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How am I doing?
Dec 19 2010, 12:32 pm
By: M-RP)Dreamscape  

Dec 19 2010, 12:32 pm M-RP)Dreamscape Post #1

Actually worked for once. Only because my opponent went for DT's, though..

Comment on my play please? I need to know how I'm doing. I am in Platinum 1v1 league, rank 63 I think.

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Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 24 2010, 6:56 pm by Blur.


Dec 19 2010, 1:25 pm NicholasBeige Post #2

Well your opponent was clearly shit.

Making 2 Barracks is a better way to mass Marines than making 1 Barracks, 2 Gas and a Reactor. If he had went for 3 gate + robo + collosus you would have been gg'd. Also, 100% marines is pretty bad way to go. No Combat Shield, no Stim Pack? Not even +1/+1 upgrades?

Also, you use Extra Supplies. Big no-no. A Mule gives you about 400 minerals. Just don't supply block yourself and use mules instead...

Anyways, didn't really watch the replay in much detail since it was quite an average game. Post a replay when you ACTUALLY have a decent opponent. Doesn't have to be when you win.


Dec 19 2010, 1:30 pm M-RP)Dreamscape Post #3

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I was kinda doing crap this game like my opponent, I was just kinda happy I won. Most of the time, even if I do happen to get upgrades, or grab mules, I always get owned. Made me wonder how I got in the platinum league. I'll definitely upload another one though when it's a good fight if I remember to save the replay.


Dec 19 2010, 2:33 pm M-RP)Dreamscape Post #4

Alright, just did a another match. My enemy sucked, but I think I did a hell of a lot better.

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Dec 24 2010, 7:02 pm M-RP)Dreamscape Post #5

I've decided to take on a new race and strategy as terran isn't doing so well for me. Now I'm going protoss, and I'm using the 4gate strategy. Tell me how I'm doing gameplay-wise, I've won quite a few matches with this, and I uploaded a multiplayer match and the match I did to get the 1v2 Medium AI achievement.

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Dec 24 2010, 9:52 pm NicholasBeige Post #6

keep practising... I am gold 1v1 and platinum 2v2 - have a look at these two replays:

2v2 (PP v PZ) Voidray Tactical
1v1 (P v T) Macro/Micro

I am Protoss in both games.


Dec 24 2010, 11:39 pm BeDazed Post #7

Blur. I suggest you go to to find some pro replays, instead of watching some amateur play. No offense Cardinal, but they have more learning factors than you do. In fact, the way I see it, you might even harm someone's idea of a 'good game'.


Dec 25 2010, 2:05 am CecilSunkure Post #8

Yeah, no offense, but you can't say you're playing properly until you're within the top couple thousand of the diamond league, as anyone below that plays with a ton of room for improvement. Even I still have a ton of room for improvement, as I'm constantly getting better and better.

I suggest, and look up whichever matchup you want to learn most -PvP PvZ or PvT.


Dec 25 2010, 10:59 pm NicholasBeige Post #9

lol Sen is so goddamn fucking elitist its laughable.

edit: All I did was show him two replays in which the Protoss play is better (how about more 'adventurous') than a 4-gate?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 25 2010, 11:06 pm by Cardinal.


Dec 25 2010, 11:06 pm payne Post #10


Quote from name:Cardinal
lol Sen is so goddamn fucking elitist its laughable.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. :P
But SEN is also realist.


Dec 25 2010, 11:34 pm NicholasBeige Post #11

Well take a step back and realise this - Blur is never going to be the best Starcraft 2 player in the world. So let him enjoy his game, let him watch a couple replays. Get off your high-horse and don't tell him to go suck team-liquids cock. Mmmmmklay? It's funny how no one actually replies to this thread until they have gone out and bought fucking 'superiority stilts' so they can just stand up there and look down on everything that's been said already.

Edit: :) Merrry christmas


Dec 26 2010, 2:27 am CecilSunkure Post #12

Quote from name:Cardinal
Well take a step back and realise this - Blur is never going to be the best Starcraft 2 player in the world. So let him enjoy his game, let him watch a couple replays. Get off your high-horse and don't tell him to go suck team-liquids cock. Mmmmmklay? It's funny how no one actually replies to this thread until they have gone out and bought fucking 'superiority stilts' so they can just stand up there and look down on everything that's been said already.

Edit: :) Merrry christmas
Oh cmon. Nothing wrong with telling Blur were to learn in the best possible manner. Everyone learns by watching pro players.

Now, all your replay did was show him how to play wrong. How about you get off your own high horse and stop sucking your own cock and realize that we said what we said because there are way better ways of learning than your replays.


Dec 26 2010, 4:59 am M-RP)Dreamscape Post #13

Lol I never watched the replays. O.o Although I should, I'm not aiming to be the best. I'm just looking to be decent enough that I don't epically fail every game I play. (Which I successfully did for a while until I found the 4gate strategy.) However I appreciate all the help I'm being given, and will look into those replays when I get some time.


Dec 28 2010, 10:31 pm Dungeon-Master Post #14

ask help on the SC2 forums. Yeah they are filled with elitist, but most of them like giving advices to starters. I'm silver (only cause I'm playing once a week, being rusty between each game) and they helped me understand how zerg is supposed to be played. If you want to learn other strategies for protoss, go there. The protoss forums are actually the most friendly, as terran players keep saying zerg are op and zerg keep saying terran are op. Protoss being the worse race (balance-wise), the Protoss players started making good strategies and helping eachother a lot, like zerg at the beginning of SC2.


Apr 4 2011, 2:53 am StarBlue Post #15

Quote from name:Cardinal
Well your opponent was clearly shit.

Making 2 Barracks is a better way to mass Marines than making 1 Barracks, 2 Gas and a Reactor. If he had went for 3 gate + robo + collosus you would have been gg'd. Also, 100% marines is pretty bad way to go. No Combat Shield, no Stim Pack? Not even +1/+1 upgrades?

Also, you use Extra Supplies. Big no-no. A Mule gives you about 400 minerals. Just don't supply block yourself and use mules instead...

Anyways, didn't really watch the replay in much detail since it was quite an average game. Post a replay when you ACTUALLY have a decent opponent. Doesn't have to be when you win.
MULE = 270mins


Apr 8 2011, 9:05 pm Fisty Post #16

:bleh: Tough love's the only way for people to learn. SEN is Elitist as fuck, but so is every small internet forum.


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[2025-1-22. : 2:34 pm]
Excalibur -- Forums across the internet are less active overall, Viper. If you want engagement about SC, discord is your best bet.
[2025-1-20. : 10:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- if I had to guess, I'd say likely because his latest topic didn't get a single response lol
[2025-1-20. : 5:15 pm]
NudeRaider -- FlameViper
FlameViper shouted: What alternative SC1-related forums do we have left outside of Staredit?
Why? SEN is perfect, why would you wanna look any further? :shifty: *strange cult noises in the background*
[2025-1-20. : 2:49 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Well actually it looks like Team Liquid still has a Brood War forum, but they're heavily melee focused
[2025-1-20. : 2:48 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Was gonna say Team Liquid, but it seems even they have moved on from SC:BW. Was going to respond to your thread, but wasn't sure exactly what to say. I don't agree with all your ideas about volcano run, but I like that you're thinking about improving upon the idea
[2025-1-20. : 10:01 am]
FlameViper -- What alternative SC1-related forums do we have left outside of Staredit?
[2025-1-19. : 10:49 am]
Zycorax -- :wob:
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