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Garlic Bread Mafia - Live Thread
Jul 3 2017, 12:19 am
By: Dem0n
Pages: 1 2 37 >

Jul 3 2017, 12:19 am Dem0n Post #1

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Garlic Bread Mafia

We thought the Bread Wars had ended. We thought we had peace. We were wrong. Just like before, it's eat or be eaten. Try not to be the first to crumble.


Game over! The Non-Garlic Breads have won!

Day 0
Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Night 4
Day 4
Night 5

  • Player will receive role PMs at the start of the game. Non-Garlic Breads will know each other. Garlic Breads are clueless.
  • Each night, the Non-Garlic Breads can eat a Garlic Bread. A summary post will be made detailing the events of each night.
  • During the day, all players will vote on a person to lynch.
  • Do not post in the thread while the game is running if you are dead or not participating.

  • Votes must be cast for a specific individual.
  • Votes must be clear (ex. "I vote for [PLAYER]"), preferrably in large and noticeable font.
  • You may not vote for yourself, dead players, or people that are not playing.
  • You may abstain if you do not wish to vote for a person.
  • Votes may be changed at any time before the voting deadline has passed. Voting ends at the specified time, not when the summary day post is posted.
  • If voting results in a tie, the player who received the tying number of votes first will be lynched.

  • If all Non-Garlic Breads are dead, the Garlic Breads win.
  • If all Garlic Breads are dead, the Non-Garlic Breads win.
  • If the voting power of the Non-Garlic Bread outweights that of the Garlic Breads, the Non-Garlic Breads win.
  • If there is one Garlic Bread and one Non-Garlic Bread, the Non-Garlic Breads win.


1. Voyager7456 (P)
2. CecilSunkure (P)
3. Apos (P)
4. Pr0nogo P)
5. Excalibur (P)
6. Wing Zero (P)
7. Jack (P)
8. payne (P)
9. Corbo (P)
10. FaRTy1billion (P)
11. Fire_Kame (P)
12. Bar Refaeli (P)


Garlic Bread - Bread topped with garlic and olive oil, butter, and possibly additional herbs. Tasty.

Non-Garlic Bread - A horrible monstrosity. Can eat one Garlic Bread per night.

Post has been edited 14 time(s), last time on Jul 23 2017, 10:17 pm by Dem0n.

Jul 3 2017, 1:12 am Dem0n Post #2

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Day 0

The days feel longer now. Every waking second feels like a day in itself. When your life can crumble at any moment, there is no sense of comfort. We thought we had moved past this, we thought we had learned to coexist. But we were wrong. Now it's just chaos - chaos and stupidity. It doesn't matter which side you're on; the only thing that matters is ending this conflict before we're all toast.

It all started as a simple disagreement - you know how it is. We thought we had more to offer this restaurant than they did. But you know how things go. We thought we were better, and they thought the same of themselves. We should've just put aside our differences and gotten along, or at the very least learned to ignore each other. But we were immature. We were cocky. I mean, the amount of dough we brought into this place was insane. We couldn't let some other bread take our spotlight. We tried showing them who was boss, but they were stronger, and smarter, than we thought. For every plan we baked up, they had a counter-plan. Eventually, our strategies got stale, and they kept churning out new ways to destroy us. What should have just been a small dispute turned into an absolute bloodbath.

For weeks this went on. I lost loved ones. Others did as well. The war was taking a toll on everyone. It was becoming unsustainable. Both sides were running dry on supplies, and neither knew how long the other side could keep it up. Finally, after hundreds of our own lay dead, swept away into memory, we reached a compromise. We signed a treaty, put aside our petty differences, and rebuilt what we had lost. It seemed that we were moving in the right direction - the store was doing great, profits were rising, and what was once a bloody battlefield was now a place of prosperity.

It's been 40 years since that terrible war, and the treaty has been broken. Almost all who remember the horrors we faced are gone, and the new generation is making the same mistakes we did. Before long, our homes will turn to ash, and nothing will be left, just as before. I've tried talking some sense into these breads, but they will not listen. Peace cannot be achieved anymore. I should have known this. We started something that could not end without violence. The only thing we can do is fight for survival, and this time, there'll be no compromises. The longer this goes on, the more I regret everything. I know it's bread nature - no two groups can live in harmony forever - but day in and day out, I find myself asking the same question over and over.

Rye do we do this to each other?

Night 1 has begun! It will end at 6 PM EDT on Tuesday, July 4th!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 6 2017, 9:15 pm by Dem0n.

Jul 3 2017, 2:39 am Corbo Post #3


Well that was a very touching first post. I disagree, though, violence is never the solution, therefore, I will not be voting for anyone in this game.

We should all do the same. Violence is not the solution. Lets show the world we can live in peace. :-(

fuck you all

Jul 3 2017, 2:44 am Fire_Kame Post #4

wth is starcraft

The anger must stop. Only by changing ourselves can we change the world around us.

We must come together and abstain from violence.

I also will not vote.

Jul 3 2017, 2:59 am Pr0nogo Post #5

fuck you, it's garlic night

I vote to eat the noose so we can't hang anyone

Jul 3 2017, 3:01 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #6

👻 👾 👽 💪

Your call for peace, tempting as it is, will not save us. The enemy will not back down or spare us just because you choose to bury your head in the sand!

