete.
Arc 3:
Missions 1-4 (and 2 interludes that go between them - complete)
Mission 5 - about 40-50% complete.
Mission 6 - just about started.
Mission 7 - complete.
Mission 8 - complete.
Interlude 3 - not started.
Mission 9 - just about started.

Portraits from SC2 - not started.
Voice lines for units - mostly done (or should I say cobbled together from whatever random bits I could find).

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 11 2022, 8:42 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #74

The Curious

The teaser has been updated slightly with fixes for some of the issues found during Alex's latest test run, as well as optimizations for size.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 17 2022, 7:24 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #75

The Curious

Teaser updated and found at the same link posted above. The two main features are the new AISE used, which should fix the long standing issue of the computer player transports randomly becoming stuck on narrow areas, and the taunts from the Dominion troops against your heroes when engaging them in combat.

And some more stuff to look at.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Sep 26 2022, 7:30 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #76

The Curious

Alpha version of mission 3-5 aka zerg06.scx (one of the "missing" ones) is done. The map can be completed although there's still work to be done to make it reasonably challenging.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Oct 15 2022, 8:43 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #77

The Curious

I've finished working on mission 3-5 (zerg06.scx) a couple days ago, am reasonably satisfied. Yesterday work started in earnest on mission 3-9 (zerg10.scx) which is the finale of the campaign. From there, I'll only have to do mission 3-6 (zerg07.scx) which is barely started, and the interlude before the final mission, which will use (modified) parts of the terrain from 3-9.

I'm also re-testing some of the older maps, and doing some little changes here and there.
Reminding you to join the discord server if you're interested (invite link in the first post of the thread).

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 15 2022, 11:07 am by IlyaSnopchenko.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Oct 15 2022, 5:54 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #78

The Curious

Mission 3-5 gets the shiny brand new test by Alex!
Besides, it has a real anniversary today, exactly two years (you heard it right) since its inception.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Oct 29 2022, 6:50 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #79

The Curious

Progress report:
For the last 2 weeks, I've been toiling on the grand ending, mission 3-9. Also spun off an interlude to precede it.
The mission is roughly equivalent to the final mission of the canon Starcraft, "Eye of the Storm". Only it is larger (256*256), has even more players (2 allies, 4 enemies), and will have some unexpected stuff.

When I'm done with that, the only stumbling block will be mission 3-6.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Nov 10 2022, 3:36 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #80

The Curious

The last (although not the final) map of the campaign is finished trigger-wise, now on to the exhaustive testing (if it wasn't exhaustive enough before...) and balancing.

Just one more map (3-6) remains to be done. I'll probably have to start over, however, rubbishing whatever sketch I've created this past Spring.

So hopefully it will all be done by the New Year, though I hate setting deadlines - I'm superstitious. :)

Trial and error... mostly error.

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