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Mafia: Organized Entropy
Aug 5 2012, 4:11 am
By: Dem0n
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Aug 17 2012, 5:01 am Fire_Kame Post #161

wth is starcraft

Quote from Sacrieur
I perform an executive decision, changing the single lynch into a triple lynch.

I vote poison_us.

If you can triple lynch why can't you just lynch three people at a time every turn?

Aug 17 2012, 5:02 am poison_us Post #162

Back* from the grave

Quote from Sacrieur
I perform an executive decision, changing the single lynch into a triple lynch.

I vote poison_us.
Who's the third, then? Can't do a triple lynch with only two people dipshit.

[01:00 am] Sacrieur -- It's nothing personal, poison, I just like to finish what I've started.

Remember who helped him get into power, vigilante.

Aug 17 2012, 5:07 am Sacrieur Post #163

Still Napping

Says the cult scum.


Aug 17 2012, 5:11 am poison_us Post #164

Back* from the grave

Says the Mafia scum. At least I never got to use my killing power.

Aug 17 2012, 5:16 am Dem0n Post #165

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Day 1

The dead body of Azrael was carried off the steps of City Hall. The entire crowd was silent. They were apalled at what had just happened. Everyone knew Azrael was a great pioneer of justice. Sure, he was a little paranoid, but maybe he was right after all. Maybe nobody in this town was actually safe at all, and maybe everyone else should have been as cautious as he was. But what would be the purpose? Even after all his safety precautions, he still ended up dead in the middle of town, murdered by the city's Mayor. There truly was nobody left to turn to.

Sacrieur turned to address the crowd.

"Now that this scum is dead, we are one step closer to ensuring this city's safety. Go, now, and rest easily, for on this day, the city was made a little safe--"

"Liar!" someone yelled from the crowd. Everyone turned to the man who had said it, in utter disbelief that he would interrupt the most powerful man in the city right after he had killed a man in cold blood.

"He's a liar! He's working for them! Can't you see?! He's not making this town safer; he's destroying it!"

There were slight murmers and whispers flowing throughout the crowd now, and the people were beginning to agree with the man.

"This man's right!" said another. "There's no way his 'people' could've found a mobster so quickly and effortlessly when everyone else in this city has had no luck in that department! And besides, Azrael was not a criminal. The Mayor's killing off good people and bringing his own scum into power!"

Sacrieur raised his hand and tried to calm the crowd.

"Citizens, please, stop for a moment and think. I never said anything was effortless. My men and I have been using information collected by the police and previous mayors from the past five months to track these criminals. With the joint effort between my office and the police department, we have been able to link several suspects to specific events and murders that have plagued this town recently. I know this is a trying time for all of us, but remember that you elected me. You chose me to protect you from the monsters that think they run the streets. And I swore to do just that. Under no circumstances would I ever do anything to further endanger the lives of you people, and you must believe me when I say that."

"Enough!" yelled a woman from the crowd. "We've had enough of your lies! You've been using information collected by the cops? They're all crooked! You swore to protect us? You did nothing today except kill an innocent man! You're the true criminal, Sacrieur!"

The whole cheered in agreement.

"Take away his power! Save the people! Kill him!" The crowd was starting to get restless, and the Mayor's guards were lining up between them and the podium at which the Mayor stood.

"Listen to me," said Sacrieur, "Who will you turn to if you impeach me? Who will you look to for protection? For safe haven from the monsters that run our streets and sewers? Without me, fear will find you. It will hunt you. It will stalk you. It will kill you."

"The only one who will kill us is you!" yelled a man in the crowd. The rest cheered. "We've had enough of your lies and slander! I say we give the Mayor a taste of his own medicine. If he can kill an innocent without consequence, we should be able to kill a murderer!"

The whole crowd roared in excitement. A few stepped closer to the Mayor, and the guards drew their rifles. They stepped even closer. The guards aimed their guns.

"Take one step closer and we'll open fire!" yelled a guard.

