Using the same four identical partitions, you are given two shapes. Why is there a space despite both the width and length staying the same?
Don't post results immediately if you figure it out. I want some time to ponder this for myself, so use collapse boxes to avoid spoilers. I hope you all enjoy this challenge as much as I.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."

Neither of them are actual triangles because what is perceived as the hypotenuse is actually bent.
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I do not remember where I posted it (probably the shoutbox), but, a few years ago, I posted a video of this same concept. The only difference is it was a rectangle.
It is quite interesting to say something like: 30 = 31. Also, very silly at that.
Slopes, how do they work?
Collapsable Box

Yeah, nice try, but the slopes are not the same, therefore creating an optical illusion.
I knew what this thread was going to be when I saw the title.
I'm pretty sure that the first time I saw it, I was able to tell what was going on by sight before I even bothered to think about it. But that was a long time ago so by "pretty sure" I really mean "I kinda think so but ain't at all certain I'm remembering correctly".
Might help, though, if that image weren't such terrible quality. Seriously, what's with that? I'm tempted to make a better version just so I can possibly maybe help to reduce how much anyone has to see this pile of agadfsaf by posting it any time I see the subject come up.
Even though it would only take like two minutes, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't actually make any difference though so screw that.

Using the same four identical partitions, you are given two shapes. Why is there a space despite both the width and length staying the same?
Don't post results immediately if you figure it out. I want some time to ponder this for myself, so use collapse boxes to avoid spoilers. I hope you all enjoy this challenge as much as I.
If you use definite integrals to calculate it you'll see that the area underneath the line
s gives 31 and 32, exactly.
The smaller triangle has 2 vertical units for 5 horizontal units (2/5 = 0.4). The larger triangle has 3 vertical units for 8 horizontal ones (3/8 = 0.375). Figure it out from there.