Yeah, only you can see I can't offer any, I'm in the negatives. As for the map, I've got no terrain done at this point, but a castle is being done and I wanted to see if you wanted to make some coolio stacked cliffs or something for like a mountain in the middle or something.
More of WoodenFire's Highdirt to Temple! 
Anyways looks nice. ;P I like how you glorify WoodenFire. How do you know he wasn't strolling through the palette and made that himself ignorant to the blend? Either way I don't really care, WoodenFire doesn't deserve anymore glory.
yeah I like woodenfire.... idk why everybody hates you when your on top, but i think he's a chill guy
I really like the nice fade with ruins and dirt and jungle... pretty-soft!
Blend it perfectly and it gonna pwn!
I haven't made terrain in a while, so I can only criticize people now. But this is a nice blend. The only thing I see that is really easy to fix, is the cliff walls. The cliff walls have the same repeating pattern, so try to mix it up a little
That's an awesome blend, I might be creating something like it in the future
skillz....wish i had some LOL
Hey guys! glad to see good blends are still being used.
: )
*Just a little thing to add as a real comment to this thread is that you should work on not using cutoff rocky dirt blends. Try blending even the smallest of things in your compositions. And yes, I do realize it was just a simple example but some people enjoy even the finest of details in works of art such as these!
If you don't know what custom rocky dirt is, Zell., Shocko, Jello, and others I know can show you my pallet map of it, or just explain it to you, or you could just figure it out on your own which would be the most honorable, if that even exists in video games... Lol, wierd.
This stuff looks sweet!!! Who know all of this stuff could go together!!! wow well seeing as I only know how to do isom(which pretty much everybody does and if you can't you need special attention) but all of this stuff is done using tileset index and you do one tile at a time??? I wish I knew how to do all this cause I want to make cool stuff too!!! anyways good work and I really like how it looks like a bottomless pit in the front. Well good luck with your new endeavors.
And most of it is NOT done using only tileset index, that would drive terrainers insane, we copy and paste a lot of it from Isom and edit it up to make it sexy with the tileset index.