An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Final Tally
Voyager7456 : Cardinal
lil-Inferno : Abstain Cardinal
Tempz : Cardinal (3)
Mp)HellFire : Echo
Echo : Echo (2)
OlimarandLouie : Abstain
xAngelSpiritx : Abstain
No vote: poison_us, Cardinal, Lingie, Riney, Observer12425, Wing Zero, FaRTy1billion, Norm
Day 4It is noon yet again. The votes are in, and Cardinal is out.
Echo runs up to the crowd excitedly with a noose he had tied with his own two calloused hands. "Okay, guys, I'm ready."
"Uh, Echo, you weren't voted to hang today."
"Bullshit," Echo says. He climbs up the gallows and fastens his noose next to Cardinal's. "This is gonna happen," he assures the crowd.
"Echo, get down from there! We're hanging Cardinal!"
"No!" Echo shouts. "I demand to be hung up here as well. Screw your votes."
The crowd sighed. Echo wasn't going to change his mind.
The nooses were fastened around the necks of Cardinal and Echo, and their hands were bound behind their backs. Echo stood uncomfortably close to Cardinal with a grin on his face. "Hey, Cardinal?" he asks.
"What is it, Echo?" An unhappy Cardinal replies.
"Have you ever been kicked before?"
The floor drops, and Echo savagely beats Cardinal with his feet. It was unclear at what point
Cardinal died, but
Echo's death was clearly marked by the moment his feet stopped swinging.
Night 5 begins. Send your night actions before sunrise (ETA: Thursday 22:00 EDT).