I haven't really tested the limits and variability of the format ...
What's the ordering of the layers themselves? Does it just go like Layer 1 = base Layer 2 = first texture added, layer 3 = second texture added... and so on? or does the engine have different textures assigned to each layer?
I haven't used the sc2 editor in a while and I haven't updated SC2 recently so I can't really look at specifically where, but wherever you define what textures the map uses is the order that these exist in. (also see a couple blocks down...)
Would it be possible for you to add a "make unused" button and completely delete the mask... meaning making it unused. I've found out that even if you "mistakenly" add a texture and even if you undo to complete deletion of it it will still keep the layer, completely black, of course, but that should increase the filesize, right? Which is a bad thing for something we're not actually using.
All 8 layers always exist in the file. I haven't played around to see what happens if some don't exist.
If the "t3texturemap" determines the layers order, would it be possible for you to make this program also able to "order" the layers? Meaning that I want certain layer to be on top of another, for that matter, meaning like this I've painted a dirt spot (Layer 2) then I painted a grass on top of it with a lower strenght on the editor so I could still see the dirt (layer 3) then on top of that I painted a rocky texture, with not complete opacity, meaning I could still see the grass, but not the dirt. (layer 4) Would it be possible for you to make this program such that you could rearrange that order, meaning, I want the layer 2(dirt) to now be "on top" of the grass and grass (layer 3) inmidiately after the default base (layer one). Meaning that I want to make layer 2 into 3 and 3 into 2 or are the texture references to each layer not pointed by the t3texturemask? It wouldn't be much of a mask swapping but rather a "assign the other one's texture to another layer" kind of thing.
t3texturemasks (or whatever, the name is a variable) does not. t3terrain does, and t3texturemasks uses this order:
<textureList num="8">
<texture i="0" name="BraxisAlphaMetal"/>
<texture i="1" name="BraxisAlphaRock"/>
<texture i="2" name=""/>
<texture i="3" name=""/>
<texture i="4" name=""/>
<texture i="5" name=""/>
<texture i="6" name=""/>
<texture i="7" name=""/>
Is 2048 by default the max size of the layers? Can you make them bigger for much more detailing?
I don't think so, but I haven't tried loading wrong-sized images.
What happens if I give a mask to one of these unuseds? what texture does it use?
Would it be possible to use more than 8 textures, in theory, if you could assign more layers and assign those layers to a texture reference? Where are the textures for each layer referenced anyway?
8 textures is hardcoded. I've tried playing with this (adding entries to textureList, etc.) and t3texturemasks seems to always (and only) have 8 textures.
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