Apparently I can't update the OP anymore without some SQL bug, and changing it manually in the SQL is a pain in the ass. So here are the updates.
The release of HotS got me active again, and I'm trying to push to finish a majority of this before I inevitably lose steam. I've worked over the past week redoing a ton of the map from scratch, and that's actually led to a lot of better systems than what I had in place before.
I've redone most of the abilities. As shown in my last post, past patches have destroyed my abilities and I had no motivation to fix them. I've since gotten over that and aside from completely redoing the Assault's Flamethrower attack and trying to figure out how to tether the Assault's Reapers, they're all done.
I scrapped the Data Veterancy system and decided to go with a Trigger system instead. This was mostly because of the weird shared exp values that my heroes would get (i.e. .00142 exp when they should be getting 1.0) from shared kills. The new system has flaws but at least I can manage more exact experience values. Because of this, I've also scrapped the Data Learn system and decided to use Triggers to manage when abilities are learned. I'm sure there's a less complex way of doing it compared to what I'm specifically doing now, but it works so whatever.
I made some changes to the UI. In ditching the Data Veterancy, I've decided on just using text for experience, levels, and so on. I think this looks cleaner overall, and gives you a more exact representation of how your hero is doing. The hero selection screen has also been redone, and now has a much simpler look. So far the hero selection works well, but I won't know for sure until I do public testing down the line. In theory it's all fine, though. I also made better use of global variables and frankly can't believe how poorly I structured a lot of the Triggering before without them. Just goes to show that spending so much time neglecting Triggers in favor of Data actually hindered the process ultimately.
I started playing around with the cutscene editor. I think I'll save all the cutscene stuff for the end as they're mostly cosmetic, but at least I'm learning how to do them in the process. As a side note, coming from a world of professional editing the cutscene editor annoys the shit out of me.
In terms of what's ahead, I wrote out a 4-page"to-do" list with all my compiled notes over the years. I still have a lot to do before I release a beta of the map (I'm OCD like that), but most of the base systems are in place. The less cosmetic things that need to happen generally speaking are as follows:
- Add teammate hero frames to UI.
- Add minimap markers for active enemy spawn points, enemy counter-attacks, and the heroes.
- Actually settle on one idea for the items (as it stands now, I have Weapons modifying damage and attack speed, Armor modifying defense and movement speed, Weapon Addons modifying various combinations of weapon/damage augments, Armor Addons modifying various combinations of defense/health augments, and Accessories being various standalone items for use).
- Create the first 3 minibosses/special enemy units. Create AI for these units.
- Settle on an idea for how the Store should work, and add a few items to it.
- Balance income gains, and settle on what it should be based on. So far heroes gain income per minute based on level, with bonuses for checkpoints captured and bosses killed.
- Balance amount of enemies spawned based on number of active players, making sure experience gains don't suffer.
- Balance HP, armor, and damage of heroes and NPCs.
Currently Working On: My Overwatch addiction.