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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Sep 10 2013, 12:48 am Riney Post #2461

Thigh high affectionado

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 10 2013, 3:16 pm FatalException Post #2462

Quote from Riney
I really hope people are asking for an Infinity Edge next, just because it looks so damn stupid. Also,

Quote from video
the donut
sinful succulence leona roit pls


Nov 4 2013, 6:23 am Bar Refaeli Post #2463

Can we play pls


Nov 6 2013, 9:31 pm LoveLess Post #2464

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Season 4 PBE Update


Nov 13 2013, 8:46 pm Wing Zero Post #2465

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I forgot to post this earlier. This was game 3 of my gold promo matches

Nov 22 2013, 9:33 pm Dem0n Post #2466

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Dec 8 2013, 12:10 pm Zycorax Post #2467

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Co-op vs AI on intermediate gets interesting when three people leaves the game 20 minutes in :0_o:

Dec 19 2013, 7:29 pm Pr0nogo Post #2468

Mar 3 2014, 2:57 am Pr0nogo Post #2469

Mar 13 2014, 8:18 pm Apos Post #2470

I order you to forgive yourself!

The most annoying thing in LoL is that almost every. single. game. has an AFK player. If I win, the other team had an AFK, if I lose the AFK is on my side...

Mar 13 2014, 10:42 pm Wing Zero Post #2471

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I don't see that problem much anymore, it might be because I've only been playing aram recently but i do agree it has plagued me in the past. Playing with friends will help reduce the odds though.

Mar 13 2014, 11:01 pm rayNimagi Post #2472

Quote from Apos
The most annoying thing in LoL is that almost every. single. game. has an AFK player. If I win, the other team had an AFK, if I lose the AFK is on my side...
For me, most games don't have any AFKers, and I mainly play normal and bot games. But it does happen sometimes, which I dislike.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Apr 13 2014, 5:38 pm Apos Post #2473

I order you to forgive yourself!

I did a little experiment. I went a ~20 games winning streak last week. I carried most of my games (this is low level) and pretty much never saw a single toxic player. Then, I decided to play slightly bad, making beginner mistakes (not silly ones) and all of a sudden, I have people screaming after me in every single game, then harassing me in chat (quite funny, but retarded none the less).

Not sure what that says about the community, or the match making algorithm.

(All those games we not ranked.)

Apr 30 2014, 4:32 pm Apos Post #2474

I order you to forgive yourself!

For a good game to watch: jump to 2 hours and 54 minutes. He was playing against the most famous Singed player: (I'll try to find that video once he finishes streaming so we get both side, it was amazing watching that live.)

Edit: Here is the other side's stream: jump to 7 hours and 18 minutes.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 30 2014, 5:25 pm by Apos.

May 1 2014, 3:08 am rayNimagi Post #2475

Has anyone tried Team Builder? I like it, but the queue times seem to be longer than normal games.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

May 1 2014, 3:27 am Apos Post #2476

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from rayNimagi
Has anyone tried Team Builder? I like it, but the queue times seem to be longer than normal games.
Been playing it quite a lot. I have really fast queue times. It's all about knowing when to use it. There are times in the day where it's way fast other times it's dead.

It's also about picking a champ that people will want in their comp. Or an idea they really like. When I play Tankmo, people praise me, when I play Sion support, people say 'Why not'.

May 4 2014, 12:21 am ShadowFlare Post #2477

I queued up with support Rengar at least a couple times on team builder sometime before they changed bola to a skill shot. I would max bola first and throw them at the enemy champs in lane just about every chance I got. It was quite brutal, especially when I was at 4 or 5 ferocity for the double bola. In one of those games, I got effectively a triple kill and later on an actual triple kill (9 kills, 3 deaths total - all 3 of which were from tower diving the taric, once successfully killed him on the dive :lol: ) and my adc had more kills than me, iirc. I haven't tried it yet since they changed bola, so I don't know how it would be in lane now. The biggest part of the change is that it can be blocked by minions.


Jun 5 2014, 12:21 am Wing Zero Post #2478

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

So umm, I seem to be the only one in my division lol.

Jun 5 2014, 12:24 am jjf28 Post #2479

Cartography Artisan

data yolo queue

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Jun 5 2014, 1:40 am Wing Zero Post #2480

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Too bad I cant get a big enough group to play it as a team. I was legit surprised the name was actually available.

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[2024-10-09. : 7:27 pm]
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[2024-10-09. : 12:42 pm]
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[2024-10-08. : 6:40 pm]
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[2024-10-07. : 3:18 pm]
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