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Just shy of 2000 downloads, wow. I hope you all have been enjoying your time with The Architect RPG. I have a couple of things for you today.
First, the Korean translation of the map has been completed. You can download it
here. In 2017 Fenton (펜튼) provided me with the translations of my map, and, after much delay, I have finally inputted them. Special thanks must go to jjf28. His program,
CHKDraft, as well as his own input, was crucial to helping me overcome the technical challenges of making the Korean translation. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that without his help the project would have been impossible!
Second, I have created a walkthrough for the map that you can download
here. Thanks to my partner for her graphic designer skills. It is a textual guide with screenshots that spoils every aspect of the game: how to complete the main quest, side quests, all puzzles you may encounter and tips for boss battles, as well as guides for item builds and spells.
Lastly, I present patch v1.4, which you can download
here. It fixes a series of bugs and also drastically increases the health of all bosses. I noticed on Youtube that people were massacring them in less than a minute, not even being able to experience the bosses' array of spells!
I was always afraid to increase their health too much in case it became too grindy for solo play, and so to counter that I've added a boss health modifier that adjusts the boss' starting health depending on if you are playing solo, two player or three player.
PATCH NOTES v 1.4* Fixed a glitch where the Bandit's Taunt and the Deep One's Whirlpool abilities would cause the Zerg Lurkers in Rionna's Spike Trap to unburrow.
* Fixed a glitch where Iredite & Rionna players would lose vision of their own units after the dark cave sequence in the What Lurks Below sidequest.
* Fixed glitch where using a Bluestone in the Blind Horror cave (What Lurks Below sidequest) would cause players to be stuck allied with enemy units. Fixed by preventing Bluestoning from inside this cave.
* Increased the health of all bosses.
* Added HP modifiers for the boss battles that account for singleplayer, two player or three player.
* Fixed a glitch where after dying in the Crucible Orb sequence twice (What Lurks Below sidequest) players would be unable to restart the quest.
* Fixed a glitch where Rionna would get duplicated during the What Lurks Below quest.
* Added a visual effect on the Warp Trap to better indicate it's the reason players are teleporting (What Lurks Below sidequest).
* Fixed a glitch where the Gargoyle's Charge attack wasn't working.
* Bandits and Broezin will now spawn during the Gargoyle fight.
* Fixed a visual glitch where Verius would get stuck walking during the first conversation between the trio.
* Fixed a visual glitch where in the Deep One boss battle cinematic the players would walk to the left into the solid wall instead of up towards the exit.
* Fixed an audio and visual glitch where Iredite and Rionna could not hear the sound effects or see the text prompts from the Deep One's insta-kill Whirlpool spell, thus creating confusion as to why they had died.
* First Legion Banner changed from P4 to P7 to make it more apparent it's an interactable object.
* Iredite's Twisted Mind duration increased from three seconds to six seconds.
* Fixed a game-breaking glitch where Iredite using Twisted Mind on a Bandit, and then that Bandit dying, would trigger an infinite Quick Time Event.
* Filesize reduction.
My next projects en route are the result of my dabbling with EUDs. After that, thanks to the removal of the string limit, I plan to make The Architect RPG Redux - the full story now contained in one single map, utilising all the new features EUDs have to offer. But don't hold your breath!
Until next time,
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 26 2020, 3:51 pm by Oh_Man.