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Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 2
Aug 31 2011, 1:58 pm
By: Roy
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Sep 24 2011, 4:42 am Jack Post #501

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face


Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Sep 24 2011, 4:47 am Roy Post #502

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Lingie
Shit, I should have been MVP over Poison. I'm the person who agreed and collaborated into giving him my role.

Just sayin'.
You probably would have gotten it if you didn't stop submitting night actions and end up losing your role.

Just sayin'.

Sep 24 2011, 5:19 am Tempz Post #503

The ironic thing for me was that i googled cardinal and it came up with birds... I should of trusted my gut that time :hurr:


Sep 24 2011, 5:23 am Azrael Post #504

It's funny that Tempz was lynched, since he was the only person who voted for a Mafia member on all five days.

Sep 24 2011, 5:42 am Tempz Post #505

Lol I never realized that... i should at least got a honorable mention for getting 5 for 5 and a epic death to boot.


Sep 24 2011, 9:32 am DevliN Post #506


Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
It's funny that Tempz was lynched, since he was the only person who voted for a Mafia member on all five days.
I figured it was odd that they kept trying to bandwagon him.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 24 2011, 12:48 pm OlimarandLouie Post #507

So I won the game by randomly voting/abstaining? Cool.


Sep 24 2011, 1:34 pm TiKels Post #508

The mafias died mostly to inexperience. Rai and shadow just shat on the rest of us, cardinal was way too suspicious. I'll admit that I missed the day to change one of my henchmen into a hitman. Observer was doing good simply by not being very active, but he could have saved me from being lynched if he had voted (i think? not gonna bother double checking, I know he didn't vote though).

Roy, don't pick little icons for us to recognize who we are in the story if they can be related to other people. Golden pocket watch? Time? Tick tock? TIKELS!? No.

I had a huge sneaking suspicion poison was bomb... shoulda known better. Poison doesn't like me/trust me enough to legit just go "I don't really care what your role is, but I'm watcher and lingie is bomb". Things learned, will do better next time.

Really, that's what ended the mafia finally, without that, this game woulda gone on longer. If I could vote for MVP, it'd definitely be poison.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Sep 24 2011, 1:44 pm poison_us Post #509

Back* from the grave

Quote from TiKels
Roy, don't pick little icons for us to recognize who we are in the story if they can be related to other people. Golden pocket watch? Time? Tick tock? TIKELS!? No.
Agreed, but I'm going to be far less boorish about it.

Roy, I'd suggest you use more than one or two word clues. Try making things that kind of grab at the reader, but not in a way that's like "his head was smashed in with a guitar". Maybe a few sentences for the framing paragraph, rather than a few words in the post. I wasn't even aware I was being framed, as the "clues" would take some insight into the game mechanics to even come close to spotting. Wheezing? Alcohol poisoning? Seriously?

All things aside, looking at the town against the mafia, the town was biased to win. The mafia had the advantage (or disadvantage) of deaths not being revealed, but other than that they had nothing going for them. They had two members who sold out the rest (which I know you couldn't have predicted), and were plagued by inexperience and/or incompetence. Any involved clue interpretation was wrong, or seemingly unimportant as they were simply ignored. I gotta say, I like being mafia, but I would be raging so hard right now if I was, so I'm glad I got a troll role this game.

Sep 24 2011, 3:09 pm TiKels Post #510

I'm not sure if you understood, but this is what I meant\
Quote from name:Role PM
Congratulations! You are the select group of individuals in charge of taking over this town. Working together and posing as regular townsmen - it doesn't matter if you're outnumbered. Just remember that keeping a low profile is the key to success.

Hitman - shadow649
Hitman - Raitaki
Godfather - TiKels
Lawyer - Cardinal
Framer - Observer12425

Characteristic(s) to help you know if you've been mentioned in a game post:
shadow649: Brass pocket watch
Raitaki: Abrupt changes in attitude
TiKels: Dictative
Cardinal: Bragger
Observer12425: Constantly fidgeting hands
I was planning on using "dictative" as a means to frame devlin, but since I had so few actions ... :disgust:

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Sep 24 2011, 3:14 pm Roy Post #511

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from TiKels
Observer was doing good simply by not being very active, but he could have saved me from being lynched if he had voted (i think? not gonna bother double checking, I know he didn't vote though).
Nope, the final tally with Elder included had you down by like three votes. If Observer had voted, it would have immediately made him look suspicious.

