Has anyone made a side scrolling RPG? I made a quick little map just to see if its possible and it is to an extent but I was curious if someone else has actually made a full on RPG out of this.
I did a 64x64 map and put 4 exit/entrances on each side of the map. If you go left it sets/disables some switches and the zone changes based on where you are.
Alias: Oo.Pauper.oO - Mp)Madness - Bitz - p00pyjoel
>be faceless void >mfw I have no face
Yup I've made a map like this, it's incomplete and only works on 1.16 though (uses EUDs).
Red classic.
"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."
Let me show you how to hump without making love.
They're very possible to do, it's an old map but it did a mild copy of the first few Mario NES levels. Was a bit crap though.
Very cool
It sounded like a fun concept but after playing B.net and realizing most people like defenses I stopped working on it!
Alias: Oo.Pauper.oO - Mp)Madness - Bitz - p00pyjoel
you should try the super mario map that I believe Roy made.
I suppose you could apply its mechanics to an RPG, but I don't imagine it would improve the original gameplay much.
Current project: Star Rogue
Other projects: Triumvirate Defense, Skirmish Islands