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New/Old Shit Megathread
Apr 23 2017, 12:03 am
By: Heinermann  

Apr 23 2017, 12:03 am Heinermann Post #1

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

So we found out that things that have crashed previously no longer crash. Here's the new+old shit megathread. Not sure if any of these existed previously, but let's get everything re-tested.

WARNING: Anything that uses an overflow, including colours, undefined doodad state, or extended whatever could change with each patch. Use with caution/restraint.

- UTF-8 support everywhere
- Overflown text fields are no longer hidden (HP, resources, score, etc) (EDIT: You can still overflow/hide the Shields/HP fields)
- Extended colours are not entirely garbage anymore (but now all changed)
- Killing certain units that don't have death animations no longer crash (Start Location, Map Revealer) and instead create a rock sprite
- All extended player-placed units are now owned by Player 12.
- Extended unit types still work but I recommend not using them ever.

Low Build Times
0 build time no longer crashes.

- Terran structures and mech repairs incredibly slowly
- Burning Command Center needed at least 2 SCVs to get the HP to go up
- Things spawn with really low HP (as was known)
- Zerg units morphing (i.e. from larva) will have full HP regardless
- Zerg structures with 0 or 1 as a build time will never finish (0 shows no completion, 1 shows 100% completion)

Besides creating stuff with very low HP, everything appears functional, and in some cases faster than a time of 1 (i.e. Zerg morphing, Archon merging, interceptors).

Unused Units
Unused units that previously crashed(i.e. Unused Zerg Bldg 5, Protoss Marker) no longer crash. They mostly just create a rock sprite. Unused Terran Bldg has a strange whistle sound when selected and behaves like an add-on (give unit not working).

Power the unused protoss buildings with a pylon to get a spinny scout graphic.

Doodad State
- You can now create rock sprites on screen without having to worry about crashing your players.

WARNING: Some of these are still not 100% stable and may randomly crash.

Disable Doodad State
Default behaviour: Invisible with rock sprite.

- Zerg Egg - No rock sprite.
- Broodling - No rock sprite.
- Lurker - Plays unburrow anim before default behaviour? (Might just be AI behaviour, needs test)
- Overmind with Shell - Cloaks, no rock sprite.
- Battlecruiser, Dropship, Wraith, Vulture - No rock sprite. Vanishes with spinny shadow. Plays exploding building SFX.
- Science Vessel - Cloaks with rock sprite.
- Barracks, Bunker, Engineering Bay, Factory, Supply Depot - Cloaks without rock sprite
- Missile Turret - The turret head appears cloaked but the rest follows default behaviour
- Firebat, Ghost, Marine, Siege Tank (Tank Mode), Sarah Kerrigan, Nuke - Same cloak behaviour as before
- Spider Mine - Does nothing?
- Ion Cannon - Cloaks
- Assimilator - Cloaks, no rock sprite.
- All powered protoss structures, except for the Robotics Facility and Stargate
- Nexus, Pylon, Warp Gate - Cloaks with HTML blink tag.
- (Dark) Archon - Retains the outer overlay, but otherwise default behaviour.
- Protoss Marker - Spinny cloaked scout.
- Xel'Naga Temple - Retains shadow.
- Kakaru - Actually cloaks without a rock.
- Jump Gate, Ruins, Mining Platform, etc unused units - Plays "Base is under attack" SFX when selected.
- Powerups - They just cloak, no rock sprite.
- Independent Starport - Cloaks as usual.
- Arbiter - Stops cloaking units.

Crashes: Infested Command Center, Overlord, Goliath, Medic, Siege Tank (Siege Mode), Terran Civilian

TODO: addons, interceptor, scarab, scanner sweep, map revealer, start location, mineral fields, geyser

Worth noting: If you pass these units under an arbiter and then back out, then they will decloak.

Disable, then Enable Doodad State
Defaut behaviour: Invisible (from above), but graphic restored and cloaked when animation is interrupted.

