"Executors, Commanders. All systems are online. We are ready for launch." -- Researcher Lasarra, chapter 44 (aka mission 3-8).
Many people were waiting. Some have likely lost faith by this point. At least one has expressed his belief that this was never going to happen. However, we are happy to prove him wrong and everyone else right.
The WHEN ONE DOMINO FALLS campaign is finally finished, tested and released for general public. Is it complete? Yes. Will there be updates? Most likely. But the new part of this story has begun. Download and play it!
Today, July 9th, 2023, is the 5th anniversary of starting the work on it. On this day in 2018, the first map was created and made playable. On this day in 2023, the full project is presented for your attention.
Current version: 1.15 (released on 2024-09-29)
Source 1: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FRQq/ENn89zwoz (UP TO DATE)
Source 2: https://mega.nz/folder/8f8UlRQI#iA0qoxMXB-Cc8hr3tAATaw (UP TO DATE)
Source 3: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/uTzYQrpW20bCIA (UP TO DATE -- replaces Google Drive)
Video trailer courtesy of C(a)Hek:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAMU08Ow1pY (RU)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKn2k0R7CI8 (EN)
Video trailer by Slayerist:
The original story by Warchief: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10854777/1/When-One-Domino-Falls
The Discord server dedicated to the project and all of Warchief's StarCraft fanfiction: https://discord.gg/YH9bQuNmsK
The story now has its own TVTropes entry: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/WhenOneDominoFalls
--- snip --- Original message below.
I thought I might describe the project I'm working on now (on and off), since July '18.
If I have to be concise, it's a faithful (as much as possible) adaptation of a great SC fanfic I found online, called (you guessed it) When One Domino Falls by Peter (Warchief). https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10854777/1/ The fic is ongoing. Long story short, it's an Alternate Universe rendition of the vanilla SC campaign (with the author aiming to eventually cover Brood War too, and probably the later stages of the SC story; as of May '19 the published story goes up to the time of the Shadow Hunters aka mission 9 of the Protoss campaign). Since it's all there for your viewing (reading) pleasure, I see no point in being cryptic, so the story goes like this: someone warned the Magistrate (aka the Player Character of the Rebel Yell campaign) about what was going to happen at New Gettysburg (mission 9 of Rebel Yell), however vaguely, so he makes a contingency plan and (just) manages to rescue Kerrigan from the Zerg. A lot of stuff starts going differently from here - hence the title - and it snowballs into some very interesting situations down the line, although much of the stuff will still be familiar (including - cleverly - some signature dialogue lines from the source, although they may be said at some very different points than in the vanilla. My input is only situational since I'm only adapting the story - I'm adding some dialogue where the gameplay requires it, but not much.
Where do I come in here?
Once I had read most of the fanfic as it was then (new chapters had appeared since) I knew it had the potential for some interesting gameplay. Originally I created just one map without any data editing and/or custom AI Scripting (since I chose a slice of the story that was pretty straightforward gameplay-wise). After a few months I bit the bullet and started crafting the custom datafiles and AI Scripts with the invaluable help of Neiv and Nekron (I have to admit that my skills had become rusty in the 13+ years of inactivity wrt modding). I aim to add some custom graphics eventually as well. I've also contacted the fanfic author early on and got his permission, blessing, encouragement and some ideas, though we're not in frequent contact now because of him being busy IRL.
What it's going to look like?
I aim to create 29 maps, including 23 playable ones, which will replace the stock campaigns in Brood War - the mechanic is similar to what I did with my old projects.
The campaign will be mostly a Terran one but you will get to play Protoss a lot as well, and even the Zerg will get some prime time later in the missions.
Update 2022-09-02:
The campaign teaser containing Arc 1 (6 missions and 2 cutscenes) is now released.
More information in the readme file found in the folder.
And now for some visuals...
I've created loads of screenshots, and the older a mission is, the more screenshots I have of it. Therefore it comes as no suprise that I have a boatload of screenies of a Zerg mission I created first (it's now actually mission 6 of Arc 2). I also like it the most because of all the ultra-violence that can be seen (and also received / dished out

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Houston, we have a little problem here... (early version of the map 3-2)
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The "Brood War" has started a little early this time...
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A proper defense there. Or so I hope.
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Whoever said that the Reavers look a bit like Zerg had a point. They're also very good at crowd control...
(At first I thought that the feral zerg player clustering dozens of troops around the invincible remnants of the loyalist zerg hives they'd just wiped out was annoying. Then it occurred to me that it's a great additional challenge because these hive stubs are actually YOUR mission objectives, so you get a strong additional challenge of having to wade through huge swaths of enemy zerg to safely fulfill each of the objectives.)
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Fighting with numbers and guile, not skill or valor - this is how the Zerg do it anyway.
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Beating back a mass drop. This map has yielded a number of sick tactics that allow to win without taking huge casualties (except broodlings that are still killed in the hundreds): say, luring packs of enemy mutalisks and scourge into defensive emplacements comprising walls of spore colonies with stimpacked marines adding support fire.

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Mission 3-1. A xenophile's workday: probes and SCVs mining into a Zerg Hive.
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Finest insect exterminators for hire, using only certified artillery and armor.
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A Starcraft 2 character appears slightly before due time.
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On a distant shadowed world...
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Well, you guessed it. It's "In Utter Darkness" in SC1 (mission 2-5A).
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And the end result is going to be the same.
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The base is whittled down little by little until...
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...there's only one Protoss remaining, and he won't have that distinction for much longer.
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Mission 1-2. Dropping the hammer on the Zerg at New Gettysburg.
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Mission 1-3. The Ion Cannon is familiar, the rest... not so much.
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EXTRA: training a custom combat AI.
Post has been edited 36 time(s), last time on Oct 17 2024, 7:21 am by IlyaSnopchenko.
Trial and error... mostly error.