For new conditions/actions, if you select memory it will immediately display as memory, it only switches to deaths if you manually set an offset into the death table. The only quirk is if you had previously set a player in a different condition/action, it fills that value and may toggle morphing the type of line.
I wasn't clear, but this is for newly created conditions/actions. I'm at work so can't test right now but will have a play tonight and confirm exactly what operations I'm doing, I might be doing something slightly wrong.
I most likely won't make it auto parse depending on the presence of hex characters, that has a high likelihood of confusing people. (e.g. 0000A000 is hex but 00009000 is not hex is not self explanatory)
How is 0000A000 hex and 00009000 not hex?
It's a hex field, so values put in are interpreted as hex numbers. Just like text fields interpret data entered into them as text, even if you put numbers in, it's still text.
Calculator will support you pasting in a value of 0x1234 or 1234 and will correctly interpret it as hex. I'm suggesting scmdraft behave the same, for fields that are explicitly typed as hex. IMO calculator should always display 0x on the front when in hex mode, but it doesn't (scmdraft does, so is doing it right).
I can enter numbers such as 0x1234 just fine. The address needs to be a multiple of 4 in order to be valid though.
I don't specifically recall trying just 0x1234, all I noted is that a straight paste wasn't working, so put 0x00 on front and that fixed it.
All trigger parameters are initialized to not being set and display some default text, using similar text to staredit. In this case the default text for a "Set Type" parameter is "Set"
Yes I realise that, and it's confusing. If you don't want to default to "Set to", then there are other alternatives that would be clearer, for example [Unset] or [Choose] or [Select]. Hell even putting [Set] is better than Set, since it's immediately visually clear that you haven't changed the value of that field from the default one.
Minor feature request: when clicking to edit a new trigger, it would be good if the edit dialog can open on the same tab as the most recently closed trigger edit. Right now it always defaults to the players, which 99% of the time is not what I'm interested in - I'm wanting to change conditions, or more often actions. Especially since it now supports multiple edit windows at once, it's an annoying extra mouse click when you open up Trigger 1 and click to the actions, then you want to compare this with trigger 2 and so open it, and have to click on the actions tab again. This is very similar to your re-cycling of previous input that you've implemented, but also applying to tabs in newly opened dialogs. There's is the small snag in how you default the tab view - to the last trigger window that was closed, or to the one that was the last focus of the user's selection, I'm not sure which is best in practice and/or easiest to implement.