- Devourer, Guardian, Mutalisk, Queen - Reappears in frozen animation until interrupted.
- Hatchery - Cloaked.
- Lair/Hive/Nydus Canal - Cloaked, but the shadow blinks until interacted with.
- Sunken Colony - Cloaked. Plays part of the attack animation in a loop until interrupted.
- Spawning Pool - Rock sprite?
- All other Zerg Structures - Blinks while cloaked, stops blinking when interacted with.
- Broodling, Lurker - Unmovable.
- Cerebrate - Cloaked.
- Overmind - Plays death animation (but still exists), then crashes
- Battlecruiser - Spins and disappears occasionally. When moved, it is missing its up/down graphics frames (graphics shift).
- Science Vessel - Base remains invisible, but cloaked turret is visible and spazzing out
- Barracks, Factory, Machine Shop - Plays a zerg air death overlay
- Armory, Command Center, Science Facility, Comsat Station, Covert Ops - Crazy spazz-out cycling through build animations and their overlay state, until they are interacted with.
- Dropship, Wraith, Vulture, Carrier - Remains invisible but can still move.
- Arbiter, Corsair, Observer, Scout, Shuttle, Probe, Reaver - Continuously rotates until interrupted.
- Zealot - Unable to move. Unable to attack. Can be picked up and placed elsewhere with transport.

Crashes: Ultralisk, Siege Tank (Tank Mode), Ground Critters, Overmind, Valkyrie

TODO: Same as TODO above.

Disabled Sprite Units
Default behaviour: Invisible with rock sprite. Occasionally 1-frame flicker.

- Larva - Spins without rock sprite.
- Infested Command Center - Shows infested overlay (main sprite invisible). Shows rock sprite.
- Zerg Structures and Special structures - All normal disabled. Hatcheries don't spawn larva.
- Drone - Harvests in place. No rock.
- Goliath head - rotates, no rock
- Science Vessel - Invisible but shows a rotating turret overlay
- Terran Structures and addons - Half-built without rock sprites.
- Comsat Station, Engineering Bay, Supply Depot - Half-built with a rock sprite and glitchy overlay.
- Beacons - Normal disabled.
- Nexus and Pylon - Blinking graphic. Does not disable. Has rock sprite.
- Dark Templar - Rotates, no rock.
- Protoss Marker - Rotating Scout with rock.
- Warp Gate - Flashing, but the warp overlay is persistent, has rock sprite.
- Xel'Naga temple - Invisible, but with visible shadow, no rock sprite.
- Unused units (Cantina, Ruins, etc), Vespene Geyser - Hallucinated and play "base under attack" SFX.
- Powerups - No effect.
- Mineral Fields - "Hallcuinated", "base under attack" SFX on select, fixed slightly mined out frame, no rock.
- Vespene geyser
- Start Location - Hallucinated base under attack, no rock.

Crashes: Goliath, Siege Tank (Siege Mode), Siege Tank (Tank Mode), Archon, Dark Archon, Probe
Note some crashes only happen after a second, so maybe can be interrupted?

Disabled Sprite Units, Enabled By Triggers
Default Behaviour: Whatever Enable Doodad State does above without any cloaking effect. Many will also spawn scourge shadow overlay.

- Hatchery/Lair/Hive - Don't spawn larvae when re-enabled.
- Infested Command Center - No change besides enabling state.
- Drone - disappears.
- Overmind Cocoon, Cerebrate - Nothing special.
- Overlord, Medic, Civilian - No Crash.
- Protoss structures don't reappear
- Shield Battery has a neat glow effect.

Hallucinated Powerup Glitch
As far as I'm aware, everything is the same as before, but without the crashing after you've completed it. It will still crash if you DON'T have a unit available to replace the powerup.


Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Apr 23 2017, 10:22 am by Heinermann.

Apr 23 2017, 7:38 am Oh_Man Post #2

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Here's a funny one for you: before and afters of my map:

Here's the display text message code:
<13><1F>·:· <17>Act <19>1 <1F>·:·
<13><1F>·:· <1E>One Lord's Plight <1F>·:·

No idea why the patch has done this, or how... my fault for using dodgy characters?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 23 2017, 9:08 am by Oh_Man.

Apr 23 2017, 7:51 am Heinermann Post #3

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

I'm pretty sure you will need to replace your old dodgey characters with the new dodgey characters.

Apr 23 2017, 8:55 am Oh_Man Post #4

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Uhh, what are the new ones?

It doesn't make sense to me why it displays the character on the left side, but then doesn't display them on the right side?? (doesn't display the colon either which is a legit character)

Apr 23 2017, 10:19 am Heinermann Post #5

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

My guess is that the end of string triggers some sort of UTF-8 check/conversion. I experienced it when I was messing with telephone and heart glyphs.

An ASCII -> Hex converter gives me "b7 3a b7" for "·:·" and a UTF-8 converter for those hex bytes seems to fail. "·:·" in UTF-8, according to the internet would be (in hex) "C2 B7 3A C2 B7". So the 1.18+ solution is to make your string: "<C2><B7>:<C2><B7>".. Alternatively, if you want to retain compatibility, you can add a control character <01> appended to the string and that will also work (character buffer before end-of-string marker).