"You're all puppets!" shouted a man in the crowd. "This Mayor's evil, and you're still serving him! You're PUPPETS!"

Nothing could be heard over the shouts from the crowd and the guards. They were going back and forth, the crowd insulting the guards, and the guards threatening the crowd. Suddenly, Sacrieur spoke out once again.

"ENOUGH! I can see that, albeit your decision to elect me, none of you will trust me any longer. This is, without a doubt, the work of the mob's power of fear corrupting your minds. You are all warring against the wrong person, but I intend to make all this right. I had hoped to wait to do this until I had more debilitating evidence, but given the sudden movement to overthrow me, I have no choice but to announce a triple lynch for the day! Go, now, and pick your victims! Pick who will die on this day!"

The crowd was in an uproar. As the yelling and commotion continued, the Mayor walked back into City Hall, accompanied by his Bodyguards.

The Mayor entered his office and his Bodyguards locked the door. The chaos had seemed to die down, when suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the sound of people flooding the entrance of City Hall echoed throughout the halls. Sacrieur looked his Bodyguards.

"Get out there and find out what the hell those guards are doing! What do I even pay them for?!"

The Bodyguards left the room, closing the door behind them, and Sacrieur propped his feet up onto his desk, leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere.

"You know... You never learned to mind your surroundings."

Sacrieur jumped out of his chair and saw a man standing in front of him, next to a window that had been pried wide open.

"We know you're corrupt. It's time for you to die."

Sacrieur laughed.

"Ha! You think killing me will change anything? You've already lost."

"At least you'll be dead," said the man. He took out a pistol and fired it. Sacrieur fell back into his chair, with a bullethole in his head.

A few hours had passed. The guards had regained control of City Hall, and the people were either arrested or sent back home. Another group formed once again at City Hall, this time, to vote on who should be executed. It was a rather small group compared to the one that had been present just a few hours before, and it was pretty clear who everyone had voted for. After the last person had voted, the young man who had spoken at the previous mayor's procession was getting ready to gather the votes and count them. As he walked into the room where the votes were stored, he passed a rather shady man whose faced was covered by a hood and sunglasses. The young man counted the votes, then went outisde to reveal the result to the people.

"Citizens, I am deeply sorry for having to go through with the Mayor's decision, but if we forego democracy, we forego order. The votes are in, and the top three persons to be executed are: Sacrieur, poison_us, and Riney! It appears that someone was ahead of all of us, for the Mayor has already been found in his office, shot to death!"

A group of guards appeared with two men who had been handcuffed. The men were lined up against a wall, and the guards lifted their rifles. poison_us was shot first, followed by Riney, and both men fell to the ground.

Night 1 has begun. Night 1 will end on Sunday, August 19th, 12:00 AM EDT.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 5:49 am by I Iz LEET.

Aug 17 2012, 5:39 am Wing Zero Post #166

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Well Fuck...

Aug 17 2012, 5:49 am Fire_Kame Post #167

wth is starcraft


Aug 17 2012, 5:49 am omginbd Post #168

Wait... How exactly did Riney get selected?

Nvm read shoutbox.


Aug 17 2012, 6:22 am Sand Wraith Post #169


Collapse Box

oops, I was behind. sori

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 6:33 am by Sand Wraith.

Aug 17 2012, 6:41 am Moose Post #170

We live in a society.

Quote from Fire_Kame
If you can triple lynch why can't you just lynch three people at a time every turn?
Only getting one triple lynch or double lynches is just the limitation of the Mayor's powers built into the rules. (for this round, anyway) Though, IMO, future versions of the rules may want to include a provision preventing the mayor from doing a double or triple lynch when he's on the town's chopping block. (IE, if the town wants the mayor dead, they probably wouldn't be listening to his double/triple lynch orders.) And probably a restriction on how late in the day it can be declared, because lol. :lol:

Aug 17 2012, 9:38 am Azrael Post #171

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Though, IMO, future versions of the rules may want to include a provision preventing the mayor from doing a double or triple lynch when he's on the town's chopping block.

