Quote from NinjaOtis
Quote from UnholyUrine
Even "unnatural" doesn't hold water because sc2 is so different from sc1... What are we supposed to make from this?
You're right, SC2 is different from SC1. Then again, Call of Duty MW3 is different than Call of Duty MW2, or is it? Come to think of it, it's pretty much the same exact thing with some new weapons, maps, graphics, etc.
We have to stop using the "This is SC2 so we have to make the game completely unlike SC1" excuse. It's unacceptable.
If anyone feels I'm out of place, please just continue on living in denial.
I am not a fan of the Call of Duty series because they are generally the same game on the same engine with new guns, so essentially, an expansion of the previous one. You used MW2 and MW3, they are literally on the same version of the same engine that was developed by Infinity Ward but with some additional content and a new storyline. That means it is what StarCraft was to BroodWar. Are you trying to tell me that StarCraft 2 is just an updated version of the same engine as StarCraft? With the new engine in StarCraft 2, we cannot simply port in the heroes from Temple Siege using the same statistics and abilities. Especially since abilities were spawning units which means we would have to recreate things like the AI used for targeting. Before you say that isn't what you mean, that was one of the harshest reasons of why we cannot just recreate the game when talking with people who do not understand. As for the statistics on other portions, yes we can recreate them, but they would not look good with the animations in StarCraft 2. We want the game to look good and feel fluid, aesthetics are extremely important even though people tend to forget about them. Unless the game has a bad aesthetic feel, they will notice it immediately and the game will feel inherently bad.
We have lives that we live and rarely have any time to work on the game, we are spending so little time on the game that it's crawling in progress. Then it has a massive boom in a short time span when the team has the time to work on it. Balancing isn't easy either, everyone seems to think it is so simple that if we gave them the reins it would be worse in every way imaginable. Not meaning to bash on anyone, but let's give Luzz for example when he finishes a new hero with his own numbers. They were always absurdly imbalanced number wise, but then we would round robin some ideas and numbers on how to balance it until it fell into acceptable parameters. If you wanted me to give you an idea on how far along this game is in balance, I would reply without a doubt that it's horrible and needs a lot of attention. Sadly, we are in the process of getting it to where it needs to be.
You want Temple Siege, you already have it. We never said that we were making a carbon copy of it. Temple Siege 2 is a work in progress and I would say it is in Alpha testing, not Beta. With the team working on it when possible with the little viable feedback we get, don't expect much. Everyone just gives us the feedback that basically falls along the lines of, "It's not Temple Siege," you seriously cannot think that helps. We do work with the ideas from TS1, but we want to evolve from them and create something new. We want to make a game that allows more people to play with one another, which of course adds a new level of game play because the room for error also increases. Anyone who ends their opinion with a, "If anyone disagrees with me..." pretty much just said that they know people won't agree. When you have an idea or opinion that contradicts what you are being told, rather than argue about it because that gets you nowhere, get to know the subject matter. Make sure you learn more about what you are discussing so when they speak, you know what they are talking about and when you speak, you are stating sound information. This has been a great practice in everything I have done and people often get annoyed because they would rather bathe in a sea of ignorance than know what they are talking about.
I apologize if this all came off as a rant, but it was meant to address the conversation picking up from when I left and to anyone who was offended, that may have been intentional because it may have been directed at you. If it holds no basis on what you have said in the topic, then it wasn't directed at you. In the end what I am trying to say is that the team is working to bring you a good game, if you do not want to be around for the development process, that's fine. We aren't making this game for fame or money, we want to create a game that we would enjoy and it will be a rough ride for anyone that wants to stay on board. The team often disagrees on certain aspects and often proceed forward with, or without, ideas that weren't unanimous among us which may very well be the reason the game is in such shambles. Then again it could very well be the opposite in that we are still going about the implementation process wrong.
To summarize this entire post, we are doing our best with the time we have to make a game that we ourselves would enjoy. Some of the changes may not make sense to a large majority of users because they do not want to adapt, they want to stick with what they know. This often leads to conflicts of interest between us, and our user base, but we keep moving forward because we feel that the game is going in a direction we want to follow. Instead of trying to bash on the design, explore it and see it for what it is now. Discuss with us the flaws you find in certain changes, break down why they are flaws and if you think of some good ways to fix it, that's even better. Not every new idea may work and could inherently be more flawed than before, maybe you just found the flaw but don't have a fix that you find would work. That's fine because what I listed is the best kind of feedback that anyone can give us because it is thorough and constructive.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 2 2013, 9:54 pm by LoveLess. Reason: Grammar