CecilSunkere - Going to digipen studying game design and learning programming pretty fast. Was also very active in competitive SC2, inventing some protoss gate build.
Minimoose - doing something at/for a university...
Krazyee - ex marine instructor i think?
IP - site owner. kinda disappeared. Played LoL, which I play everyday now (if you wanna play HMU!)
Devourer - Stepped up and does most of the needed coding.
Yoshi - totally MIA
Fartybillion - coded the coolest editor things. so good at programming that it discouraged me from doing it myself. strangely contrasted by middle school caliber banter. Really curious to see if he's a full time programmer now.
Ex - Into vampire stuff and works at a gas station. Global Mod/admin? system building enthusiast.
lil-inferno - made a really simple platformer. make "thomas was alone" sort of stuff now?
scwizard - always seemed to be trying to work on something that could replace scmdraft2 (that still top dog?)
MilleniumArmy - Michael Jordan of map making. Doing some kind of internship at his dad's business in texas.
Kame - Works at wholefoods, and really wants to stick with it (or start her own business, dat conservative mindset). living with boyfriend. Always writing cool stories.
Corbo - was a model sen user/mod. something crazy happened where he hacked sen or something, so got banned, but he makes new account sometimes. then that gets banned. Average.
Devilesk - Literally The Joker of SEN. Always banned, but a damn good map maker.
TZ - good kid. tried hard and did ok at things. creepy picture of him with cat though that I will never be able to get out of my head.
Demon - lilinferno's sidekick... or was it the other way around?
Wilhelm - Funniest kid on earth and made me want to be a part of SEN despite my name. Then he got really into gender fluid stuff and stopped being funny-depressed and just angry-depressed.
Shocko - punk rock kid. one of the few believers in the TOTALLY SERIOUS GOD TOPIC's.
Ahli - amazing sc2 mapper. actually got to talk to blizzard about stuff.
DarkMarine + Prongo - 2 larege brothers that had some serious money issues. trying to get approved for more free government money or something. I remember one of them saying something like swearing off trying to ever get a girlfriend again. you stick with that?
Gimme updates! If I didn't mention you, it's just that I never heard anything about you IRL. Also, post any good non-mafia (never really liked it) threads that are worth a read that I missed.
"We're being taught to hate downwards"
"We're being taught to hate downwards"