I'll post all the steps/resources I used to achieve this:
1. Log in to battle.net and download the OSX client for Starcraft. Note that this is a mac downloader program, but if you dig around you can find a torrent file which will work with any torrent client. When you install the game you'll need a CD Key - this turned out to be the Game Key stored on my battle.net account which was lucky because my original box is buried somewhere hard to get to.
2. Download the 1.16.1 mac patch also on battle.net (somewhere)
3. Download or buy Mac OS X.
5. Download virtual box: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
6. Download mac 10.6.8 update: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1399
7. Download iBoot: http://www.tonymacx86.com/viewforum.php?f=125 (use my dud forum login: Somedood / somedood)
8. Download multibeast 3.9.1 from above
9. Follow page 1 of the instructions here http://www.orderingdisorder.com/2010/10/21/creating-a-mac-osx-vm-on-a-windows-7-host-part-1/. You do NOT need to download the Empire EFI because we're using iBoot instead (empire didn't work for me). Note that the latest version of virtualbox does not look quite the same as the screenshots, but the functionality is all similar. Also where it talks about finding your empire efi .iso, although I followed these instructions you can substitute this with your iBoot iso, or skip the step entirely and manually add iBoot later (which is what I did because I had empireefi added).
10. On page 2 at the above site, read the first few sections up until the OSX install screen and get familiar with the concept of changing the CD/DVD using the Devices menu. We'll be using iBoot instead of empire efi.
11. Now follow the instructions from this site from step 2 onwards http://tonymacx86.blogspot.com/2010/04/iboot-multibeast-install-mac-os-x-on.html You can check step 1 if you like but hopefully you won't need to meddle with those things. When it says to burn iBoot to a physical disc, we don't need to do that - we will use the Devices menu in virtualbox to point to our iBoot image on the hard drive, same with the retail DVD image. Once osx is installed you can skip the various registration and online account steps.
12. Because you've downloaded SC, the mac update and multibeast onto your windows box, we'll need to transfer them into the mac one. To do this we need to create a shared folder on your windows host that we can access from osx and place your files inside it: http://www.onecomputerguy.com/windows7/windows7_sharing.htm
13. Follow step 3 inside osx to get access to the shared folder you just made: http://www.sysprobs.com/mac-os-guest-virtualbox-326-snow-leopard-1064-windows-7-32-bit
14. Copy multibeast to your osx virtual drive to unzip it. You'll need to copy the SC patch there to unzip it as well.
15. Install SC by running the installer. I found the gamekey was on my battle.net account, as noted earlier.
16. Unzip the 1.16.1 patch and simply copy and paste the files on top of your starcraft installation, which is located in \Applications\Starcraft by default
17. You can now run starcraft!
The VM runs quite sluggish for me, probably because it doesn't have correct video drivers or some-such. I really wouldn't want to use it for any serious purposes. But I can get sound and starcraft to work, as well as the internet, so that's all I'm really concerned with.
Tomorrow and over the weekend I hope to use the CheatEngine program that jjf28 has linked to for harvesting EUDs: http://www.staredit.net/311764/
I've done a quick test and it's possible to set up a LAN UDP game between the OSX VM and my W7 host computer, so I'll be able to test the same map on both systems at once to ensure EUD compatibility, which will be nice. The VM is really really sluggish though - takes about 3 seconds for the initial 50 minerals you get to be fully accounted for, instead of the half second or so it takes normally. I'm going to check if I need to enable virtualisation support in my bios or something, because this is going to be frustratingly slow.
Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Oct 21 2011, 1:26 am by Roy. Reason: Don't post links to illegal downloads