Does anyone here know the thrill of robbing a bank, tossing bags, or fixing the drill?
It's one of my favorite games.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
I used to play it a lot with some friends for a while after release. It's a great game, but I got kind of burned out and haven't touched it in a year and a half.
I used to play it a lot with some friends for a while after release. It's a great game, but I got kind of burned out and haven't touched it in a year and a half.
The development team is still releasing new content and DLC. It's very interesting to see how they keep people playing it. I took a couple month break from the game and when I went back, there were tons of new maps to play, new weapons, new characters, etc.
Awesome, have you played the new bomb maps?
I own them. I haven't successfully stealthed the Dockyard one yet
I own them. I haven't successfully stealthed the Dockyard one yet

Are they worth buying? I've only played the Dockyard on Normal and it wasn't like "wow! I need to buy this" like Big Bank was.
I -have- played the shit out of it.
.riney on Discord.
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Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
Sad to hear

I -have- played the shit out of it.
Awesome. How are you liking all the new stuff the developers have been adding?