Just a little reminder to those who might not have understood how the Map Night is organized:
At 6 PM, you should present yourself at
http://www.staredit.net/sc2mapnight/From there, we'll discuss a bit... talk about some minor tweaks map-makers can bring to their map before hosting them during the night, etc.
Last time, we've spent something like 15 minutes talking about Jac's and Artan's projects, as far as I remember.
This part of the Map Night is a good time for map-makers to try to enhance the enjoyability of their projects. I invite regular players to join the discussions as well.
Be aware that the Map Night could start as soon as the clock shows 6 PM since we can't ensure map-makers will ask for help.
Once the Map Night will have moved on to Battle.net 2.0, well, SEN's Internet channel should still be filled with the attending players, but everyone will be busy playing. If you connect yourself a bit late, I suggest that you still join the URL, but then directly jump to SC2.
From there, add me:
bg_payne_love AT hotmail.com or
payne.630If I am playing, I'll try to inform you to my best about how many minutes left we should stay in the game. If there are other parties (since the Parties Max is 6 on Battle.net 2.0), I'll inform you about it!

It is important to show at
http://www.staredit.net/sc2mapnight/ as soon as possible so we form the Parties. If we are 7 attending to the Map Night, well... someone will be left alone, so it might be better to do two parties: one of 3 and an other one of 4.
The solution I've figure out for the Chat Channel directly from Battle.net 2.0 is simply to use the Chat feature instead of the Party Talk window: it allows you to invite anyone to the chat and it doesn't have a maximum of players, as far as I know.