This is by no means my article, you can find the website I got this from here:'s a very good article and worth the read. Enjoy.
(It's easier to read on the site)
Blizzard has changed.
It’s no longer about gamers, customer satisfaction or quality.
It’s an endless series of monetizations, incorporated by executives and corporates.
Blizzard, and it’s consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine.
Blizzard has changed.
ID tagged gamers carry ID tagged accounts, use ID tagged forums. Real ID info inside their accounts are exchanged with shady Chinese phishing scammers for profit.
Account control.
Ladder control.
Map control.
Game control.
Everything is monitored, and kept under control.
Blizzard has changed.
The age of chat channels has become the age of Facebook.
All in the name of averting competition from 3rd party servers like iCCup.
And he who controls, controls history.
Blizzard has changed.
When is under total control, greed, becomes routine.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 26 2010, 4:00 am by Ryu.
Go to the website to read:
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 26 2010, 3:55 am by Ryu.
Took years to read.
I hope this is posted on Blizz's official forums.
I wonder how they think they will sell SC2 if they keep it like that... Everyone is fucking complaining, wake up!
And by the way, they are really planing on making us pay every month for access to 2.0? That's what I understood from the article
I think he was joking about that, but you never know.
Considering they put up that unicorn horse thing in World of Warcraft and made 24 mill or some ridiculous amount of money in a couple of days. Diablo 3 is going to have micro payments if you wanna buy anything special. Starcraft 2 is already 3 diff games. I wouldn't be surprised if they added a premium feature for MABYE ONE WITH CHATROOMS YAY.
Ever since Vivendi merged the two companies, it's gone to shit. They're a bunch of corporate nazi's now.
Spread the word. I'm personally boycotting SC2.
The problem is the way Activision Blizzard is structured. Instead of having two equal people up at top, or just having complete separate game development, they put an Activision guy on top to which Mike Morhaime has to report to. According to, there's 1 Activision guy who is above the top Blizzard guy. Activision is known for it's console games which use the Xbox Live model which is great for consoles. They think the same formula can for for PC in 2.0. Unfortunately, PC games are quite different from console games.
They sabotaged and screwed over IW. I don't think they know shit about console games, either. Damn Activision fucking gamers over all the time...
Made me want to replay MGS4...
While browsing it seems like Blizzard has said they're going to add chat channels and cross-realm play. So it seems like they are listening to the community somewhat. I think I even heard something like there will be LAN only for tournaments or something when I was watching an interview of Idra and Tasteless, which is silly because of the problems it creates with not having access to LAN outside of tournaments. As for Blizzard controlling everything, Idra and Tasteless had the view that it's not really a bad thing, because through Blizzard we get "protection." I don't know about that though.
I believe they should have taken 1.0, recolored it blue, rounded some corners, and called it 2.0.
Jus' saying.
None. 1.0 needed way more than color and a pretty interface, that's the whole idea of 2.0. If they wanted a pretty interface they would've done it, just like they did for Warcraft 3. It has to do with the programming and communication systems that none of us really see. We can't rely on a system designed in 1997 forever, it had severe limitations in today's world and a complete new system had to be done to be much more efficient.
None. 1.0 needed way more than color and a pretty interface, that's the whole idea of 2.0.
...which is why Bnet 2.0 has at most one tenth the functionality of Bnet 1.0. :-|
With how retarded 2.0 is right now (in my opinion at least). I believe this would have been a much better solution.
take 1.0, recolor it blue, round some corners, call it 2.0
I like how you can join a game and if there is no current host you become one, but beyond that I want version 1 back. I miss the spam bots far too much!!
I like how you can join a game and if there is no current host you become one, but beyond that I want version 1 back. I miss the spam bots far too much!!
Yea I love it, too, but an additional column displaying how many of how many maximal players are in the current lobby like 7/8 players means that if you join the game is full
Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.
Blizzard already said they weren't going to do that.
Just play SC2 for free! Download the game from blizz, wait till like 28th or 29th, that's when the crack's ready, and play. A month later or so private 2.0 servers will be poping out like mushrooms after rain. Just show a little patience and don't give them a cent of your or your parent's money.
Or buy the game and complain your ass off.
I believe they should have taken 1.0, recolored it blue, rounded some corners, and called it 2.0.
Jus' saying.
That plus a matchmaking system and ladder that didn't suck. But yes, you're absolutely right. And they're wrong about nearly everything they did do.
Wait, so I don't get it. You can't join a channel like say, "op sen" and chat with random people? GHEY!