That's the best time to use it though :P Mafia can (and likely always will) try to orchestrate a revolution against the Mayor (it happened in the previous game when I was elected Mayor as well). If it hadn't been for my ability to triple lynch, I wouldn't have been able to execute two Mafia that day, and would have ultimately lost instead of winning.

Just because more people are voting for the Mayor than anyone else doesn't mean the (possibly large number of) people voting for other people should be ignored.

I think the best way to restrict it would be to require a minimum number of votes on the extra lynch victims in order for them to be valid.

Although, I don't really think it needs to be restricted. If you don't want someone to use triple lynch, don't let them become Mayor :P

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
And probably a restriction on how late in the day it can be declared, because lol. :lol:

This one I have to disagree with, limiting options that can be easily taken into account and subverted by other players only serves to limit strategic viability and gameplay diversity. People should be anticipating the possibility that the Mayor will betray them and casting their votes with the assumption that the Mayor will call a triple lynch at the end of the day.

In this instance, the Mayor was known Mafia, it should have been obvious from the start of the day that he would use triple lynch. Apparently everyone forgot about the Saboteur, and voted solely for him. Anyone could have negated his ability to triple lynch by changing their vote just before the deadline.

Edit: If anything, I'd almost go as far as to say the Mayor should be able to PM the double/triple lynch declaration to the host, and not have to post it at all. The only reason I think it's better the current way is because the other players have to change their votes at the end of the day if they want to counteract or take advantage of his ability. Requiring him to also participate at the end of the day to utilize the power seems only fair.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 9:49 am by Azrael.

Aug 17 2012, 9:58 am Sacrieur Post #172

Still Napping

Az's brilliant deduction is correct.

When I executed Az I knew I'd instantly be put on the spotlight. In fact I knew before I executed Az, my being voted unanimously was part of the plan, upon which case I would triple lynch to kill two townies along with myself -- using the town's own certainty against them.

This isn't a broken mechanic. The saboteur doesn't have concealed powers, the mayor's abilities are wide out in the open for all to see. The town could have prevented it, had the members been more perceptive and insightful. And fully realize both Az and Ari could have figured out what I was doing before I did it.

So don't go pointing fingers at the game when it was psychoanalysis and clever planning that allowed this to occur. We can't go nerfing abilities just because someone gets creative or outwits the town.


Aug 17 2012, 11:55 am Tempz Post #173

J76CAD3 could be a color code


Looks like its another dead end


Aug 17 2012, 2:33 pm Raitaki Post #174

asdasd Oh HELL what.
In exchange for Sac's lynch we lost like all of the more competent players :wallbash: And here I thought this round would be an easy mafia defeat. So wtf can we do w/o outing our power roles for mafia to kill now?

Also Tempz I'm pretty sure color codes always have only 6 digits.


Aug 17 2012, 3:40 pm Fire_Kame Post #175

wth is starcraft

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Quote from Fire_Kame
If you can triple lynch why can't you just lynch three people at a time every turn?
Only getting one triple lynch or double lynches is just the limitation of the Mayor's powers built into the rules. (for this round, anyway) Though, IMO, future versions of the rules may want to include a provision preventing the mayor from doing a double or triple lynch when he's on the town's chopping block. (IE, if the town wants the mayor dead, they probably wouldn't be listening to his double/triple lynch orders.) And probably a restriction on how late in the day it can be declared, because lol. :lol:

Or, if the triple targets are kept secret to at least delay by a turn before orders go through.

Aug 17 2012, 3:57 pm Moose Post #176

We live in a society.

Scene I: The Mayor's Office, twenty minutes before execution.

Three townspeople enter the mayor's office. The mayor is sitting at his desk. The first townsperson is carrying a copy of the current lynch vote tally and places it on the mayor's desk in front of the mayor as he begins to speak.

Townsperson 1: Well, well, well, Mr Mayor. The preliminary results of the lynch voting are in. Unsurprisingly, everyone in the town wants you dead.

