This is a picture of the main cast taken from the first post.

Notice someone in this image being excluded from the polls?

All hail Princess Celestia, the sovereign that rules over everypony with unsurpassed grace and inexorable authority!
Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
This is a picture of the main cast taken from the first post.

Notice someone in this image being excluded from the polls?

All hail Princess Celestia, the sovereign that rules over everypony with unsurpassed grace and inexorable authority!
Spike is in the picture. He's not a pony or anything but still...
Luna is a nobody. She exists because Princess Celestia allows her to.
Quote from name:shadow649
Spike is in the picture. He's not a pony or anything but still...
He's part of the main cast as well, just not included because it regards ponies specifically
I assume you all are on right? fair to say. If you have EXCESSIVE amounts of spare time I've started listening to some podcasts. the first one is almost an HOUR! it's crazy. good stuff though.
I excluded Spike and Celestia for a reason. First, Celestia isn't really part of the main caste. Spike, well, I just wanted to see your reaction to his exclusion.
No one is more of a main character than Princess Celestia
Any recommendations for the most accurate replicas of the ponies from the show? Best I could find is
this, and that's not even totally accurate. Just looking for small desk ornaments, no giant play-with-my-hair toys.
If you guys serious about finding accurate representations, you should check out dollhouse/miniature shops and make them yourself.

I've thought about it honestly.
I excluded Spike and Celestia for a reason. First, Celestia isn't really part of the main caste. Spike, well, I just wanted to see your reaction to his exclusion.

Could care less about spike honestly. He's cool but not a pony. We should have a poll about favorite brony on the show. snips and snails? I bet everyone will just vote Big Macintosh. How many are there who actually speak more than once?
If you guys serious about finding accurate representations, you should check out dollhouse/miniature shops and make them yourself.

I've thought about it honestly.
I was thinking about it. My parents might give me weird looks... Maybe not. I am pretty good with a needle. no materials around my house for this

maybe it's for the better.
well even a hobby store like Hobby Lobby might be able to get you started.
Also, I love
this, because it isn't overtly plagiarism (probably wasn't intended to be, either!). I don't like that people are selling a bunch of stuff that they don't have the licensing to do.
Quote from name:Tuxedo-Templar
Don't really get what this is referencing, probably a lame TV series. I don't like how they portrayed Twilight. :\
Quote from name:Artanis186
Don't really get what this is referencing, probably a lame TV series. I don't like how they portrayed Twilight. :\

A new "The Hangover for women" movie

Official parody billboard advertisement
Quote from name:Tuxedo-Templar
I saw this with the actual ponies before, definitely like this one better though xD