Quote from TiKels
Roy, don't pick little icons for us to recognize who we are in the story if they can be related to other people. Golden pocket watch? Time? Tick tock? TIKELS!? No.
It should be the job of the players to be able to differentiate between characteristics and clues. Also, the pocket watch was brass. Also, that clue interpretation DevliN made was a joke.


I might drop characteristics next time I host, because nobody seems to understand the concept of them unless it's their character being mentioned.

Quote from poison_us
Roy, I'd suggest you use more than one or two word clues. Try making things that kind of grab at the reader, but not in a way that's like "his head was smashed in with a guitar". Maybe a few sentences for the framing paragraph, rather than a few words in the post. I wasn't even aware I was being framed, as the "clues" would take some insight into the game mechanics to even come close to spotting. Wheezing? Alcohol poisoning? Seriously?
My goal for the clues isn't to make them entirely obvious. This gives the Mafia equal opportunity to point out descriptive things in the post that they can twist into accusing a townie. If I made the clues run through an entire paragraph, it would be a lot harder to take descriptions and attempt to use them against the town, as I don't intentionally write red herrings. If you'd rather see this game go more into "look at what Roy said here" instead of behavioral analysis, I can do that.

Also, if anyone was really bothering to look through the night posts for clues, I'm sure they would have found things like the Fugu fish.

Quote from poison_us
All things aside, looking at the town against the mafia, the town was biased to win. The mafia had the advantage (or disadvantage) of deaths not being revealed, but other than that they had nothing going for them. They had two members who sold out the rest (which I know you couldn't have predicted), and were plagued by inexperience and/or incompetence. Any involved clue interpretation was wrong, or seemingly unimportant as they were simply ignored. I gotta say, I like being mafia, but I would be raging so hard right now if I was, so I'm glad I got a troll role this game.
Yeah, it was an unfortunate start for the Mafia, and they seemed disorganized, because there were a lot of nights where some member didn't submit a night action. And then Cardinal's inbox filled up and he can't figure out how to empty it, so there's that, too.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 24 2011, 3:50 pm by Roy.

Sep 24 2011, 3:29 pm Azrael Post #512

I liked most of the clues because they weren't too obvious, behavioral analysis should be the primary focus. The one about Godzilla was the obvious exception, but the Mafia had a number of options there. First, they could have said it was so obvious that it must have been the Framer. Second, if they'd done a quick forum search they'd have noticed OlimarandLouie also posted the Ultimate Showdown video, and could have directed the bandwagon at him. As a preventative measure, the Lawyer could have used his ability that night.

Sep 24 2011, 4:04 pm poison_us Post #513

Back* from the grave

Quote from Roy
Quote from poison_us
Roy, I'd suggest you use more than one or two word clues. Try making things that kind of grab at the reader, but not in a way that's like "his head was smashed in with a guitar". Maybe a few sentences for the framing paragraph, rather than a few words in the post. I wasn't even aware I was being framed, as the "clues" would take some insight into the game mechanics to even come close to spotting. Wheezing? Alcohol poisoning? Seriously?
My goal for the clues isn't to make them entirely obvious. This gives the Mafia equal opportunity to point out descriptive things in the post that they can twist into accusing a townie. If I made the clues run through an entire paragraph, it would be a lot harder to take descriptions and attempt to use them against the town, as I don't intentionally write red herrings. If you'd rather see this game go more into "look at what Roy said here" instead of behavioral analysis, I can do that.

Also, if anyone was really bothering to look through the night posts for clues, I'm sure they would have found things like the Fugu fish.
Don't misunderstand me, I like how the clues weren't completely obvious. I just think that next to no emphasis was put on this game's clue interpretations, regardless of the source. I don't want the clues to become the center of the game, that's just silly (was it Norm's mafia that this occurred?). I'd like it to be more or less like 30% clues, 70% behavior. This game it felt like 2% clues and 98% oh, shadow and azrael said "x" was Mafia, it must be true. Behavior didn't even come into play much after the first lynch, because shadow basically outed himself after Azrael started ruining the second game in a row.

TL;DR: I don't like games that are 100% clue-based, but I don't like mostly behavioral games either. Not your fault, Roy, the game was pretty much ruined by three people anyways.

EDIT: WTF, why am I complaining, I got 100 minerals.