Apr 23 2017, 5:39 pm Oh_Man Post #6

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Great work mate that has fixed it. Quick followup question: I once was watching a Korean playing my map and the symbols showed up as ?? on his computer screen. What exactly causes that and how could I fix it?

Note the colon is missing here too, even though it's legitimate.

Apr 24 2017, 4:37 am Veta Post #7

- Barracks, Bunker, Engineering Bay, Factory, Supply Depot - Cloaks without rock sprite

Their last visible sprite is still visible to other players. So, not actually cloaked, only seems that way to the owner.


Apr 24 2017, 10:39 am ViperSRT3g Post #8

Quote from Heinermann
Hallucinated Powerup Glitch
As far as I'm aware, everything is the same as before, but without the crashing after you've completed it. It will still crash if you DON'T have a unit available to replace the powerup.

Failed to get ImageSize ( )

Nope, this can still crash for certain units. Needs more testing...


Apr 24 2017, 6:32 pm Matt.- Post #9


I have a map with 797 preplaced unit sprites that runs with no problems.

Latest Completed Projects:
Dodge & Attack
Stacked Marine D

Apr 26 2017, 12:29 am Matt.- Post #10


Also, for what it's worth: Plague also seems to affect these buildings as well in a non-disabled state. Invisible unit structure becomes visible (Haven't tested disabled state yet)

Latest Completed Projects:
Dodge & Attack
Stacked Marine D

May 2 2017, 8:24 pm Zoan Post #11

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

About the disabled units becoming invisible: They occasionally display random sprites associated with that unit.

e.g. I have a disabled burrowed zergling who is completely invisible, but occasionally I will see for 1 frame a sprite of a zergling attack animation or a burrowed zergling sprite.

When I have a disabled burrowed lurker, I occasionally for 1 frame see lurker blood.

Edit2: A way around this is to enable and then disable again the unit - this resets the 'timer' on when the 1 frame of a random sprite will appear.

Edit: Also the Zerg Egg and Zerg Broodling are not completely invisible - they still have their overlay just like the dark archon does.

Edit3: So after some testing it seems like there is a pattern for when the sprites appear:

the first sprite will appear 148 trigger cycles after the unit's doodad state has been disabled.

It will then cycle through the unit's sprites every 221 trigger cycles.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on May 3 2017, 12:01 am by Zoan.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

May 3 2017, 5:27 am Pauper Post #12

Wait, so the hallucinated power ups thing works again? I remember it worked ages ago and a probe was able to hold a firebat and attack with it.

May 3 2017, 5:59 am Zoan Post #13

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Ya I got an SCV to hold a tank top and attack with it.

I also got an SCV to hold another SCV, but I couldn't get an SCV to hold an SCV holding an SCV :(

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

May 5 2017, 9:43 am Heinermann Post #14

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

That glitch always worked, but now it just crashes less when you use obscure things like the turret top and warp texture.

May 6 2017, 4:46 pm ihjel Post #15

1.18 changed the placement silhouettes of building addons and geysers.



May 20 2017, 1:12 am ihjel Post #16

1.18.6 killed extended player colours. Player colour values 12+ result in default player colour (regardless of tileset, player 7 gets colour #6 (white) even on ice). That is too bad, i hope they add new colours to compensate.


Jul 16 2017, 8:08 am Oh_Man Post #17

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

The pylon sprites used for underwater segments are now behaving differently.

As you can see here, you can still distinctly see the overlaps, even if you use a lot of sprites. Previously, I believe you only needed three sprites and then you could see no overlap.

As you can see here, spam enough sprites, and you can barely even see the unit underneath!!

Jul 24 2017, 5:29 pm Zoan Post #18

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Haha, tbh that's kinda cool Oh_Man, though it definitely breaks some maps and in general will be annoying.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Jul 27 2017, 2:38 pm Oh_Man Post #19

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

So someone playing my map has discovered a crash caused by this line of text in my RPG:
"If Ø ± to ß, then Å must be þ to ÿ, or else the Ø of £ wouldn't... Oh to hell with it!"

So warning to all: looks like characters which were once previously accepted in version 1.6 will now crash the game in the remastered version!!!

Aug 2 2017, 5:28 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #20

👻 👾 👽 💪

Is it because of the new character encoding? I can't tell if SEN ate your string or if that is what it is supposed to look like, but it may be possible to re-encode the special characters.

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