Map Night starts in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Someone please remind me that we must try "Starlocks" next Map Night (the one that's coming), kthxbai.
I'm releasing a new version of Hero Attack tomorrow and you guys should definately check it out for map night because it is a lot of fun if you can get enough players for it. I really need people to play it because I really want feedback on how to improve it, but unfortunately I just haven't been getting the feedback that I need and it just hasn't gained the critical mass of players required for it to be playable. It's a 12 player dota-like that has 3 playable races and all the heroes are based on starcraft units. Go to the link below to see more.
You said I could broadcast Map Nights, right? >=D
I spent most of the time just editing the pictures

And getting the Live video to work.
Hey guys I just joined and I would like to come to Map Night tomorrow.
Also I am planning to test my map Zergling Blood II. But first of all,
could you tell me how to join Map Night? My sc2 ID is Twilight with 598 character code.
But first of all, could you tell me how to join Map Night? My sc2 ID is Twilight with 598 character code.
Basically just show up there at the right time (a bit before 6 PM): way to join in is to add me beforehand (payne.630) and as soon as you see me connected, just message me asking to get yourself in the Chat window.
I'm talking of "Chat window", and not "channel", which means the Map Night happens on the version 1.1.3 of 2.0 (thus -
not- the PTR version).
Thankyou for trying out hero attack. Sometimes the best feedback is negative feedback and I certainly got plenty of that.
I don't know where you guys meet up. I tried to join in last week, but no one was in that chat channel on this website. Where were you guys!?
I don't know where you guys meet up. I tried to join in last week, but no one was in that chat channel on this website. Where were you guys!?
We're in the Chat channel of this website before the Map Nights starts. Once it's started, there's basically no one that stays in there. You should show up at this URL about 10-20 minutes before the Map Night starts. However, showing up there isn't very necessary: it's mostly for me to be able to note the IDs of the new-comers so I can add them on
If you want to participate, just make sure you're online after 6PM on and message me to get invited.
Thankyou for trying out hero attack. Sometimes the best feedback is negative feedback and I certainly got plenty of that.

Many in the group are quite hard on new maps. Don't let them get you down! I certainly enjoyed the map.
Anything you can do to let new players figure out the map certainly helps though. For instance, on the buildings players are suppose to touch and click on to buy units/spells/etc. perhaps label with "Touch with Hero and click building to purchase xxx". As a new player to the map I had no clue to do this and a label might have helped.
The race selection should be done through a vote by all the players of the team once the game started.
"For instance, on the buildings players are suppose to touch and click on to buy units/spells/etc. perhaps label with "Touch with Hero and click building to purchase xxx". As a new player to the map I had no clue to do this and a label might have helped."
It does say on the load screen as well as the help menu that you can buy items from the forge/ebay/evo chamber. However, I have had other people who had difficulty figuring out how to buy items. I guess I can add some sort of flashing text over the shops that says 'buy items here'.
"The race selection should be done through a vote by all the players of the team once the game started."
I might add that in the future, however my main concern with that is the problem of racial UI. Currently racial UI is determined before the game begins and mapmakers have no way of changing this. As a result, if you pick zerg before the game starts and you get the SCV hero then the SCV hero will occasionally make drone sounds when he misplaces a building and the image around the command card will be the zerg image rather than the terran image. If blizzard adds a trigger such as 'set player 1's race to zerg' or something then I will probably add a voting system.
Contrary to what others may say, the SC2 map editor has a lot of limitations and a lot of bugs, and I have to live within them.
I've just discovered a new map with potential: "Bluefrex". We'll try it out at Map Night. It's the kind of maps that requires lotsa players to be fun. ;o
I remade popular BW map (ObserverS Dodge). Looking forward to show it on map night as well as zergling blood II.