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Sorry for the delay, this release was ready Friday but awful issues with my computer winded up in me having to re-install my OS.
Took me upwards of 10 hours of work, but there's now no noticeable flicker, no problems with z order or paint order, and it looks almost exactly like I want it too.
Solved just about every issue I was having when I realized I could create a window that didn't have a background, in essence, 2 magic lines of code:

Update: 10/28/2012
- The "new" button/menu now brings up a new MDI child window (a new map)
* Map windows are kept track of under the "Window's" Menu
* Map windows, when maximized, integrate themselves with the Menu Bar
- Minimap window added
- The minimap window and selection tree are grouped together and resize appropriately
- Combobox's have been given callbacks
- Selection tree now determines UnitIDs based on TREEITEM comparison rather than by searching for units name (solves issues when two tree items have the same name)
- No resize flickr, correct Z-order, no overlap graphics, etc.
- Source is now included (written with visual studios 2010 prof -
free for college students)

There is a noticeable aesthetic difference on windows XP, to resolve it I believe I would have to get into custom controls; as I have no interest in doing so, and the program functions the same, I probably won't deal with it till much later; so i'm calling the main GUI done - terrain time!
Feel free to try and break it, LMK if there are any errors!
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 28 2012, 9:25 pm by jjf28.
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
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