Use regenerating shields like Spellswords, put vespene geysers(enviromental weapons) and the heroes will have spells which create a drone,probe,scv then they build on the vespene geysers and each building will create a buff(enhancement), attack spell, a tower, 1 uber unit, summons,minion spawn factory
Tons of AI units will be wandering the map so it's filled like an MMO
Also power ups, created by wandering observers , and spawn more power ups when the trigger detects that there are 5 or less power ups, the power ups could heal, give the hero upgrades, temporarily buff his shields/HP while he's near a power up, so there will be more powerup types. There could also be 5/100 chanche that a power up will turn into a monster or gem or item. Players will have a spell which attracts the observers to them, the observers could be created via a player killing a speccific mob and when there's like 200obs they would all turn into monsters, a player could also gain a spell which let's the player collect observers in order to summon a giant boss under his control if he has access to a location and enough observers(100-200)
[Events]: These will change the map from RPG to Crash to Zombie Onslaught to Dota,Temple Siege, etc.
Also Day & Night, even weather, like lightning bolts will turn normal mobs into bosses or elite mobs
Usually a base will be created when an invasion type event occurs, when you go to the base you will be given 2abillityes, calling for reinforcements and calling for evacc
In Crash maps: Make the white larvas turn into allyes such as marines, and black larvas turn into enemies when the hero goes near the larvas
The map could be a rpg with free lands to explore, no labyrintish zones, and when the time is right or some conditions are met, spawners will be created, and thus it will turn into a crash map
Mass Explosions will happen on the map(at the observers) signaling that a universal enchantment is happening from an event, all players will be buffed for like 5-10 minutes
Critters/Players/Civillians could turn into bosses at random and there'll be 1 boss which turns other units into bosses(elite versions) it will will transform the unit randomly from a list of elite mobs depending what unit it is. Refference: Generator Rex - Prototype - Resident Evil
Players will need to complete a quest in order to get a cure spell so they have 2 options: cure or eliminate
A giant PVP area in which players are free to unally/ally each other, filled with monsters, treasure, huge wars, bosses. Most of the action source of the events will be happening there. Refference: Runescape's Wilderness, WOW
Important AI units:
there will be 2 Uber wandering heroes(Boxer vs Jaedong) which if they ever come in contact in the PVP Area Will Trigger an event at random(will take them at least 1 minute and over to use their event triggering spell), in the worst case turning into a rampaging boss which has about 30 abillityes
[Easter eggs]:
Everyone who participated could put their names on a secret boss(a giant cow,chicken) and everyone's boss could appear in an event in which they blow up the map and players try to stop them, or are a secret which players can access and control in a last chanche to defeat an event which gets out of hands
A Ghostly Cow which has 5/100% when a cow(critter) gets killed by a player, it appears(teleports) near the cows and when it gets weakened( 1minute passed) it teleports back to it's realm along with any players, npcs which where near it. The ghostly cow will drop teleporting stones when killed
Summary: A filled map which changes it's gameplay
If you ever try filling one map with all these suggestions don't go solo
Feel free to have a mental breakdown
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 5 2011, 2:54 pm by FlameViper.