Stand to arms, my brothers, and we shall make this fight our own and lead this nation to glory!

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Jul 3 2017, 3:03 am Corbo Post #7



fuck you all

Jul 3 2017, 3:07 am Fire_Kame Post #8

wth is starcraft

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Your call for peace, tempting as it is, will not save us. The enemy will not back down or spare us just because you choose to bury your head in the sand!

Stand to arms, my brothers, and we shall make this fight our own and lead this nation to glory!

You do realize you aren't any better then them, right? Capital punishment has proven time and time again to be costly and ineffective in maintaining order. We just got out of a costly war, and now you want to to instigate a witch hunt? When will they come for you, Farty; when will they come for you?

Jul 3 2017, 3:22 am payne Post #9


Clues are included in the Night Posts just as much as the Day Posts, right?

/ready to be lynched

Jul 3 2017, 3:33 am Bar Refaeli Post #10

You all wish to stand around like docile imbeciles awaiting your own slaughter?! I bet you want to tell jokes and share stories while we sit around the campfire. Maybe even show some magic tricks with cards. Reminisce about the old times...

Well guess what, we rebuilt this land after years of violence, so if we have to resort back to violence to clean it up again, YOU CAN BE FUCKING SURE THAT WE WILL!! Imma boutta crush a mutha fukin non-garlic bread ass mother fucker AND THERE AINT NOTHING ANY YALL CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!


Jul 3 2017, 4:10 am Apos Post #11

I order you to forgive yourself!

Garlic is love! Garlic is life! No peace, no concessions! :sick:

Jul 3 2017, 5:52 pm CecilSunkure Post #12

Vote to lynch Kame.

Her profile says "Stupid babies need the most attention" (P). Day 0 text says:

Now it's just chaos - chaos and stupidity.

A reference to stupidity. The day 0 text goes on and on with a few mentions of stupidity, or regret/confusion:

I find myself asking the same question over and over
The longer this goes on, the more I regret everything.

Not the strongest evidence, I know. However, when we also take into account all the mentions in day 0 text of peace, compromise, and coexistence and then relate this to Kame it all becomes clear. Kame, more than anyone here, loves the idea of peace and harmony! Kame is a left leaning coexistence nut.

Just like the day 0 text stated, coexistence is not an option!

We thought we had moved past this, we thought we had learned to coexist. But we were wrong.
We signed a treaty, put aside our petty differences, and rebuilt what we had lost. It seemed that we were moving in the right direction
Peace cannot be achieved anymore. I should have known this. We started something that could not end without violence. The only thing we can do is fight for survival, and this time, there'll be no compromises.

We're all in this mess, and the only way out is to lynch before we are eaten. Peace is in the past; it is time to strike back.

Vote to lynch Kame! The stupid coexistence nut! Garlic can not, and will not succumb to the digestive needs of the hideous bread eating monster.


Jul 3 2017, 6:54 pm payne Post #13


Quote from CecilSunkure
Vote to lynch Kame.

Her profile says "Stupid babies need the most attention" (P). Day 0 text says:

Now it's just chaos - chaos and stupidity.

A reference to stupidity. The day 0 text goes on and on with a few mentions of stupidity, or regret/confusion:
You forgot that the text also mentions "ashes". "FIRE"_Kame ;)

But my argument would rather go against Jack or Bar Refaeli: they both have alcohol related names, and as much as I would like to think that the very last words of the Clue Post is just a clever word-play, I can't help but notice that "RYE" is also alcohol. "Jack" as in "Jack Daniels" is quite precisely Rye isn't it? And "BAR" Refaeli quite definitely could be related as well.

I'll vote for JACK!

Jul 3 2017, 6:55 pm Voyager7456 Post #14

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Quote from Fire_Kame
I can't wait to watch this devolve into a shit show of people taking it too seriously.

Well that was fast.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

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Jul 3 2017, 7:43 pm Corbo Post #15



(also its night, why is anyone voting seriously? xD)

fuck you all

Jul 3 2017, 9:03 pm Bar Refaeli Post #16

Can we have a confirmation of which posts will contain clues? Ty bby


Jul 4 2017, 12:33 am payne Post #17


Quote from Corbo
(also its night, why is anyone voting seriously? xD)
There's no rest for the wary. I do not sleep. I fear for my family and thus feel like I should let everyone know about the possible clues I might have seen before getting lynched.

Jul 4 2017, 1:15 am Corbo Post #18


I get that we are analyzing the clues. But voting? :lol:

Anyway. Cheers.

fuck you all

Jul 4 2017, 5:32 am CecilSunkure Post #19

Oh damnit. Well at the top of Dem0n's post it says DAY 0. So I thought it was daytime. Didn't see the big text at bottom.


Jul 4 2017, 9:55 am payne Post #20


Quote from Corbo
I get that we are analyzing the clues. But voting? :lol:

Anyway. Cheers.
How clever did your almighty payne get throughout the years? Well, it seems like he's learned enough English to at least use the future tense when he's talking about future actions.

Quote from payne
I'll vote for JACK!


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