Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Custom Maps > Topic: CraftStone
Aug 26 2014, 2:13 am
By: TheKeyToKilling  

Aug 26 2014, 2:13 am TheKeyToKilling Post #1

Sean Darlin from Team Genesis and I just started on this map. We are currently unclear as to exactly how the game will play, but we do know that we want it to be similar to hearthstone yet different... cause who's going to play a map on sc2 that's exactly like hearthstone when they can just go play hearthstone for free.

We are currently in the card development process. Currently there are quite a bit of cards made already. We are working on removing the black backgrounds from behind the units in the card pictures. What we currently have for cards can be downloaded here.

Some of the card pictures were straight from google. Others have been created using multiple pictures and photoshop... some unit pictures may also have come from the map editor itself.

If anyone has any ideas we can include or feedback or anything... feel free to jump on board... anything to make this a popular map would be appreciated. Thanks :)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 26 2014, 2:19 am by TheKeyToKilling.


Aug 26 2014, 12:07 pm Devourer Post #2


This actually could be very interesting and I would love to see a heartstone dedicated to starcraft only.
There are many cardgames on sc2 but none is working like heartstone, which is sad. Most just 'spawn' the card as a unit and they walk to the enemy. On their way, they fight opposing creatures.
This causes interesting gameplay potential to remain unused. See heartstone: taunt creatures, your choice what to attack with what (disregarding taunts here), special abilities per character etc is what makes it interesting. Also, most SC2 maps currently are not round-based.

Now, hero classes in starcraft could be considered limited: Protoss, Zerg and Terran. However, three may be a bit too few, so how about we consider Race+CommonStrat?
Zerg Rush Deck - Zerg with the abilitiy to spawn a 1/1 zergling every round or something like that.
Further decks could be: Zerg Infestation, Terran Siege/Mech, Terran Bio, Protoss Warp-In, Protoss Tech (maybe something like +1/2/3 shields for every unit? I don't know).
I guess you get the idea.

Would love to see this map happen!

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Aug 26 2014, 11:36 pm TheKeyToKilling Post #3

Quote from Devourer
three may be a bit too few, so how about we consider Race+CommonStrat?
Zerg Rush Deck - Zerg with the abilitiy to spawn a 1/1 zergling every round or something like that.
Further decks could be: Zerg Infestation, Terran Siege/Mech, Terran Bio, Protoss Warp-In, Protoss Tech (maybe something like +1/2/3 shields for every unit? I don't know).
I guess you get the idea.

Actually I have thought of how I could add more decks in... but from what I'm seeing so far... the unit amount seems too limited to do that. I can probably only get (considering you can have 2 of each card except legends) about 50 or 60 something cards per race... and 30 of those go into the deck. And there has to be cards that don't go into the deck to add diversification between decks and the players.


Sep 6 2014, 5:41 am DevliN Post #4


I'm sure you've probably seen these, but people often post SC versions of Hearthstone on Reddit like and

Maybe you could use them or use them as inspiration, assuming you don't already have all your cards fleshed out.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 6 2014, 5:42 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 6 2014, 1:56 pm Alzarath Post #5


Assuming this hasn't been abandoned already, how about making it so you just have the three races with a large variety of units and give them multiple heroes with different hero abilities?

For an example, you could have Jim Raynor, Nova, and Gui Montag.
Jim Raynor deals 1 damage to anything.
Nova deals 2 damage to the opponent's hero.
Gui Montag does 1 damage per turn for 3 turns to an enemy minion.
Each are be able to select from the Terran pool of cards.

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