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Yeh like one of the first ones you can use these crossbow things... but I had already slit his throat. Bit buggy, but I stealh killed his two girlfriends with arrows right in front of him and he didn't even flinch lol.
I am in the Dark Brotherhood and have just become the Listener for the Night Mother. So far the assassinations have been lame and not at all cool like in Oblivion (dropping a moose head and crushing someone, for eg.). Hopefully it gets better as I progress.
Some of them have cool ways to kill them, I always found them after I made the hit though
Same with most Mage quests so far I've done for the Orc Librarian (lols, contradiction Bethesda, u so funny). They have sort of two ways to solve a puzzle or two ways to achieve whatever it is you gotta do.
really wanna wanna become a Vampire... My first character is the sneaky woodelf who turns into a Werewolf when you piss him off.. my current character is the bad-ass darkelf mage whore, who is also meant to be a fucking vampire. Mmmm console command time...
I made a pure mage. It's fun blowing the shit up out of everything and all but the close combat feels so satisfying. Mage vs mage is sexy too.
I have no idea what to be when I decide to make a new person. I'm deciding between a vampire hooker and a swordsman. OR A WEREWOLF JUST FOUND THAT OUT : )
Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
I don't see what is the fascination with making new people. Can't you just get one guy to do every quest, level up every skill, etc.? That's the beauty of Skyrim it doesn't constrict you to one playstyle.
the blood mod looks pretty lame. The original is great except it looks as if it's a small texture that's being stretched out. The new one looks like everyone's blood is full of raisins and extremely viscous.
Blood looks realistic. MZ has never left a British pub at 4am and taken a wrong turn, to find hemorrhaging coke addicts and people with punched in faces lying in their own congealed blood juices.
That "No Spiders" mod should really be called the "Pedobear Revenge" mod.
>Being idoctrinated into the Companions in Whiterun >Dragon flies over head >Companions look up quickly while going through the script >Script continues >DRAGON LANDS >Scripted...can't move >scripted >Script Ends >Companions disappear >Me go fight dragon
Also, Farkas is a haas. I'm kinda glad that even though the NPCs apparently don't understand how traps work, at least they do decent damage, and if they aggro something I don't have to worry about grabbing it while I'm fighting something else.
I need help. I picked up a quest from Vilkas as part of the Companions line...where I'm supposed to rescue someone from Rannveig's Fast. I killed the bad guy in there, but I can't find the guy I'm supposed to save. The wikis I've checked make no mention of someone I'm supposed to halp? Anyone?
>Being idoctrinated into the Companions in Whiterun >Dragon flies over head >Companions look up quickly while going through the script >Script continues >DRAGON LANDS >Scripted...can't move >scripted >Script Ends >Companions disappear >Me go fight dragon
Also, Farkas is a haas. I'm kinda glad that even though the NPCs apparently don't understand how traps work, at least they do decent damage, and if they aggro something I don't have to worry about grabbing it while I'm fighting something else.
Be lucky taht you didn't get the Farkas bug where he literally SPRINTS to you, sword drawn and hellbent to catch you no matter where you go!!!!!!!!!!!! ....To start up a conversation/dialogue sequence. Without a fail, he will do this everytime he sees you and that crypt, don't even get me started. Three horrible, endless hours until I finally came to the conclusion, "ENOUGH! NO MORE, BEGONE WITH YOU FARKAS! EN GUARD!" Fucking bitch, eat my dick.
I don't see what is the fascination with making new people. Can't you just get one guy to do every quest, level up every skill, etc.? That's the beauty of Skyrim it doesn't constrict you to one playstyle.
Yeah but I made a pure mage and I don't know how well a let's say hunter will be with 600 magika, 190 health, and 130 stamina (not to mention this amulet that gives 30/30/30 is the only reason I have stamina )
>Being idoctrinated into the Companions in Whiterun >Dragon flies over head >Companions look up quickly while going through the script >Script continues >DRAGON LANDS >Scripted...can't move >scripted >Script Ends >Companions disappear >Me go fight dragon
Also, Farkas is a haas. I'm kinda glad that even though the NPCs apparently don't understand how traps work, at least they do decent damage, and if they aggro something I don't have to worry about grabbing it while I'm fighting something else.
Be lucky taht you didn't get the Farkas bug where he literally SPRINTS to you, sword drawn and hellbent to catch you no matter where you go!!!!!!!!!!!! ....To start up a conversation/dialogue sequence. Without a fail, he will do this everytime he sees you and that crypt, don't even get me started. Three horrible, endless hours until I finally came to the conclusion, "ENOUGH! NO MORE, BEGONE WITH YOU FARKAS! EN GUARD!" Fucking bitch, eat my dick.
He and Vikras both do this if you have a bounty. Go to your crime page and see where there's a bounty on you. Pay off that bounty or go to jail and they'll stop bugging you. ;o
I don't see what is the fascination with making new people. Can't you just get one guy to do every quest, level up every skill, etc.? That's the beauty of Skyrim it doesn't constrict you to one playstyle.
Yeah but I made a pure mage and I don't know how well a let's say hunter will be with 600 magika, 190 health, and 130 stamina (not to mention this amulet that gives 30/30/30 is the only reason I have stamina )
This^ and it gets hard to kill stuff with weapons/spells you have low skill with at higher levels, unless you can find some low level enemies somewhere.
So, Skyrim DLC is totally going to involve Morrowind and Cyrodiil.
"A PC gamer has explored beyond Skyrim's in-built borders (via the patch in the video below) using a no-clip mode and found that Skyrim's code appears to include the continent of Tamriel - in its entirety - beyond the playable environment."
Bethesda's Todd Howard recently revealed that Skyrim's DLC would be less frequent, but "bigger and more substantial".