What? Did you think 40% + 30% + 30% reduced Destruction costs would equal greater than 1%?
Dammit I thought it was multiplicative not additive.
Also, I've killed more dragons than giants now; do giants ever respawn? I cleared every giant camp on the map and now I can't find any more of them.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
I have yet to kill any giants, except the one the Companions are fighting and two in one of the daedra quests

The game is crashing quite frequently for me, and not only when fast-travelling. Need to get that sorted out. Tried one solution I found on the Steam forums; had something to do with some speakers settings or something like that, but it didn't work.
What? Did you think 40% + 30% + 30% reduced Destruction costs would equal greater than 1%?
Dammit I thought it was multiplicative not additive.
Also, I've killed more dragons than giants now; do giants ever respawn? I cleared every giant camp on the map and now I can't find any more of them.
For some reason I thought it was gamebreaking, then I forgot that there are all those other mage trees (restoration, alteration, etc)
Also the game has gotten alot easier for some reason. It's still on the default adept difficulty and I'm literally a mage using dual daggers with no points in one-handed weapons (lol). Simply when I pull out my destruction magic everything dies.
I got to level 50 with 100 skill in both destruction and enchanting. I got that 0 magicka destruction cost, full glass armor (I didn't perk up smithing) with dual enchantments, master destruction spells, and...... yeah that was my past two days of thanksgiving break

My stats were like 550 magika, 450 health, and 100 stamina (with armour on). I sort of just like stopped pumping into magika when I realized I could get 0 destruction magicka cost so I just went to health.
I think I made a pure mage (focused perks on destruction, restoration, enchanting, light armour) but it's funny how much I rape with swords even though I have like 0 points in one handed... enchantments <3.
If I had any advice it would be
* ignore the deepfreeze/intenseflames/disintergrate perks in the destruction tree. I thought it might make the deaths look intense but it doesn't do anything really.
* enchanting/smithing/alchemy combination is overkill, but do what you want
*The game really does a good job at letting your character have a taste of everything. I made a pure mage and I can literally run around with dual swords and a full set of armour and no robes. I would probably be better at it with more warrior skills, but the character system is spread out enough so I can do this.
Was walking by a Vigilant of Stendarr(?) fighting a flame atronach. I went up to him and he said, due to my flame enchanted sword, "Don't set anything on fire, alright?" and just then the flame atronach exploded in fire. It was humorous.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
made a pure mage and I can literally run around with dual swords and a full set of armour and no robes. I would probably be better at it with more warrior skills, but the character system is spread out enough so I can do this.
I find that hard to believe; I have very high magic/archery but still nearly beginner armor/blocking/melee skills, and enemies kill me in one hit (even if I put on my set of daedric armor).
I used to be an adventurer like you... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
I think I'm about level 25 at the moment. I'm trying to be everything and I'm therefore not strong in one area.
I wear the full Nightingale armour set and use a "battlemage" kind of build. I summon atronachs for support, fire off a few spells then close into range with the Shield of Ysgramor and that lethal Mace of Molag Bal. Hearing a soul being torn out and absorbed by your massive stash of soul gems is pretty up there as far as gaming moments go. I use some Elven lightning sword sometimes as well, when I'm not eating souls.
I'm pretty fragile against the high-level enemies but that's why I use summons to distract and I also have Marcurio as a follower. Wearing a dragon priest mask and appropriate buffing armour you're lucky if there's anything left for you to kill.
made a pure mage and I can literally run around with dual swords and a full set of armour and no robes. I would probably be better at it with more warrior skills, but the character system is spread out enough so I can do this.
I find that hard to believe; I have very high magic/archery but still nearly beginner armor/blocking/melee skills, and enemies kill me in one hit (even if I put on my set of daedric armor).
What difficulty are you on? I'm only on adept but will probably bump it up. Maybe it's because I smithed, enchanted, and had light armor perks? Also hp really does make a difference and I have like 450 on a mage LOL

