Not sure at this point.
I will abstain for the time being.
I vote bioatk
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
Bet I got your hopes up, right?

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
One old lady, had a heart attack from the shock and passed away. Luckily, however, everyone was already at the funeral, so all they had to do was put her in the coffin.

I lol'd so hard.
Aristo stop baiting all the feign deaths this is getting old now what do we do
First, elect me Mayor. If there's no re-election, then I would like to ask that all remaining players send me their role PMs as proof of allegiance. We can work something out here.
This has thoroughly proven the fact that I'm not Mafia, so if you still won't claim a role to me, I'll assume you have no legitimate role PM and ask everyone to vote lynch you.
Aristocrat 2012. I believe.
I vote to elect Aristocrat. For the children.
The young representative called for a meeting outside of City Hall. Since the prior night had been quiet, the crowd was bigger than it had ever been. The man walked up to the podium and addressed the people.
"Citizens, it should not be a shock to you all that the Mayor died. In fact, it should be expected at this point. Given the recent corruption that has infested our offices, I have requested that no new Mayor be elected until we are certain that the scum that resides in our city has been wiped out."
The crowd was a bit shocked by this motion. There were a few objections.
"Please, understand what I am trying to say. The Mayor seemed like a good person on the inside, but remember, it's not who we are on the inside, but what we do that defines us. The Mayor's actions were unacceptable, and we cannot risk putting another one of the corrupt in a place of such power. We will be leaderless, yes, but we will not be weak. We will not be scared. We will persevere through this trying time, and we will come out victorious!"
The crowd cheered. Any previous objections were now gone and everyone agreed with what the man was saying. Some even said that he should be the Mayor. The young man stepped off of the podium and walked back into City Hall.

But it's like 100% confirmed that I'm not mafia so what the young man said makes no logical sense.
Oh well. I'll wait until everybody sends me their role PMs to propose a lynch candidate. I have a fairly good idea of who should go on the chopping block first, but I'll give him a chance to prove his innocence and to avoid mafia jumping on the lynch proposal bandwagon if he does turn out to be innocent.
You wake up and find yourself quite disoriented. You have a huge headache and your neck is incredibly stiff. As you try to turn your head, your feel a surge of pain that you've never felt before run up your back and through your neck. You yell in agony and grasp your neck with your hand. To your horror, you find a metal device attached to you.
You've been constrained.
Is the metal device attached to any part in particular