An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Night 5It was his time; he could feel it. The door opens and a man walks in. An uninvited guest has never been so welcome.
"This looks like the only damn place that's open 'round here," a man walking into the bar says. "Remember back when the streets were filled with them city folk? Couldn't get around worth shit."
"Easy there. You sound drunk already," commented a patron. "This town was never that populated."
"Sure it was; you just weren't around to see it," the man replied. "Ye damn kid."
"Are you just going to harass my customers," the bartender butted in, "or are you gonna buy a drink?"
"Sure, I got money," the man grumbled.
"Welcome to my abode."
"Ah, were you expecting me?"
"You specifically? No, not really. But I do enjoy the company."
The guest pulls out a concealed gun. "It's a shame that I won't be sticking around much longer."
The other man smiles. "You took the words right out of my mouth."
"Hey," the man turned back to the patron, "are you even old enough to drink?"
"Arrest me," the patron sarcastically replied. There hasn't been a police officer in this town for weeks.
"Bah, kids." The man turns to a quiet person next to him. "And how old are you?"
The person glances back at the man. "I... 25?"
"What was that, a guess? How the hell do you not know how old you are?" The only response the man got from the quiet person was a blank stare. "Seriously, I can't stand any of you. You're not men, you're boys. Childish, foolish boys."
The patron from earlier responded, "You have a problem with youth or something?"
The man spun around on his chair. "Why yes, yes I do. It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, young man or young lady; the younger generation is filled with arrogant, selfish, disrespectful people."
"It sounds like you're generalizing."
The man paused and thought about it. "Really, it's not every young male and female, I'd assume," he slowly replied. "But that doesn't change the fact that I haven't found one to this day that doesn't irk me."
"Well, I'm sure the feeling is mutual," the bartender jested.
"I could care less what they think of me," the man retorted.
The two men stand across the room from each other, one at gunpoint. "Now, now, there's no reason to be hasty."
"By all means, if you want to plead for your life, go right ahead."
The man decides to sit down instead. He was in the middle of a meal, and he chose to continue eating it.
The uninvited guest notices a funny smell in the air. "I can understand why you don't often have guests." He aims the gun and squeezes the trigger.
Despite losing one of his regulars, the bar has had enough customers to be regarded as successful, thanks to the fear the Mafia has instilled in the town.
"Well, I best be going," the man says. He stands up and shakes his head at the passed-out patron to his left. "You'll never go out of business as long as that idiot's around." He stumbles his way towards the door when the ground starts to shake.
"The hell was that? An earthquake?" The bartender asks. The three conscious men of the bar walk outside to see debris falling from the sky. One of the houses had completely disappeared, having been replaced by scattered pieces of charred wood. The remains of
Observer12425 and
poison_us are found amongst the mess.
Day 5 begins. Cast your vote before midday (ETA: Friday 22:00 EDT).