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
So, I can enchant items to improve my alchemy, and then I can make potions to improve my enchanting, and then I can enchant items to improve my alchemy even more, and then I can make potions to improve my enchanting even more. Why would they let us do this?
I had a blast getting a set of armor for 0-cost Alteration because Paralyze is hilarious when you can spam it.
Also, I've killed more dragons than giants now; do giants ever respawn? I cleared every giant camp on the map and now I can't find any more of them.
Respawns can take up to an in-game month. The giants near Whiterun took a while to respawn, but they did.
I've killed nearly 10 dragons around Winterhold now, though; I wonder if they're supposed to come back so frequently.
What? Did you think 40% + 30% + 30% reduced Destruction costs would equal greater than 1%?
Dammit I thought it was multiplicative not additive.
For some reason I thought it was gamebreaking, then I forgot that there are all those other mage trees (restoration, alteration, etc)
It is game-breaking; with double enchantments you can remove any magicka cost of two of the five arcane branches. Having unlimited Destruction + Restoration would practically render you invincible. Hell, spamming Destruction practically makes you untouchable. (By the way, if you haven't tinkered around with Ice Storm yet, I suggest you give it a try; it's a large-area projectile and applies the stun from the perk to anyone that gets caught in it.)
Also, did anyone else notice that if you use a reanimate spell on a dragon's corpse, it sends the corpse flying? I've found it useful when the bodies start piling up in town and I'm tired of looking at them.
Fuck Skyrim is good... Can't wait until the 3ds Max plugin gets fixed so I can export more creatures n shit into it.... Would write more, but y'kno, got dragon priests to hunt down n all.
I've found it useful when the bodies start piling up in town and I'm tired of looking at them.

Putting the difficulty to "master" or whatever the highest is made a significant difference in the game. I literally have to put everything I have to beat some things... 3+ Paralyze potions, House of horror's mace, stoneflesh (or w/e), berserker rage, ice form shout (whatever freezes enemies), sleeping tree sap, resist frost potion for good measure, and potion spamming. Just to kill a boss and his horde.

I got a generic "Note from a friend" thing (y'know, the quests that direct you to different thuums), and it said that people were scared after I used my thuum in a cave.
The only thing in the cave was a frost troll and dead bandits. I was there all of 30 seconds.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
So I just wrote a vocab story based on Skyrim.

Collapsable Box

A tall man wearing large, bulky armor with a plethora of weapons strapped to his back walked into the market of Whiterun. This enclave had numerous kiosks set up in a circle. The man approached a poor man in rags. The poor man asked for some spare change, and the tall man, identifying himself as Dovahkiin, told the poor man to look the other way, saying that he saw a dragon in the sky.
While the poor man was peering off in the distance, Dovahkiin tried to pickpocket him. The man realized what was happening, and stopped Dovahkiin. He told Dovahkiin that stealing was obviously not his forte, and that he should be ashamed for condescending to the lifestyle of a thief. Dovahkiin told the man that he’d rather get items gratis than pay for them. The poor man told Dovahkiin that he was a terrible mountebank and that trying to cozen him was the biggest mistake of his life, for he was now going to pay for it. He pulled out a dagger and charged towards Dovahkiin.
Dovahkiin was highly amused; he pulled out a bow (he was an archery virtuoso) and aimed it at the poor man. With one arrow, he downed the man. The guards of Whiterun saw what happened and began chasing Dovahkiin. Dovahkiin ran into an interstice and noticed that he was approaching a dead end. He turned and faced the guards, and let out a ferocious roar. His deafening shout let out an enormous force that launched the guards into the air. They hit the ground, unconscious, next to an icon of Talos, an ancient deity.
Before he had sent the guards flying through the air, Dovahkiin had been hit by an arrow. He saw a man preaching beside the religious statue and went up to him. Ignorant to the fact that Dovahkiin had just killed a poor man and attacked guards, the preacher saw Dovahkiin as a brave warrior and conqueror of evil, and blessed him with a paean. His therapeutic words healed the wounds, and Dovahkiin once again felt invincible. Dovahkiin, whose greatest flaw was rapacity, struck down the preacher and stole his money. He soon left the town in search of other places to pillage.

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I just learnt like... six new words then.
and that he should be ashamed for condescending to the lifestyle of a thief
I think that's wrong.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
So, because I focused mainly on the noncombat skills like pickpocketing/smithing/alchemy/enchanting/etc., I managed to hit the level cap of 50 and now my combat skills are stuck at their pitiful current levels. What good is being able to create dragonscale armor if light armor is stuck at 30?! Besthelda games, why do you punish players for doing things other than combat?
Wait, it actually caps at 50? I thought Bethesda said something like most players would get to level 50, but it would be possible to get up to level 70.
Well, I guess my restoration is never going
anywhere, then.
Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.
Patience children. Mods that remove the arbitrary level cap are on their way. As well as separate skill tree paths for Vampirism and Lycanthropy.