Does anyone have an idea about how the location triggering would work for the KOTK maps to create patterns with units. Like for example, in one of the maps, making a firebat would trigger the hero's location to create an X symbol with observers and then die instantly.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
What's KOTK? Usually elaborate explosion patterns are created using
mobile gridslike this:
What's KOTK? Usually elaborate explosion patterns are created using
mobile gridslike this:

Not sure if it's the same. is KoTK Knight of the King, a Korean map RPG style game.
54:40 - 55:20 is a good example of the pattern I'm trying to understand how it was triggered.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
Awesome! Any idea if you can clarify how this works. I read through the wiki, and I'm not sure if the triggers are messed up or I'm not understanding it correctly. So basically you're making at the bottom left of the map a grid system? Or do you center this on a unit and the location system follows accordingly?

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
You center it on a unit. Then you create a grid with units like in the gif above (which is slowed down so you can see what's going on).
The units
are your grid. So now you kill the units where you want an explosion effect to happen and you remove the ones where you don't. The trick is removing/killing them 1 by 1 in the right order.
This is where the gif helps to see how they are created and removed. Units are created in a counter-clockwise fashion. When you remove/kill/whatever them the leftmost is selected first. If there are multiple units with the same x coordinate, the unit with the highest unit ID (usually created last) will be selected first.
There's a lot more that goes into the spells than just mobile grids. They have
huge spells such as 50+ tanks spawning on top of your unit. On top of that, all the spells instantly attack upon creation (well, upon being moved to your unit). They are super intricate and I'm not sure anyone around here fully understands how they work.
[...] all the spells instantly attack upon creation [...]
I'm 99% sure this is accomplished by ordering patrol before moving the units, making them attack instantly.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
There's a lot more that goes into the spells than just mobile grids. They have huge spells such as 50+ tanks spawning on top of your unit. On top of that, all the spells instantly attack upon creation (well, upon being moved to your unit). They are super intricate and I'm not sure anyone around here fully understands how they work.
certainly. That's just not the topic:
[...]how the location triggering would work for the KOTK maps to create patterns with units. Like for example, [...] create an X symbol with observers and then die instantly.
You center it on a unit. Then you create a grid with units like in the gif above (which is slowed down so you can see what's going on).
The units are your grid. So now you kill the units where you want an explosion effect to happen and you remove the ones where you don't. The trick is removing/killing them 1 by 1 in the right order.
This is where the gif helps to see how they are created and removed. Units are created in a counter-clockwise fashion. When you remove/kill/whatever them the leftmost is selected first. If there are multiple units with the same x coordinate, the unit with the highest unit ID (usually created last) will be selected first.
Not positive, but I don't believe there are any lings burrowed under the main heroes. Any idea on how they might be doing it?
You don't need a burrowed ling to center the location. You can just center the location on top of the player's unit and then create the grid.
They are created using mobile grids and patrol order as stated in the thread, albeit scaled up versions of them. They are fairly easy to use once you understand how they work.
Mobile grids will always follow the same placement order as long as there isn't any units in the way (in most cases air) and as can be seen with the gif posted it spawns in a counter-clockwise direction. KotK uses much larger grids than the 3x3 example so you will have to take the placement order into account for that.
You can do all of this in a couple locations if you know your trigger ordering well.
In order to do patrol order well you have to consider 3 factors when timing the attack of the 'spells'.
1. Turning. Most units have to turn and face the target before they can enter an attack animation.
2. Weapon Angle. This is the angle that a weapon is allowed to fire at an enemy. Vultures have a very quick turn radius as well as a 180 degree weapon angle which is why they can be microed so well.
3. Attack Animation. Some units have to enter a 'ready' animation before they can fire, an example would be a marine raising its gun. The exception would be terran mech or air units.
3. Misc. Sometimes there are other factors that interfere with how fast a unit can spawn on creation. Examples would be moving units to a different location and lurkers.
You can view the weapon angles with EUD Editor 2.