Sep 24 2011, 4:11 pm Azrael Post #514

Oh poison, you're so crass :kame:

Sep 24 2011, 4:16 pm poison_us Post #515

Back* from the grave

No, I just don't like dead people communicating with live ones and influencing the game. I've had it done to me (by you, even) and I didn't like it then, and I hate it when it's someone else. Before you say "oh, it was in the shoutbox and PMs, it was legit", the method of communication isn't important, the message is. Simply because it doesn't violate the rule doesn't mean it should be ok.

BTW, I never said I wasn't materialistic.

Sep 24 2011, 4:23 pm Roy Post #516

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from poison_us
Don't misunderstand me, I like how the clues weren't completely obvious. I just think that next to no emphasis was put on this game's clue interpretations, regardless of the source.
I'd primarily put that on the players not putting much effort to look for them (which may have been the result of the day voting behaviors defeating the purpose of needing to analyze). I was disappointed to see Tempz give up on clue analysis, and seeing nobody willing to do full-post analyses.

Quote from poison_us
I'd like it to be more or less like 30% clues, 70% behavior.
I think I'm making it too obvious to figure out roles, too, which partially takes away from an important aspect of my game. Next time I host (probably in a year or something), I'll try to make it much harder/ambiguous/misleading.

Quote from poison_us
No, I just don't like dead people communicating with live ones and influencing the game. I've had it done to me (by you, even) and I didn't like it then, and I hate it when it's someone else. Before you say "oh, it was in the shoutbox and PMs, it was legit", the method of communication isn't important, the message is.
Yeah, I'm starting to reconsider this rule; I had assumed if I left it open like that, people would feel free to spread lies and confuse the other players, resulting in a more interesting game. This is obviously not the case, since it seems in everyone's nature to just admit exactly who they are after they die. It's a good thing I didn't include the Mortician role, because it would have been completely useless.

I'll probably change the rule to not allow dead/non-players to participate through any means. I can't do much to the non-players if they do, though, and only the dead players that care to play my next game have something to lose.

Edit: Speaking of clues, I'd like to remind everyone that the Day0 post is always going to be pre-written and will not contain any clues pointing to a particular player.

Also, OlimarandLouie was the bartender two games in a row. I thought that was interesting to point out.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 24 2011, 4:29 pm by Roy.

Sep 24 2011, 5:18 pm poison_us Post #517

Back* from the grave

Quote from Roy
Quote from poison_us
Don't misunderstand me, I like how the clues weren't completely obvious. I just think that next to no emphasis was put on this game's clue interpretations, regardless of the source.
I'd primarily put that on the players not putting much effort to look for them (which may have been the result of the day voting behaviors defeating the purpose of needing to analyze). I was disappointed to see Tempz give up on clue analysis, and seeing nobody willing to do full-post analyses.
I attempted to make two interpretations, but I admit I don't think they were full-post and they definitely weren't accurate.

Quote from Roy
Quote from poison_us
I'd like it to be more or less like 30% clues, 70% behavior.
I think I'm making it too obvious to figure out roles, too, which partially takes away from an important aspect of my game. Next time I host (probably in a year or something), I'll try to make it much harder/ambiguous/misleading.
Obviously not, as I even said that the paragraph pointing directly at me was...well, pointing at me. I didn't even bother to say it might be someone else, and even went out of my way to correct Voy. If people had any common sense, or listened to my first claim, I would've taken myself out of the game.

Sep 24 2011, 5:41 pm Roy Post #518

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from poison_us
Obviously not, as I even said that the paragraph pointing directly at me was...well, pointing at me.
I meant more towards how when Aristocrat died, everyone knew he was the Fool because of the way I wrote the game post. The identifications were about the level I want them to be.

Sep 24 2011, 6:10 pm Azrael Post #519

Quote from Roy
Next time I host

Giving you the next open spot on the list :awesome:

Quote from Roy
it seems in everyone's nature to just admit exactly who they are after they die.

I didn't tell people who I was since I didn't want to possibly invalidate a future role claim. The only person who knew was Aristocrat, since we had an interesting alliance formed on the first night. Near the end of the game I also told xAngelSpiritx, but it was just in casual conversation.

Quote from Roy
I'll probably change the rule to not allow dead/non-players to participate through any means.

Well hopefully people will abide by it.

Sep 24 2011, 6:25 pm Norm Post #520


Well, shit!


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