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Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 1
Oct 1 2010, 3:11 pm
By: Roy
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Oct 6 2010, 2:34 pm Azrael Post #121

I like Ashamed's idea.

Are there any people opposed to it? Meh, I don't see why there would be.

Doesn't it seem like a good plan? Even without having roles revealed at death, it will still work. The main thing here is to figure out who the Mafia are with our special powers. Each power role should consider themselves personally responsible for winning the game. Checking the list of roles, we have quite a few useful ones out there. The most dangerous power role to the Mafia is the Detective, so we should be sure to put a Doctor on him if we figure out who he is. I also agree that putting a Watcher on him would be good, although it will also reveal anyone else who visits him as well, including Doctors. Visiting someone doesn't make you Mafia, and assuming it does will lead to killing Doctors and other power roles. Each night we should rely heavily on what the Detective's result it, assuming that the person he investigates appears guilty, since the chances of it accurately identifying a Mafia are quite high.

Oct 6 2010, 2:37 pm Norm Post #122

Except if it's a miller or godfather... And I have a pretty good idea who the godfather is and let's just say he would love to see this plan in action.

I am opposed to this plan. (I actually don't remember most of it - do what you guys want.)


Oct 6 2010, 2:59 pm Ashamed Post #123

Hear me Raor!!

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
I like Ashamed's idea.

Are there any people opposed to it? Meh, I don't see why there would be.

Doesn't it seem like a good plan? Even without having roles revealed at death, it will still work. The main thing here is to figure out who the Mafia are with our special powers. Each power role should consider themselves personally responsible for winning the game. Checking the list of roles, we have quite a few useful ones out there. The most dangerous power role to the Mafia is the Detective, so we should be sure to put a Doctor on him if we figure out who he is. I also agree that putting a Watcher on him would be good, although it will also reveal anyone else who visits him as well, including Doctors. Visiting someone doesn't make you Mafia, and assuming it does will lead to killing Doctors and other power roles. Each night we should rely heavily on what the Detective's result it, assuming that the person he investigates appears guilty, since the chances of it accurately identifying a Mafia are quite high.

What we do in that case is after the first night, when we have a claim for detective, we have the tracker track the claim, and if the person dies we know it was mafia lying to us, if not the detective will have a roll to out for us, and it should reflect on what the tracker saw!!!!! and in that case that's when we know detect is legit, we then PM him with our rolls and he will be able to determine who is lying be commanding the rest of us to do shit. by rolls that are duplicated ( two doc claims, watcher, ETC )

This really is the most advanced best strategy in epic mafia. I don't see why it wouldn't work here ( Instead of just listening to mafia after mafia telling us who he found was guilty, we will know who our detective is.. Which is the most important role. )


Oct 6 2010, 4:15 pm Neki Post #124

Only a mafia would be opposed to a good democratic plan.


Oct 6 2010, 4:16 pm poison_us Post #125

Back* from the grave

Quote from Ashamed
What we do in that case is after the first night, when we have a claim for detective, we have the tracker track the claim, and if the person dies we know it was mafia lying to us, if not the detective will have a roll to out for us, and it should reflect on what the tracker saw!!!!! and in that case that's when we know detect is legit, we then PM him with our rolls and he will be able to determine who is lying be commanding the rest of us to do shit. by rolls that are duplicated
This makes me want to strangle you. IT IS "ROLE", NOT "ROLL".

Please stop being such a good trole.

Quote from Neki
Only a mafia would be opposed to a good democratic plan.
And this, good sir, is why I am opposed to it. FEAR ME.

Oct 6 2010, 4:53 pm Ashamed Post #126

Hear me Raor!!

Quote from Ashamed
Quote from DevliN
It also probably wont work because now you've told the Mafia not to kill whoever claims Detective.
Thats not the point of doing it, the point of doing it is so WE CONFIRM A TOWN.. its either the mafia lies and say they are detect too.. and we get the tracker to figure out which one is lying.... and we kill mafia .. or we get to know who is safe EVERYDAY until they do kill him and out someone.. Either way its good... ( If we put doc and watcher on him, then he wont die either ) .. but everyday he is alive and confirmed we get a mafia/town confirmed because we can trust his claims.

