Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Custom Maps > Topic: Impossible Probe
Impossible Probe
Jul 15 2010, 4:39 am
By: payne  

Sep 15 2010, 6:15 am payne Post #21


OP Updated.
The latest version of the map has been published on
There shouldn't be any bugs now. :)

P.S. Please note I changed the map's name to "Impossible Probe".


Jan 16 2011, 9:18 am payne Post #22


New version published.
Renamed to "Impossible Scenario Probe".
Overall, this version simply allows more mistakes to players, thus making the game a bit easier (but still very hard! >:D).


Aug 15 2011, 3:41 am vicml21 Post #23

Just thought I'd let you know, I was playing this map earlier, was doing missions (mostly out of order) when I ran into one we didn't do, and ended up losing all our units. We had no way to quit the mission, or if there was some instructions on how to, I couldn't find it. So we could not continue playing. Just because someone else might run into the same problems. If it matters which mission, I believe it was the zerg side, I think the level looked like a drop ship, but its where the battlecruiers takes offense to something and comes and attacks you.


Aug 15 2011, 5:12 am TiKels Post #24

payne is gone until october 2012, but if I may I believe that's the point of the game. If you lose all your units you lose the game? It's been awhile so I could be totally wrong but I -think- that is how it worked.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Aug 16 2011, 11:30 pm vicml21 Post #25

From the descriptions, it sounded like you had the option of losing a scenario or two, if that isn't the case, they should probably update some of the briefing/help screens. It also works properly for other scenarios, I believe I failed another mission in the left side scenarios, and once we lost all our units, it took as back to the scenario selection and updated the score properly, where it said we failed 1, and passed however many we did.

Another bug:
There is also a mission where you get no Command Centre visible, and if you didn't manually hotkey the command centre (which a couple of my friends did, because it was already prehotkeyed for them) you were not able to scan at all.


Dec 7 2011, 6:26 pm payne Post #26


Alright, I've decided I would fix this map, and it's done. :)
I've tweaked some levels, fixed the pylon range, fixed the2 levels that were sharing the same Orbital Commands, and all that jazz!
Now, there is only one little bug left, but it involves changing a grand total of like 30 triggers just to make sure that if a player leaves, the credit screen appears when all levels are done... and this is utterly minor, and I am too lazy, so... suck it!

Have fun beating the map. :)
(Map published.)



Dec 13 2011, 1:55 am Tempz Post #27

It would be nice if you posted this design as a template in a code box.


Dec 13 2011, 3:12 am DevliN Post #28


Quote from Tempz
It would be nice if you posted this design as a template in a code box.
You can just quote the OP and see it that way, too.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 15 2012, 2:07 am payne Post #29


Updated once again! :awesome:
Now published under the Arcade category, with a few improvements. :3


Nov 13 2015, 6:24 pm Alzarath Post #30


Yo payne. Noticed some people were playing the map, so I joined in. One serious design flaw, the Select Army button (F2) selects all your units on the map. One slip-up and you're going to lose a lot of units. I know it's old as hell, but fix it.

Also you should make it so the players can choose which unit set they want to use.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 13 2015, 7:58 pm by Alzarath.

Dec 31 2015, 3:57 pm payne Post #31


Quote from Alzarath
One serious design flaw, the Select Army button (F2) selects all your units on the map. One slip-up and you're going to lose a lot of units.
Awful. Might fix that when I get back home.

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[05:01 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: actually I am mad after all, looks like you're gonna have to follow through
didn't I by posting the note?
[04:59 pm]
Ultraviolet -- actually I am mad after all, looks like you're gonna have to follow through
[04:59 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :lol:
[04:46 pm]
NudeRaider -- damn, and here I was prepared and got chatgpt to rephrase it a bunch of times for more people to join the bandwagon. :D
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- lol it's fine, I was just being sassy :P
[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- maybe my browser window didnt update or something funky
[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- lol sry UV, I must not have read that? I couldve sworn I was the next person to say something after CAFG but clearly based on timestamps I was 4 hours later
[03:18 pm]
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