Mayor: I'm making an executive decision. Let's kill two more people.


Mayor (winking): Come on, I'm the mayor! You guys should listen to me!


Townsperson 2: You've got to be kidding. Everyone in the town who voted wants you dead. Literally everyone.

Mayor (big smile): Come on, you people elected me. You have to listen!


Townperson 3: Can we just kill him already?

Mayor (wearing a trollface at this point): Triple lynch, come on!

Townsperson 1: Mr. Mayor, we all hate your guts and want to kill you because it's extremely probable that you've been murdering us.

Mayor (sad puppy dog eyes): Please?

Townsperson 2: Actually, you even went so far as to pretty much admit upfront that you've been murdering us.

Mayor (desperate, pleading): B-b-b-but triple lynch!

Townsperson 1, Townsperson 2, Townsperson 3 (in unison): SURE THING, MR. MAYOR! LET'S DO IT!

The townspeople, enthused and excited by the prospect of doing more work based on last-minute orders from the mayor they hate and are about to kill, hurriedly prepare the triple lynch.

End Scene I.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 4:09 pm by Mini Moose 2707.

Aug 17 2012, 4:50 pm Fire_Kame Post #177

wth is starcraft

More like:

Setting: Mayor's Office, midday. MAYOR SACRIEUR is reviewing the CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND while drinking a PEPPERMINT MOCHA. BACH is playing in the background at scene open. TOWNSPERSON MOOSE walks in with a MANILLA ENVELOPE and places it on the Mayor's DESK. The Mayor turns off the RADIO and looks up at MOOSE. MOOSE walks over to STAGE LEFT, busying himself with one of the many UNICORN FIGURINES Sacrieur is soft too.

[nonchalantly]A pleasure to see you again so soon, Moose. Did you know we spent three hundred thousand dollars on Markton Park last year?

[ignoring him]The lynch results, sir.

It is so strange, though don't you think? Markton...that's right by your house, isn't it? A nice area if I must say so myself, you surely know how to live...but if I remember correctly Markton Park is little more than a plot of greenery, a decision made by the HOA that the city respected diligently.

[loudly] The town wants you dead, Sacrieur.

He gets up and stands besides MooseRemind me Moose - there are no children that live in your neighborhood, correct?

There is a small baby, but the family is choosing to move closer to a fine private school. What game are you playing, Sacrieur?

Who, then, would use a three hundred thousand dollar swing set if there are no kids? And where is this swing set, I wonder?

[quietly] I'm sure if you went and looked there would be...

There is no swing set, Moose. [he loses his shit and throws a purple unicorn across the office, hitting the wall and shattering it] Just like there is no six hundred thousand dollar fountain on Main Street or memorial statue off of tenth and maple. I wonder Moose, how do you provide for your lifestyle?

[color draining from his face, he braces himself against the counter]What are you suggesting?

I'm suggesting that I was wrong in putting you on my council. I'm suggesting that you are laundering the money that I should be laundering!


Here, take this, [he walks back to his desk, unlocks a top drawer and pulls out ANOTHER MANILLA ENVELOPE.] Deliver it to the executioner's block.

Or else what?

Or else the world will know you're a corrupt phony who rode in here on the coattails of respectable citizens just to further your own gains! I know you do not wish for your campaign to stop at this two bit do us both a favor, and this whole mess will just...fade away. [he looks out a window behind his desk]

The town will still want you dead.

[in a whisper]I know. And maybe rightly so. But I will not go down without taking a few with me.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 4:56 pm by Fire_Kame. Reason: RODE RODE RODE

Aug 17 2012, 4:54 pm Sacrieur Post #178

Still Napping

Please, I would never smash Rarity against a wall.


Aug 17 2012, 4:55 pm Fire_Kame Post #179

wth is starcraft

Quote from Sacrieur
Please, I would never smash Rarity against a wall.
Not even if you were going to die?

Aug 17 2012, 5:34 pm Raitaki Post #180




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