Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas > Topic: Map theme ideas
Map theme ideas
Sep 7 2015, 4:44 pm
By: FlameViper  

Sep 7 2015, 4:44 pm FlameViper Post #1

So anyone has some ideas for a Halloween or Christmas themed map?

Sep 7 2015, 7:38 pm Pr0nogo Post #2

I produce a seasonal, mod-empowered, fully-voice acted map series called Saga of the Xit'Son, which follows a short list of characters as they interact with a custom-built comedy universe. The themes generally revolve around birthdays of close friends and holidays (e.g. Christmas and the upcoming Thanksgiving map). I've considered a Halloween map but this year it'll be tough to fit into my schedule.

Otherwise I haven't seen anyone do anything with those kinds of seasonal themes recently. You can always try to do something yourself!

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[2024-9-11. : 6:47 pm]
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[2024-9-11. : 5:22 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
this might be a bit of a downer, but none of these were actually bangers :/
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: hottest take of 2024 right there
2014, actually
[2024-9-11. : 1:44 pm]
Vrael -- or maybe 'for now' I always seem to want to revisit and find better wordings
[2024-9-11. : 1:43 pm]
Vrael -- done now :)
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