( the best the mafia can do is kill others to figure out who the doc/watcher is )

Normally in epic though there is only a doc/ a watcher.

We have both so its a very nice advantage

( once detective is confirmed by tracker, ( tracks him and sees where he visits, if the person he visits dies that night we know the claim was false, if the person lives we know he is the true detective ) The detect will give us his claim, and then we can all PM the detect our roles, and any duplicated roles he will know and he will get the others together watcher/tracker/doctor and tell them who they need to do.

Sorry poison I am not the best speller. Sometime when I type really fast, I just type the first word that comes to my head. ( It happens with words that have multiple spellings )

If you look there i did spell it role.
I am at work I don't have the luxury to make sure everything is spelled correctly or do I even care. ^^
I will make sure to spell Role > Roll from now on though! Thx
If something this little pisses you off... I find it very amusing and I will make sure I don't stop!


Oct 6 2010, 5:26 pm ImagoDeo Post #127

Devlin, as an admin, can you read other people's PMs? This could give whichever side you're on an unfair advantage.


Oct 6 2010, 5:33 pm Roy Post #128

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from ImagoDeo
Devlin, as an admin, can you read other people's PMs? This could give whichever side you're on an unfair advantage.
Devlin promised not to cheat since Norm Mafia #1, and I believe he mentioned he doesn't know exactly how to browse through other people's PMs.

Oct 6 2010, 5:49 pm ImagoDeo Post #129

Ok, that's good enough for me.


Oct 6 2010, 6:07 pm DevliN Post #130


Yeah, this is an issue people keep bringing up since Norm 1. I still have yet to check any PMs, and frankly I don't see the fun in cheating that way. :D

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 6 2010, 6:09 pm Ashamed Post #131

Hear me Raor!!

Quote from ImagoDeo
Ok, that's good enough for me.
That's the same attitude we have with the American Government...

- lol'd a bit on that :)


Oct 6 2010, 6:13 pm Norm Post #132

I'm pretty sure DevliN is legit, but you can always just delete your PMs after you read them if you're feeling skeptical. That's what some people did at first...


Oct 6 2010, 6:14 pm Roy Post #133

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Norm
I'm pretty sure DevliN is legit, but you can always just delete your PMs after you read them if you're feeling skeptical. That's what some people did at first...
He could always browse my PMs for a one-stop solution :awesome:

Oct 6 2010, 6:25 pm Norm Post #134

Quote from Roy
Quote from Norm
I'm pretty sure DevliN is legit, but you can always just delete your PMs after you read them if you're feeling skeptical. That's what some people did at first...
He could always browse my PMs for a one-stop solution :awesome:

Meh, I always use to delete the PMs people sent me directly after making a night post. I also deleted the role PMs right after sending them and remembered the roles by writing them down on a piece of paper.


Oct 6 2010, 6:55 pm DevliN Post #135


From what Devourer once told me, deleting PMs doesn't actually do anything. They're still stored somewhere in the mySQL database.

Seriously, though, you don't have to worry about me checking PMs.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 6 2010, 8:02 pm poison_us Post #136

Back* from the grave

Even more important is why are you worried about people finding your PMs :P
Quote from Ashamed
If something this little pisses you off... I find it very amusing and I will make sure I don't stop!
Quote from Ashamed
I will make sure to spell Role > Roll from now on though! Thx

Oct 6 2010, 8:07 pm Aristocrat Post #137

Lynch/hit Ashamed so he stops posting in this thread :awesome:.


Oct 6 2010, 8:59 pm Bar Refaeli Post #138

My fellow Townsmen: tonight our country, that which we stand for, and all we hold dear, faces a grave and terrible threat. This violent and unparalleled assault on our security will not go undefended... or unpunished. Our enemy is an insidious one, seeking to divide us and destroy the very foundation of our great nation. Tonight, we must remain steadfast. We must remain determined. But most of all, we must remain united. Tonight, I give you my most solemn vow: that justice will be swift, it will be righteous, and it will be without mercy.


Oct 6 2010, 9:04 pm Neki Post #139

Here goes Raccoon with his V for Vendetta quotes again. :awesome: Almost as bad as Apos.


Oct 6 2010, 9:05 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #140

So is anyone gonna claim doctor or how does this work?

Edit: Also, how is claiming detective done? Sounds risky.


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